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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Axis is still unaware of the twin near him. However it seems he is petting a feral dog. "Hi there woofers" the dog barks. "You tried to kill me...not cool...." The dog whimpers and wags it's tail. "Well....you showed me that my abilities work on animals....flawlessly and now I have a dog" he chuckles. "Ironic" he pats the dog on the head. "Say I wonder if my ability works on other races....how fun would that be" the dog looks up at axis and tilts it's head. "Woofers...you are quiet a smart pup...lets go together shall we?" He stands fully and chooses a random direction to walk, his bow in one hand the dog walking along next to him on the other side. His wings folded neatly and his face actually a bit peaceful. Almost like he isn't completly self absorbed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Leon saw Axis and smirked and teleported himself in front of him. "Ah 'Valentine' so good to see you. How are you Axis?" He said with a smirk. He decided to get straight to the point. "I'm going to get straight to the point. I have an offer for you. One that I know you wouldn't dare refuse."

Leon opened a portal to where Rhona was and gestured for Axis to follow.


Meanwhile, Rhona had an uninvited visitor; it was Shone-Lee. "Such a handsome face, no? To bad he's so damn full of himself. " She said as she walked up from behind Rhona. Rhona tensed up, upon recognizing who the new commercial was.

" What do you want, Shone-Lee? " she replied with a cold and sharp tone..

"Finally somebody knows my name. Looks like you've been doing your homework. " the woman replied with a smirk. Rhona nodded in response. " As for the reason for me coming here; I have some information about your 'friends' that might interest you." Shone-Lee then proceeded to tell Rhona of the events taken place and the sins the merged have committed.

At the end of Shone-Lee's explanation, a fire equivalent to that of a white dwarf star, surrounded Rhona, as her eyes glowed a bright orange-yellow burning from pure rage. Yet the fire didn't once touch nor burn the body she was pouring life into. "THEY DID WHAT?!" She roared, a plume of fire erupted.

"You heard me. Just thought you would be interested in what I had to say." With that Shone-Lee disappeared once more.

"Those damn fools! They will pay dearly for their sins; I'll be sure of that!" Rhona roared infuriated. However, after this was finished, she would take this directly to Flemming and personally see that every last one of the merged that committed their sin, would be severely punished for their crimes. If she were to take matters into her own hands, she would be no better than those who committed such unforgivable crimes. With this in mind, Rhona calmed down and the fire subsided.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

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Yuki blushed when Xoxi hugged her. She was hugging so her so closely, and so tightly that it was almost as if she was trying to...Yuki blushed harder at the thought. The goddess of dance had to get her mind off of the hug and how it felt, so she shifted her eyes to look at Xoxi's...Yuki could swear that her face was beet red. The demigoddess was cute. Much to Yuki's misfortune, it wasn't just that. Xoxi, in Yuki's eyes, was VERY cute. She hadn't felt this way since she talked with Hecate all those years ago.

When Yuki attempted to speak, it sounded like a combination of muffled words and stuttered gibberish.

Meanwhile, in Claire's mind...

A meat cleaver? Really? replied Claire in response to Tlevran.

This guy must have been serious about sleeping under the ground if he didn't know much about either her or Yuki. Sure, he'd probably be able to kill her while she's in her unconscious state right now, but he sure as hell wouldn't be able to take Yuki out that easily. Claire also couldn't believe that the dude was so old that he was speaking out his feats and actions as if Claire actually cared. And...did he think that Miriam was her sister as well? Yikes. Someone needs to help him get his facts straight.

Listen, dude. You can make any threat you want, and tell me all the stories of your 'good ol' days', but I can guarantee you that Yuki's not a frail little flower. You'd be surprised how much of a fighter she is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

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Xoxi stared into the goddess' eyes and discovered that Yuki had a crush on her. The face alone gave it away, really.

"... do you... um... yeah the thing with love and shit? Not sex but the infatuation thing."

Xoxi sounded really dumb and stuttery, as if similar feelings were exchanged towards Yuki. As the moon rose over the cityscape of San Francisco, Xoxi glowed dimly with a blue aura, energy was slowly replenishing within Xoxi's body, and Xoxi demonstrated this by lifting Yuki off her feet and carrying her.

"Heheh, I kinda like you too, if that means anything. We should probably get Claire out of here and into a different place before we really talk..."

Xoxi lifted Yuki onto her shoulders and carried her to where Claire was knocked out. Xoxi bent over carefully and lifted Claire's body off the ground, slightly staggering when she got completely up.

"Ngh... thank god for mother dearest, or I'd be without a back right now."

To be honest, the moon was the only thing allowing Xoxi to do this right now. Yuki weighed surprisingly little and Claire... well... was Claire. Either way she was carrying two people at once, and it was not an easy effort with her exhausting her powers earlier. The moon was the only thing keeping Xoxi standing.

"So cutie, where we heading? I'd attempt to shadow-port but I don't think I can right now."


"I expect she's a strong fighter, but in times of peril, people let their guards down, gods or not. It seems like she's got a thing for the demigod at that, and since she's weakened currently... well... if I take her out then Yuki will be open for a hit, and trust me, it'll only take one. All I want is to find Miriam, and then I'll remove the emblem on your hand. Okay?"

Tlevran was clearly not going to dick around with this. He wanted answers, and in a very short amount of time, he would get that answer. If he didn't... a certain goddess was going to perish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis' pink eyes meet Leon's. "I'm guessing the wings gave me away...ah well...they are quite worth the extra day of body manipulation" Axis shakes his head and pats the dog on the head. He then shoos the dog, who trots away. Axis then focuses back on Leon. "An offer I can't refuse huh?" Axis chuckles. "Why does that sound like a trap...Give me one good reason why I should set foot through that portal...let alone listen to you." He then puts his free hand in his pocket, the other still holding the bow. His eyes revealing nothing about what he is thinking, his face showing for once, no emotion. Compared to Alec, Axis is a closed book.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Leon shruggs with a rather indifferent look on his face. "Fine. Don't believe me. It's a shame though. All that effort to make you your own body. Gone to waste. Well. Might as well destroy it since your not interested. Cya." He said shrugging once more than disappeared through the portal. On the other side he waited for Axis to appear through the portal. Leon knew that this would be too good of an offer for even Axis to give up. He knew that Axis would follow him, thus he deliberately left the portal open.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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Landon followed Cia through the portal as they embraced each other's lips. He saw that they were now in some sort of bedroom. He assumed it was hers as he smiled. She told him how she thought he was seduced and how she would make it all better. He knew that he was the who seduced those women, but he finally had Cia now. Mixed emotions of love, care, joy and lust all welled within him. He certainly wasn't going to correct her. Now wasn't the time for that. He was just happy that she was going to make everything better.

"It's been a secret, but I've wanted you for a while now." He lifted her legs on either side of him and carried her to her bed. Kissing her again, he gently laid her down and took her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"You have yourself a deal." Reese smiled as he finally did it. He doesn't have to shed anymore of his peoples blood. Reese thought for a moment and look at Cythlla the whole time he wondered through his thoughts. "How long would it take for the child to hatch?" He asked even though he wasn't sure if she knew or not. "I was thinking we could tell someone about the baby but I'm not to sure who'd be happy to see you amongst the living again." Reese petted the egg and thought more. "Screw it! Let's tell the other gods! If they have a problem then I don't care! I have to put my family first after all." Reese said the last solely starring at Cythlla.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Axis blinks. His own...body. He stands there for a minute letting it sink in. In his head he looks at alec. He strides over and released him but makes sure he is knocked out. Shrugging he strides through the portal. He finds his own body and stares at it. He kneels and takes a deep breath before his current body becomes enveloped it. The pink then goes to the new body. After some time alec is collapsed next to axis.

Bit more time and each one wakes up. Alec roars and charges axis who punches him in the face. Alec goes to his God form and axis seems unfazed as they fight more. It would seem axis is beating the heck out of Alec.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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As soon as Axis enters his own body, Rhona collapsed only to be caught by Leon and then taken away by him to a safer distance. She was weak and barely conscious as she reached out to Alec only to have her arm fall limp. Her vision was blurry and her mind reeled. Leon kissed her on the forehead, healing her wounds and telling her telepathically to rest. A sudden bolt of lightning struck between Alec and Axis. "Alec! Axis! Tha's enough! Rhona did this ta save both of ya! Not ta have ya destroy each other tha first chance ya get! Show some gratitude, ya damn fools!" Leon's voice roared over and two fighting brothers, his eyes glowed a bright blue as he glared at them angrily.

Rhona lightly touched Leon's cheek to get his attention. He looked down to see her smiling weakly and slowly shake her head. "It's OK... Let them fight... It's what brothers do from time to time... I don't mind... I'm just glad they're both safe..." She murmered her voice barely audible. "For now... We need to go to Nexsus and tell Flemming of the evils the merged have committed... What they did..."

"Was unforgivable. I know. And they will be punished. I promise. " Leon finished her sentence, agreeing with her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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After the deed was done Cia was getting dressed. "Don't ever let anyone else take you alright?" Cia said with a smile. After she said this though she opened a portal to show the earth. "I've been thinking of making a race of my own since I'm back now. What do you think?" Cia asked looking down at the earth. After all that had happened Cia seemed far less timid than she originally was. She seemed more confident but also more scheming.

"Also... you said that you would be mine for ever. How far are you willing to go to prove that?" Cia asked him with a kind smile on her face. "Would you be willing to marry me to make that a promise?" Cia asked him. Cia's eyes showed a bit of desperation. If he answered poorly, then what she does next wouldn't be pretty.

Cythlla looked at him and smiled. She would still keep him to his original deal though. For each child after this she would require him to kill one of his own race, and that meant one of the royal family. "You really wanna tell them? I imagine they already know I'm alive since I created an entire race. As for when the child hatches, I have no idea, it's a first time for me as well. It could hatch today for all I know." Cythlla said looking at the egg before walking out towards a nearby window. "I would rather not show my face anyways. They would kill me in an instant since I was the one who taught the humans how to kill us in the first place." Cythlla said as she looked out onto her people. The Inklings were playing their games of trying to cover as much area as possible for now. They were nothing more than children at the moment after all.

@ace of flames01

Flemmings in the meantime had been watching over the world from the nexus. He had seen his sister kill, and it terrified him. He knew what she was like in that mode of envy. He had seen it before and now she could release that mode without hesitation. He knew that he should punish his sister for this. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. A blue light appeared above his head then disappeared. He had become the sin of Sloth for not taking action against his own sister for her crimes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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Landon continued to lie in her bed as she got dressed. "Haha, alright, but if no one else takes me you'll have to fulfill all of my needs." As Cia opened a portal to earth, Landon put on some pants and came up behind her. Holding her as she talked about starting her own race. She was recovering from the incident well. He was happy for her and wanted her to continue getting better. "I think that's a great idea. They can count on the support of the Tari, and my support of course."

Cia's next question shocked him a little, but wasn't necessarily unwanted. "Are you proposing Cia?" He said with a smug grin. "Of course I would be willing to marry you. I already promised and I keep my promises as well, but if we are going to keep this promise, I'm going to have to tell you the truth. As long as you think you can handle and help me with my skeletons, I'm willing to conquer yours with you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


As the moonlight shone onto Xoxi, Yuki went from finding her cute, to finding her stunning. Her features were brought out in ways that Yuki wasn't expecting, and her beauty was something that reminded her a lot of Hecate. The blue aura that surrounded Xoxi's body did nothing but compliment the demigoddess' looks. Yuki was speechless, and remained that way until Xoxi picked her and her sister up over her shoulders. Though it was unnecessary, Yuki felt that it was strangely...romantic.

Then Xoxi asked where they were headed. Truth be told, Yuki was just going to bring Claire and Cia -as well as the then unconscious Xoxi- back to her own dimension to rest. She didn't quite know if Xoxi wanted to go somewhere in particular, so she had to ask.

"D-Do you have anywhere in mind? If not we could go back to m-my place."


You know, I've seen deals like these before thought Claire. Yeah, first the evil dude forces someone into a deal, then the sucker reluctantly agrees, the sucker fulfills their end of the deal, and the evil dude finds a loophole! ...Yeah, we're not doing that.

Claire snickered a bit at her personal joke. In actuality, he did somewhat have a point. If Yuki was in love with Xoxi, then Xoxi's death or injury would probably give him just enough of an opening to get a hit in...Then again even if he did hit her, their contingency plan would come into action, and things would spell out badly for the dude. Claire hoped it wouldn't have to come to that.

Sorry, dude. You want to find Miriam? Do some research and think on it a bit. Maybe then you'll find a way to find her...or not. Nyeh.

If Claire could stick her tongue out at him, she would...but she wasn't entire sure, so she had to make a sound that indicated she was doing so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

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"I got nothin'. Your place sounds cool... if you don't mind me going there anyway."

Xoxi smiled as she thought about some things regarding what just happened. She was just on an emotional rollercoaster powered by insanity and adrenaline, and now here she is, carrying a person she semi-dislikes and another person she likes a lot. It's a new chapter in the story of Xoxi, and what comes next may lead to new and exciting things! She was happy to see what came next!

Then she thought about Cia, and the rollercoaster powered again.

Cia, the one who indirectly led to the deaths of both her father and mentor. Cia, a female that Xoxi actually really liked. Cia, effectively a large scale Adolf Hitler. Cia, a goddess that could easily turn Xoxi into a pile of bones and mush. Cia, a person that called Xoxi foolish in believing herself.

Xoxi was not fond of Cia's presence anymore. It would be a long time before that was fixed, and it would be bad for Xoxi to act out in a fit of rage and try to hurt Cia, she knew that, but if Cia started to really piss off Xoxi then punches would be thrown. She was redeemable, but it would be a hard road to redemption.

Xoxi didn't even know why Cia had slain everyone, now that she thought about it, and figured it was an okay question to ask at this point.

"Hey Yuki... why did Cia do the thing with the genocide...?"


Tlevran sighs, figuring out these threats wouldn't work for shit. He was disappointed, but not mad.

"Alright. You win. Can you at least tell me who I can talk to so I can find Miriam? It's kind of important for my... um... boss. Contracts and the sort, y'know? By the way your music was good."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Both men pause. Then they begin circling each other. Alec still angry about his body being taken over and axis...kind of defending himself. Alec launches himself again snapping his jackal jaws. Earning a crack against the face with Axis' bow. The sound loud and painful. "I am grateful darling...this one is the one that attacked first" Axis kicks Alec in the side while he's down. "If i could knock you out in your mind I can do the same out here...idiot" Alec is crumpled, his body going back to human showing a large array of bruises and wounds. Where Axis seems practically unharmed. It is clear who is better at fighting hand to hand. "Well...now you've got the mutt...and I've got a body...so ill be gone for now anyway" He does a two finger salute. "Ta darling." He teleports to his roman home. He then stands in front of a mirror for a time. Looking thrilled about having his own body...his own mind.

Alec groans and coughs, the whole ordeal having completely wiped him out. His clothes even are back to what he usually wears. He wheezes a bit and attempts to get up, but gives up laying on his back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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After Axis left, Rhona let herself down from Leon's hold, and scrambled over to him. In a matter of moments, she was at Alec's side. She hugged him happily, crying tears of joy, a sudden warm glow of light enveloped Alec's body. All his bumps and bruises healed, and his pain disappeared. "Oh thank goodness you're alright!" She whispered softly with a relieved tone. She released him with a warm smile and giggled a bit, then pressed her forehead against his and blushed slightly. "Welcome back!" Her voice was a gentle whisper.

Leon sighed and followed closely behind Rhona, grinning slightly. "Welcome back, Alec." He said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"I haven't thought about that." Was all Reese managed to squeeze out. Cythlla really fucked up their course of actions with what she did previously before the extinction of mankind. "Then there's nothing else we can do besides rasing this egg..." Reese walked over near the window Cythlla looked out of and leaned against a near by wall. "Unless you want to do the political stuff and have our races officially acknowledged as allies?" He takes a quick peek out he window. "Or would we had to hold off on that as well..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Cia turned to Landon smiling and hugging him when he said that he would agree to marry her. And then he mentioned being open about things. This was something Cia wasn't so sure about. But she figured he would accept her darker side no matter what. It was going to come out eventually after all. "So what is this truth you want to tell me?" Cia asked him with a slightly more serious look on her face. She had recently been formulating plans to make her race. All that was left for that plan though was for her to put it into action.

Cythlla looked back at the egg again. "Yeah, the past does tend to complicate things." Cythlla said with a sigh as she continues to look out the window at the inklings enjoying them selves. "I see no problem with the races allying to each other. Though the inklings are quite young I'm afraid, their nothing more than kids. Though I'm sure the leaders would understand it enough to know about the treaty." Cythlla said looking out over the inklings.

From above Alec was a spider. It came down and landed on his head. From there it bit him then he would begin to have an uncontrollable urge to feed energy off of someone. He would need to eat, or else he would start to feel excruiting pain. Above the others however was a golden spider watching over the scene. It did nothing more than watch the tragedy that was about to happen. The closet thing to Alec was Rhona she may be the first to be fed upon.

Another spider was near Tlrevan, he landed on his shoulder and began speaking. "You have failed your task. Mistress Maria has found another to play the role of the sin of gluttony. For now, bide your time. Once the portal opens you may do as you wish with what comes out." The Spider said in Tlravens ear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Alec smiles a them and gets up. "Thanks" Then he suddenly feels weak...like he needs energy. The urge starts to get uncontrollable, his eyes light up as if a flash light is lit behind them. With what little control he has left he pushes rhona out of the way before his jaw hangs open. The opening of his mouth a lot larger then what should be possible. Then it begins.

Alec grabs Leon and starts sucking out his energy in larger quantities then what he has ever done...then what he has ever needed to do. It looks like air is moving from leon into the large gaping maw that has become Alec's mouth. The experience much like kirby sucking up various things. His eyes glazed over almost zombie like as he drains Leon's energy. It seems like he can't stop....like he has lost all control...and that is because he has. If axis was there he would have been hit on the back of the head...but the one person capable of not being harmed by Alec's powers isn't there to help them. They are on their own.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona watched in horror as she saw the life be literally sucked out of her twin. She quickly pushed Leon out of the way, taking his place. "Rhona! No!" He screamed in horror as he reached out to her, then swooned and fainted.

Rhona felt her life being drained away, yet she didn't move, letting Alec take her life. She held Alec's hand and smiled warmly, as he continued to take her life energy. "It's OK... It's OK... Take as much as you need... I'll be... Alright... I'll be... Alright..." She said softly, her voice faded, growing softer... And softer.... Until she didn't have the strength to speak anymore. Her warm and gentle grip loosened as her vision and legs failed her. It didn't take long for her to faint as well. She collapsed at Alec's feet, yet her smile did not leave her.
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