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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Alec eventually heads to bed in his home away from home. Knowing the canines sharing the area would be going to meditate, pray, or sleep. Once sound asleep he finds himself in a field. Like in many of his dreams he is in his human form. He finds himself wandering aimlessly.
That is until he spots a tree. He finds himself going to it not really knowing why. Feeling as if something is pulling him to it. Once there he sees rhona. This causes him to pause, leading to him standing there looking at her for a few moments. Eventually he walks over to her and gently sits next to her. "Rhona..." He doesnt know what to say, his voice coming out as more of a whisper then his normal voice.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After Rhona blew up and disappeared, everyone was gone. Rhona and Shone-Lee were gone and Cia was gone to her own realm. Somehow Leon broke the teleportation to the dark realm and disappeared with Rhona. The berserker was left alone. There was nothing left to destroy. With an angry roar, he jumped to the moon where upon landing, he fell asleep. A month later he saw the state of the world and the tear opening. Something came out and began to inhabit the mortals. One even inhabited a Tari. "It's time they solve their own problems."

With that Landon launched himself toward Mars.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona's eyes slowly opened to see Alec sitting next to her. Afraid and ashamed, she immediately paniced and ran into the field. However, she didn't get very far before she tired and tripped, collapsing on the ground. A sense of deja vu overcame her as she remembered the day she first met Alec; realizing she hasn't changed much since then.

Instead of running again, she curled up in a tight ball and just laid there, embarrassed and ashamed of herself. Her cheeks were a bright red with embarrassment and she was breathing heavily from running. She didn't want to face Alec. She knew he would hate her for turning on Cia and she feared rejection from Alec. She didn't want him to hate her, she wanted him to accept her feelings and recooperate these feelings in return. While she had admitted her feelings of affection to him, she doubted that he had actually heard her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


"Xoxi..." replied Claire as Yuki.

Claire wasn't sure on how she felt about Xoxi and Yuki being an item. On one hand, she was glad that Yuki had found herself a lover. On the other hand, her older half-sister instincts always kicked in around her now. as much as she wanted to find a way to redeem herself to the demigoddess, Claire really felt as if Xoxi would do something to taint Yuki's purity.

Yuki, in the meantime, giggled when Xoxi surprise-hugged her.

"Thank you, Xoxi. I'm glad that you love it so much. I was worried that it was too different from what you're used to."

Yuki's realm was one of freedom. The elements did what they wished, yet they balanced themselves to escape chaos. Pillars of each element rose in the distance and nearby, while elementals were littered about the realm, tending to the smaller details, and doing what they could to keep the realm nice.

Spirits of the legendary Mirifakino Warriors resided here as well. They explored on their own until they are called to help their people again. Their ethereal appearances looked beautiful among the Winter snow. One even picked an ice flower from the ground to admire it's beauty.

Yuki had tried her best to capture the natural beauty of the original earth, and Claire had to admit that it may be better than the one they had first grown to love. At least, look-wise. Of course, the music goddess felt something wrong.

Claire, not bothering to eat breakfast, got up with a concerned look on her face.

"Yuki, do you mind if I open a portal to the Earth? I want to check something."

Yuki nodded, though not without concern of her own rising within her eyes.

Claire hesitated for a moment, but then opened a portal of light and darkness to the Earth. The scene was shocking. A tear had been opened in the sky...


The bandits had been recovering since their defeat in the ruined city. The two remaining Mirifakino exiles were saddened and angered by the deaths of their comrades. They had been training to avenge them, learning to summon upon more legendary spirits. Cherry was also mad, though he didn't want to avenge anyone. He just wanted to get back at the b**** that kicked him. Resin took the defeat in stride, as he was distracted when he was hit. The Duskician...he was more difficult to read. On one hand, he cared not for the loss, aside from the fact that they had less people to work with. In the other hand, he had managed to see the Goddess that had created his people.

The Duskician didn't know how to feel about that. Was it a sign that those three were heinous beings? Were they traveling to cause destruction? Why was his goddess there? He didn't know, but regardless, he had decided to make those three women his enemy.

When the sky fissured, and the spirits arrived, the exiles were the first to notice something wrong. Spirits that were foreign to their people had descended, and they sensed that their people were in danger. When they had addressed it to their comrades, the Duskician narrowed his eyes. It seemed that those three had managed to do something to bring about a catastrophe. He decided to investigate what has been happening.

At the Slimilili Islands...

A number of the islands had been affected by the other Miriam's troublemaking. Entire settlements of Slimililis were being absorbed by the puppets that she chose. She had planned to absorb the entire race to create a single entity to control and travel the world, bringing destruction in her wake.

She had been busy using another puppet to absorb a village. However, when she attempted to absorb them, a large mist appeared.

The mist surrounded her, and began to stain red.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Xoxi catches a glimpse of the world and sees the tear.

"Oh shit! What happened?"

Xoxi saw a female form similar to hers exit the tear and move towards Britain. She was really unsure of what's going on, and the taste of a bad time was imminent. Almost instinctively, like a motherly sense or such, Xoxi tightened the hug a bit, not to the point of putting discomfort onto Yuki, but rather to a reassuring and safe grip.

"So... do you guys think it has to do with that shit Rhona talked about a time ago? That sins thing?"

Xoxi didn't side anywhere on the war. On one hand you had a set of twins and a siren, the other had Landon and a mass-murderer. In order to keep from picking sides, she stayed in Yuki's realm and trained with the Mirifakino warriors, honing her shadow powers, and even though there wasn't a "moon" for the realm, there was some lunar power within it, letting Xoxi's strength become stable and great. The warriors provided good sparring partners, and Xoxi even modeled a prototype of a shadow after one of them. The prototype fought with range, and was a very powerful force. Xoxi made it look like a skeleton with a glowing eye.


Xoxi's spirit form stood, not bent on creating a race or destroying anything, but rather making everything suffer. Her powers were the same as Xoxi's, but she had more power within them, and she knew how to abuse them to the fullest potential. A foundation of the city of Dej was broken, as the spirit lept out and shadow-ported to New London. It landed there perfectly fine, and took the form of a myceling, covered in black fur with a green tint. Her goal - causing an anarchy within the city of New London. She would convince the Myceling president to step down and not take office. Nobody would take it after, then an anarchy would result, allowing for famine, pestilence, war, death, and most importantly, torture, to arise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Marie turned to look at Tlrevan with a smirk on her face. "I have no need of you anymore. Do what you want." Marie said as a she started to float up into the air then off towards the tear in the sky. "Have fun with this new world of yours! I appreciate the help you gave on the wrath." Marie said waving before flying off into the tear in the sky. As she did so the tear seemed to close untill it was a small cut in the sky barely visible. It was still there but nothing else happened. Marie was back in her home dimension.

@ace of flames01
Cia was watching all that was happening and soon enough she was in earth realm herself. She had changed since the last time people had seen her. She was now wearing armor and she was on the hunt for those who had harmed her. She wouldn't give up until she found Rhona and killed her herself. This was a war that would include everyone, sooner or later the gods would have to pick sides. "RHONA! GET OUT HERE!" Cia screamed to the skies. She doubted that she would get any response but she had to let out that stress sooner or later.

Cia hadn't noticed though that one of the anglic had gone rouge recently. It was like any other Anglic except this one seemed to have the face of Cia when it took of it's mask.

Cythlla had spent her days working with the inklings to make them more prepared for war. She was also watching her new egg from time to time. It had been shaking lately and was close to hatching. Cythlla did not see the child as a pawn, but rather as a knight. Something that would protect her in times of need, and a powerful soldier when the time came.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon had reached Mars and had jettisoned himself toward Jupiter.

Meanwhile the spirit that represented Landon, had made its way into me of his Tari. It didn't change much physically as it didn't want to alarm the other Tari. They seemed like a useful race and Nodnal wanted all the power he could amass, even at the expense of others. "Well let's see what these can do for me." Nodnal began to swindle his way into power with the Tari.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Alec watches rhona leave. He blinks, trying to figure out what he did wrong. He waits a few moment before standing and following her scent. He walks somewhat slow trying to figure out what to say and how to act in this situation. Feeling conflicted about so many things.

He eventually reaches her and again sits close to her. Not knowing if she was mad at him or something else, since he has been living among his own people he has no idea what she has done. He eventually speaks up again, his voice still hushed. "Rhona" A slight pause. "What's wrong?" He wants to comfort her, but doesn't know if thats what she wants. Really all of this situation is really confusing for him...he probably will never understand women. Most likely ever. He looks up at the sky letting her take her time and either respond or run away again. Hoping for the former but prepared for the latter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona paused then hesitantly wrapped her arms around Alec, pulling him close. "I'm sorry...! I'm so sorry...! I don't want you to hate me...! But.. I've done something terrible...! And now... I've started a civil war...! I won't bring you into this... I can risk having you get hurt.. I can't risk losing you...! Not because of something I caused..." She murmered as she burried her face into his chest. Her small frame trembled with genuine fear as she spoke. She was afraid, afraid of losing Alec, both to Cia's influence and to death.

Rhona released Alec and turned her back to him. "I... I took away Cia's ability to have children with Landon... I know that... She is going to try, and will eventually kill me for this... Perhaps that is my redemption... My legacy... Alec.. When I die.. Leave Earth immediately. And do not return. My death will have catastrophic consequences... The destruction of Earth is one of them... I don't want you to die... So please... Please leave Earth when I die." She explained, then returned to being curled up in a small, trembing ball. She knew that he would hate her for what she did, which was understandable. Yet she didn't want to see him get hurt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


"I have no idea. I can't remember if she said anything about that."

Claire and Yuki focused on the portal. Yuki, worried for the race she had created, had the portal shift to several places across Asia. In most places she checked, it seemed as if the Mirifakino tribes were still safe, and were simply finding places to take shelter. This brought her relief. They were playing smart and finding shelter from the tear in the sky. However, she adopted a shocked expression when she switched to another tribe's location. Yes, it was one of the more violent ones, but she still wished for their safety. The scene was...gruesome. The warriors were fending off one of their own, and all around the village were corpses of all ages, either burning, or in pieces, or simply dead. The non-fighters could be seen running off into the distance.

Claire, quickly took control of the portal and switched to her Duskicians, in an attempt to keep Yuki from witnessing more. She was overprotective of her, and did not want her to break. Unfortunately, Claire too was shocked when the portal showed the race she had created. Almost everyone was standing in place, ready to attack or cast a spell at any time. Scattered around them were what looked to be others of their kind, as still as the grave. Nearby, there was a barrier of sorts, holding several unconscious Duskicians.

Clearly whatever the portal had done sent their races into dangerous situations. Yuki looked to Xoxi with a worried look.

"Xoxi, Should we check on your myceling friend?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"We probably should... I really don't want to see a horrible sce-"

Xoxi's jaw dropped as she saw the scene when the rift was flipped to New London.

Corpses and blood was near everywhere. The Mycelings fell very quickly into anarchy, and that would remain that way until one of two things happened, one was Gyro coming back into power, the other... well... Xoxi having to get involved. The latter happened that day, as Xoxi dove through the portal and grabbed the only Myceling she saw that was alive. This one had a green tint to their fur, and promptly became a spirit Xoxi.

"Hee hee~! You must be mistress Xoxi! I'm your spirit counterpart, and I'm here to slay you in a fight~!"

Xoxi stared towards Ixox, figuring that's a fair name for her. She also figured she caused the anarchy that led to the Myceling population to be halved.

"Look man, I dunno who you are and really I don't care. Just letting you know that you're probably... well..."

As the moon held over New London, Xoxi's eye flashed on with a purple glow.

"...you're probably gonna have a bad time."

"Hee hee~! I see you're using shadows already! Mighty early to be completely exhausted for the remainder of the fight."

Ixox's eye flicked on with a green glow, a battle of fates was about to happen.


Before Tlevran could even respond, something smashed him in the back of the neck.

"OW! Hey watch i-"

A white shadow stood behind Tlevran, staring with piercing red eyes.

"Tlevran, is it? I hate to say this but you've been charged by myself for crimes against humanity, and I'm going to have to put you in the ground again for it."

Tlevran's rage pestered behind him, and it had the duty of stopping Tlevran's genocidal cravings. Another fight was about to happen under the rift.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AsgardianLord19
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AsgardianLord19 bringer of thunder

Member Seen 2 mos ago

EARLIER (Seatus awakens and begins to escape)

Seatus opened his eyes wide at last awakening his coma. All he could see was darkness last remembering was Marduk striking him down he crashed into the bottom of the trench. Marduk threw boulders down in hoping Seatus would've been crushed but all it did was make a roof to imprison him. He wanted out of this dark chasm as he started swimming towards the boulder covered roof beginning to push them.
The oceans began to shake, it could be felt by all inhabitants of the sea or trading ships floating. It was very powerful it was believed to be a series of small earthquakes which happened once in a while, but it was Seatus pushing his way out.

NOW (Seatus is free)

Seatus pushed the final boulder using all of his strength, his massive tentacles and arms everything his body was pushed against the final boulder. It started to move and was finally thrown out of his way. Seatus could see the light of the surface and started swimming quickly towards it. He breached out from the seas dead in the middle of the ocean where he wasn't noticeable. He started looking around at his domain which seemed endless, he let out a roar of freedom diving back into the water, at last he was now God of the sea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
Alec stares at her a bit horrified at what she had done, yet he does not hate her. He doesn't know how he feels right now, but her crying makes him feel terrible. He exhales a bit before gently picking her up, settling her in his lap so she is facings him, and hugging her. Right now he feels like he should comfort her, later he will figure out how he feels about everything.

Axis seems to still be holed up with a massive pack of his dogs. It seems he is training them. To what end or purpose is hard to tell. He has concise red making a race, but decided against it. Instead focusing on training himself and his dogs before going back into earth. Especially with his 'brother' being there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona eyes stretched open wide with surprise as Alec held her in his lap. Her body trembled slightly harder in response to his comforting advance, yet couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. She hesitantly wrapped her arms gently around Alec, though her grip was practically nonexistent, and hugged him back, resting her head on his shoulder. She exhaled deeply and closed her eyes. "Um... C-can we just stay like this...? For a little while longer...? It feels nice to be like this..." She murmered softly and blushed. She snuggled up to him a little and buried her face in his chest. "Your really warm..." Her voice was slightly muffled and a little harder to make out.

Rhona's body started to disappear into specks of light, that rose into the sky and disappear. She kissed Alec on the lips, her kiss warm, gentle, and filled with love yet hinted sadness. "Good bye, Alec... I... I-I love you very much." Was the last thing she said smiling gently and tears ran down her cheeks, her voice intermingled with echoes, before her what was left of her body turned to specks of light and vanished.

Back in waking world, Rhona slowly opened her eyes and sat up.

"So ya met with him?" Leon asked.

Rhona nodded. "Yes I did."

"Did... Ya tell him? About what we did?"

Rhona looked down sadly. "Yes I did."

Leon sighed and rubbed Rhona back soothingly.
"It's gonna be OK... It's gonna be OK... While you were asleep; Cia called for you. Rhona... It's time. "

Rhona nodded and stood up. " I know. " She replied then opened a portal to where Cia was waiting for them. Leon followed closely behind her as she walked through the portal.


The twins calmly stood before the enraged goddess. "You called for us. Therefore we have arrived just as you had ask, Cia." Her words were as sharp as blades as she spoke the goddess' name.

In one of Leon's hands, a bow manifested, and in the other was engulfed in electricity. He was ready to retaliate, should Cia decide to attack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon had made his way through the solar system, feeling each planet for the presence of his mother. It wasn't until Neptune that he found her though. His maddened state resulted in his first greeting, being an attack. She quickly saw how her curse caused him pain. Removing the curse was not easy though. Shone-Lee's curse and Landon's feelings tainted it. She had remarried, and her new husband along with several of the gods of Neptune held him down while she removed the curse. Pained yells could be heard around the planet as the distortions were removed from Landon. Just before they finished, he thought he was at his limit and about to pass out. Instead a wave of refreshment coursed his body. He was really free now. The new power felt relieving. It wasn't fighting him anymore. He could be who he was. He thanked her and left her to her new life.

Using the runic sword he opened a tear that spanned the solar system. He emerged above the earth and scanned for Cia. He noticed that Rhona and Leon had approached her. "That's just asking for disaster." He began to rush as quickly as he could to the scene.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


"Xoxi!" exclaimed Yuki.

The music goddess almost jumped in immediately, but was stopped by Claire. The half-sister told her that simply rushing in her fight was a bad idea, as she might distract Xoxi and allow her enemy a chance to kill. Furthermore, if she went in without being careful the enemy might find some way to use her to create such a chance anyway. Claire suggested that she do something different. An approach that Yuki found much better than jumping in. After all, their fight hadn't even started yet.

Yuki prepared herself, while Claire prepared for something different. Since the Duskicians were doing well holding off her own counterpart, the music goddess would focus on helping the Mirifakino before Yuki's enemy did any more damage elsewhere. She took out some old items. A real knife that hadn't been used in a while, and a pistol. Since ammunition for the gun hadn't been crafted just yet, Claire would have to imitate some with light and darkness if things went that far. For now, she still had a few actual bullets in the firearm. She turned to see Yuki head off into the portal.

As Yuki jumped through the portal, the elements rushed to craft her disguise. They crafted a beautiful form, one that she had used once, decades ago. The earth and wind gifted her with large, strong talons and a special mask, while the water and fire worked together to provide the gift of clothing that was suitable for the form. They also worked to have her new form represent her circle of control. Intricate, but non-restricting clothes that allowed the freedom to dance in almost any style, and beautiful colors that represented the first moment of the Dawn.

Yuki landed a fair distance from Xoxi and Ixox's battle. For now, she'd have to standby and watch. Should anything happen that would put Xoxi in danger, Yuki would jump in to help.


Claire hurried into the portal that led to where the village slaughter was happening. She pointed a pistol at the imposter that had finished killing the remaining warriors. The imposter-Yuki, seeing and recognizing Claire, smiled and released her control the warrior she had possessed, and revealed herself...in more ways than one.

"Claire...I was hoping I'd see you."

Claire's eyes widened with shock at what had just happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Xoxi saw the spirit in front of her, and with her glowing eye and shadow skills well trained, she was ready for a good fight.

"Lets make this a true fight!"

The spirit form morphed a shadow Krieg, similar to that of Xoxi's, but with what appeared to be a stick of dynamite attached to the axe. Xoxi meanwhile morphed the skeleton she recently created and had it ready to fight. It even had music playing in the background to honor the realm it came from.


The Krieg rushed in with his axe and slashed towards the skeleton, trying to take it down quickly and leave the demigoddess vulnerable. The skeleton was prepared and dodged, unleashing a torrent of bones from under the Krieg's feet. Krieg evades this and attempts for another blow to the skeleton, who dodged again and countered with a large skull above the Krieg. The skull shot an explosive blast down towards the Krieg, who evaded barely. The psycho threw his axe at the skeleton, who seemed to warp to the side slightly, causing the axe to land on the ground a few feet away. The skeleton summoned more bones, and to his misfortune, the psycho delivered the hit to the skeleton hastily. The skeleton fell to the ground, and dissipated. The psycho ran in to get a hit on Xoxi, who was occupied at the time with maintaining the skeleton. Xoxi dodged the psycho's attack by mere centimeters, and she swept his legs, which knocked him to the ground. The spirit ran up and delivered a punch right into Xoxi's glowing eye, causing her to step back in pain. The Psycho quickly stood up and grabbed the axe off the ground, then rushed up and attempted to slay Xoxi with it. Xoxi dodged barely and revolted by grabbing the axe herself. Unfortunately for her the dynamite on it was lit, and it blew up, causing her to fly back a short distance. Ixox meanwhile grabbed the axe and approached the demigoddess with it. With the demigoddess on the ground, Ixox restrained her with the shadow of Krieg, who hastily morphed into chains.

"Hee hee~! This is why you don't mess with me, sweetie. I'm not going to kill you, no. That'd be too good of a punishment for your sins."

The spirit raised the axe and brought it down onto the side of Xoxi's head, taking out her right eye, and causing major harm.

"Hee hee~! I'm going to make you suffer for what you have done!"

As Ixox brought down another blow onto Xoxi's head, a midnight blue glow started to emanate from Xoxi's wounds.

"It's time to see what life is like at half your brain function!""

Before Ixox could land the final blow, a shadow appeared under her, and moved up. The shadow had ported Ixox to a random point on Earth, one that would provide significance to Xoxi's past.

Meanwhile, with the chains being gone, Xoxi laid on the ground, gripping her face tightly.


The glow had started to heal the demigoddess to the best of it's abilities, and really attempted to keep her awake while this was happening, but alas, the demigoddess drifted off, defeated.


The two gods of genocide dueled, and Tlevran saw that he was very much outmatched in this fight. He cursed Marie under his breath, as he remembered the one way he was going to get out of this the safest.

"Heh, I guess I'm outclassed here... well it's been fun, but I have some news to give."

The emblem on Claire's hand started to glow with a crimson light, as Tlevran shot out of it and landed on a nearby ruined building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


During the month Reese went back in forth between Toronto and New York. Even though there was already a ruler to take his place he had to check back on his people. They were doing okay and didn't take the death of a comrade so well. They did ally the inklings on Reese's behalf though and was preparing to lend them a hand if needed. During the time Reese was trusting Cythlla more with the egg alone. She hasn't done anything hursh to the egg...yet. He knows he'll have to keep a close watch on her when the egg hatches. Reese was gonna make a quick visit to New York when a large rip in the sky caught his attention. He knows that there are gods that travel by portals and dimension hopping but he's never seen something like it before. Reese wasn't sure but he swore something came out of it and darted into the Imp's civilization. His people are important to him but Cythlla and the egg was at the top of his list of worries. He quickly made his way to New York to check up on them just to make sure that they're safe and maybe ask Cythlla about the rip in the sky while he's there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Yuki watched the battle. It was quite interesting, honestly. The shadows that they used were surprisingly similar to some video game characters that she remembered from the time of humanity. As the fight progressed, Yuki wondered if Claire had sent the gift of music with her, as music played. It was Megalovania, but only one version of it. In any case, she was shocked when Xoxi began losing. Her shadow was defeated, and she suffered all manner of dangerous and painful attacks. One of her eyes was even taken in the progress.

Yuki jumped in to help, but a shadow had already sent Ixox somewhere else. Yuki immediately went to work, trying to heal Xoxi's wounds with regenerative waters and silver wind, unfortunately she did not have the power to bring her eye back.

"Don't worry, Xoxi. I'll heal you as best as I can, so please be still..."


The first thing that Claire did after the initial shock was calm herself. It was easy, since all she had to do was cope with the fact that it was an evil version of her half-sister...It was still awkward to see her naked, and trying to seduce her for whatever reason, but it wasn't the true Yuki. The second thing was to find a way to tell the two apart.

"Okay, I'm gonna call you 'Yukiko', from now on."

"Hm? why?"

"Because you're evil, and Yukiko matches you perfectly."

"Oh, sister" blushed 'Yukiko.' "Calling me by my full first name instead of HER. I'm so happy that you think I deserve that name more than Yuki!"

"Wait! You're getting the wrong idea! I just-"

Yukiko teased her by giggling. The clone knew exactly what Claire meant, but didn't care. Her goal wasn't to replace her counterpart, but to become something more, and have both of them play a part in it.

"I'll take it as a confession! You finally want to do it with me!"

"What?! NO! Nonononononono!! I don't want to have se-"

"You want to merge with me!"

Claire was silent for a moment. Part of her was relieved that she wasn't talking about incest. Her mother might have been proud to see that there was still some Greek goddess in her if she saw that, and Claire didn't want to give her that satisfaction. The rest of the music goddess, however, was in shock that the clone even knew about their contingency plan, and that she wanted to go through with it regardless. It was made to save each other's lives should they face death against other deities, not fulfill some sort of sick fetish that an evil clone wanted.

Claire glared at Yukiko, who responded with a cute smile and tilt of her head.

"If you think I'll just let you-"

Claire was cut off when she felt something pulse on her body. She looked down on her hand, and found that something was glowing. By the time she realized what it was, the bastard deity that placed it on her shot out like a bullet, and landed in the ruined village, destroying some of what was left.

"That son of a bi-"

Claire was immediately cut off again, this time by Yukiko, who took the chance to glomp her. Claire flailed about, trying to get the clone off of her, while said clone was dancing on and around her, forcing the music goddess into being an unwilling dance partner. This was to allow Yukiko to manipulate the elements as she wished to attack and weaken Claire, while also giving her no chance to physically react.

Claire, in an effort to recover and counterattack, began emanating music to control the light and darkness.


At the Samoan Islands...

Somewhere on the ocean, the islands of Samoa were filled with cheers. The Slimilili race was holding a grand festival, celebrating an event the likes of which probably did not fit with the current state of the rest of the world. Though there were no game stalls, there were plenty of food stalls. Each and every one of them was working quickly to serve the customers, while also preparing to watch the spectacular event. Hundreds of uniquely-crafted meals were prepared, each consisting of metal, rock, wood, dirt seasoning, rust flakes, crunchy leaves, and whatever else that the Slimilili found edible.

The event was so grand, that large ships surrounded the island and had stalls there as well. Why was this? Because literally all of the Slimilili race had come to this festival. Even the ones that had to separate themselves from their previously giant, unified forms. Large holographic screens, created from a combination of tinkered devices and illusory magic, hung in the sky and showed an empty field. It was on an uninhabited island.

Suddenly, The middle part of the field began to crack. The Slimilili hushed themselves. The ground continued to crack, until something burst forth from it. That something was the Slimilili Queen, a beautiful slime-lady that had devoured powerful creatures and structures and materials. She was the first of her race, accidentally crafted from a blood clot that the Blood goddess herself had sneezed out...the race was fine with that knowledge.


Her voice resounded through the illusory magic, allowing her to be heard through the screens.

"Today is a momentous occasion! For our goddess, Miriam, has once more blessed us with the honor of witnessing another battle!"

The Slimilili cheered in response.

"However, this will also be a special battle. For our goddess will not merely be fighting a monstrous beast, but rather she will engage in a battle against a clone of herself!"

The crowd cheered even louder at this.

"So now, without further ado...Let the match begin!"

The Slimilili continued their ear-bleeding cheers as the Queen cast a spell to make way for the combatants. Mist surrounded the outside of the initial arena. From it stepped out Miriam and her 'evil' clone. They both had a small smile on their face, and a hunger in their eyes. This would be a battle that none would want to interfere.

With the bandits...

A shadow had appeared in front of the bandit group. They had been trying to investigate the rift, but they had no such luck. Until now, of course. From the shadow spot, rose someone that looked a lot like the girl that was with the group from before. The exiles recognized the difference, and said that it was not the same person. Still, the mere sight of her pissed Cherry off enough to cause Resin to snicker a bit. The Duskician stepped forward.

"You..." said the Duskician to Ixox. "You're from that rift in the sky. What are you doing here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I was trying to give the girl I was modeled after permanent brain damage, then she did some bullshit and I got here. You all seem like fuckboys, might I add... wanna help me make everyone suffer?"

Ixox's eye still gleamed with green while she spoke, the Krieg that was restraining Xoxi appeared beside Ixox and manifested a very solid form. It picked up the spirit goddess while she spoke.

"Also, if you don't mind, I'm going to keep this guy around for safe measures."


Tlevran watched as the battle between the goddess and the clone unfolded, and then he heard music.

"...Marie left me to die against my own clone... maybe I should... I guess I can for a while."

Tlevran's cleaver materialized and was hurled through the air towards the spirit goddess. It missed, but it was a close miss at that. Tlevran proceeded to run over to Claire's stood beside her, waiting for music to play at loud volume. He meanwhile used his blood-telepathy to speak very quickly to Claire.

"So I may have caused this, but I realized I need to fix it so I can kill everything. I'm gonna help you for a while."

Tlevran's fate is now resting within a neutral-evil plane.


The demigoddess slowly woke from a slumber, and saw a Yuki above her. Disguise didn't matter, Xoxi saw one eye, and that eye told her who it was.

"I'm... I'm guessing... my eye is fucked...right Yuki?"

Xoxi's eye-socket was leaking large amounts of blood prior to the healing, but now it was just stained brown from the dried blood on Xoxi's face. Nothing could really fix the eye until some really powerful magic from a true god appeared. Not merged, but something like Hermes or even Xoxi's mother. To be fair, it'd be a horrible time if Selene was to get involved, but still she could heal Xoxi's eye.

Xoxi put her hand in Yuki's, meanwhile. Comfort reasons.
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