Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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XD legit waiting for ironwill to post but I'll get one up by tonight!

Odin stepped out of a warm shower and wrapped a towel around his wet body drying off and did the usual steps taken after a good washing. His morning wasn't hasty or chaotic as you'd think someone with metal prosthetic limbs morning would be. It was a normal humanish morning in a not so normal day, yet another topic that often sent Odin into a deep almost bottomless pit of thought. Each day normal was supernatural events occurring every second when back then supernatural things were way out of the ordinary. Odin roamed his home with a towel wrapped around his waist covering everything from his waist down. On the living room couch his clothes laid awaiting his arrival.

A black short sleeved T-shirt that said "10 Men" which was probably a terrible pun to his self being since he was a cyborg. The often serious man had no choice but to wear the clothing since the person who placed them there was someone he owed dearly. He quickly dressed himself in a white beater, the black T-shirt, boxers, socks, and dark gray jogging pants. After he was finished he began to slip into his thoughts about the 'normal day' thing and stared blankly at the ceiling. "Oi! What are you doing!?" A feminine voice with a small hint of a English accent called out to him. Odin quickly snapped out of his trans and gave the loud woman his attention. She smiled her face full of happiness and pointed towards the kitchen soon walking in the direction of it.

"Katherine...." Odin spoke following the young woman to the kitchen. "...don't bother me when I'm thinking about something-." He added on as he entered the kitchen after her but was interrupted by Katherine. "Yeah yeah! Yah always deep in thought and I always bother yah that ain't ever gonna change now eat yah breakfast." As always Odin was defeated by her quick rebuttals and sat down eating his breakfast. This woman that spoke to the notorious Odin as if he was a teenager is named Katherine. She lives with Odin and repairs him now and then when he needs them. Odin usually doesn't even speak to people but Kat somehow out smarter him and managed to go as far as ending up living with him.

They're terms of relationship is that of a brother and sister with disputes that aren't always won by our robotic friend. While Odin ate his breakfast Kat paused eating her cereal and looked over in his direction wearing his causal smile. "I gave you those upgrades you asked for! Yah know! Installing that Fog detector thingy!!" Odin simply peeked up from his food and then looked back down at his plate. "The way you say it make it sound like a toy." He replied nibbling on a piece of a pancake. Kat smiled, she was a true tech nerd to the heart and loved tinkering so sometimes she couldn't help calling things she tinker with her toys. "Well.....whatever you say I installed it into your left arm! Its cool and everything! Like a computer compacted into your arm basically!" She quickly started to ramble on about how cool the detector was, how it spoke, and how it can navigate him towards the origin of the detected fog. She also mentioned how she snuck into his chambers at night to give him all these amazing upgrades. "Wait! You can't just ramble over sneaking into my room!" Odin shouted jumping to his feet and heading towards the door. Kat simply continued to smile an innocent smile as Odin exited their home pouting each step he takes. She knows he couldn't stay made at her and started to clean the kitchen humming as she did so. Odin sucked on his teeth and walked in the direction of the outer ring. Maybe hunting down some problem starters would get his mind off Kat sneaking into his room.

>.< I dunno how to start! I was thinking of starting Odin off at his home doing his regular routine of getting up but I don't know what I should do after that. A cheap battle scene came to mind but I'm not totally sure about it.

Hazuki turned to the girl smiling a bit as she shared a few words. This girl isn't normal was the first thing that popped into his head as he looked at her. Its not everyday a chick says what she just said. " Its not that I dislike fighting it's just the opponents that's been piling in lately have been totally boring." He responded in way to let her know that she was not out of line when she spoke. Hazuki stopped starring in her direction and reverted his attention to the palm of his hands. "Your question earlier, its the first time a chick walked over and talked to me without having an ulterior motive." This time he actually smiled and didn't forced it. "Not to sound like a douche but you don't seem like the type of girl that'd be interested in fighting... Its a bit surprising."

Hazuki was so deep in thought that he didn't notice how fast he finished his food. He looked down at his plate a bit surprised and for some reason happy that he finished his food without suffering side effects and I mean side effects I'm mean him dying from poison. It almost happened before and the guilty party...well let's just say they Left to a higher plane and won't be returning. Hazuki could still hear a bit of fighting coming from somewhere around the school. Boredom was soon to take over and Hazuki was slowly laying his head down until a feminine voice came from behind him.

He turned and looked in her direction not to fast or slow and pleasantly said, "Sure!" He tried to smile but that only made his appearance more uninviting. "This is a first." Hazuki added chuckling. Its not everyday that someone with a background like his get visitors. Unless she's here to challenge him. Which he wouldn't expect, so he's basically open to a surprise attack at the moment. Even if he had company Hazuki's face expression was still deep in thought and he unconsciously said aloud. "How can I clear my name of delinquency....?" It was rhetorical but of course it can be answered.

"Since men created me does that make them Gods? Does this make me an angle born to carry out their orders? If the children of dark are the enemy does that make them demons?"


Appears to be in his Mid 20s but ages at an extremely slow rate.


Slick black hair and eyes to match. Odin doesn't exactly have eyes, well pupils to be exact. He has eye balls but that's mainly it. His four limbs are prosthetics made from Magnesium Alloy which will be explained more in Tech. He also has two slots on his cheek for flash drives.



Odin is border line emotionless. He barely show signs for sympathy and follows every order that's carried out to him. Sometimes he doesn't care about small things and that sometimes leads to him ignoring murder. He'd just see it has a predator killing its prey, the circle of life. Odin is often deep in thought and loves to keep to himself. Though he knows he was created and can potential regain his memories he doesn't aim to do so.

Odin doesn't know of his past but knows that he can't go back to it now. For one thing he does know that he wasn't originally a cyborg. The knowledge he received tells him so, but doesn't try to get into more depth about things that relate to what he is. He believes knowing his past wouldn't change anything so he completely stopped thinking about it. His only objective is the present and future.

•Even if he's almost 25% human he's still human, that means he has the potential to learn and become better at something.

•Odin is a perfect Strategist since he has a brain that can possibly calculate a plan for a situation that calls for one.

•Skilled in May Thai and knows Basic Karate, Kung Fu and a bit of Judo and Tai Chi.

•Prosthetic Magnesium Alloy limbs
The alloy that makes up his limbs are the strongest and lightest alloy known to man. Stronger than titanium and lighter than aluminum. They are not simply attached to his upper body but are apart of him like true real limbs. Ripping them off would be as tough as it would be for a normal person getting their limbs ripped off. Although it is a bit harder to do so.

Odin is basically not human anymore. His original body being only a torso and a head. With science he was successful transformed to a living human computer. The process destroyed a lot of his nerves and possibly his brain before it was altered to be compatible with the prosthetic limbs. Since his torso is still flesh he can be stabbed or shot and bleed. This can cause him to tire out which normal doesn't happen.

With his new limbs he's now able to run, lift, and bend beyond the human limitations. No that doesn't mean he can matrix and dodge bullets like zero. That simple means he has a higher chance of surviving a lot of things that would be considered fatal to men.

•Genius level Intellect
Odin's brain has been altered to control his prosthetic limbs which causes his brain to use less energy then it usually uses sending messages to four human limbs. In response the energy used to run the limbs that's left over stays directly within the brain that helps him process things on a genius level. That and something similar to a computer software was implanted within his brain. This doesn't give him telekinesis or anything either, he's just really smart and knows a lot due to his brain and the computer software filling him with as much knowledge as possible.

None as of Now

•He may be a Cyborg but he is still able to procreate. I did say only his limbs are prosthesis after all.

•Doesn't need food to survive but can still eat, on the other hand he can still dehydrate so he does need water at some point.

•Rocket Launchers, Very large concentrated volts of electricity(Lightening), A Bullet to the head, and acid are seriously problematic things for Odin that can be fatal or really lethal for him.
"Our School is proud of having such fine warriors"

"The names Hidetoshi....please don't say my last name..."

Hidetoshi Hazuki





Martial Art:
Muay Thai
The physical and mental discipline which includes combat on shins is known as "the art of eight limbs" because it is characterized by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees, shins, being associated with a good physical preparation that makes a full-contact fighter very efficient. Basically he's trained to lethally use his limbs and joints in combat.


Club (optional):

Other info:
Hidetoshi comes from a yakuza mobster family. The Hazuki is a rich family obviously becoming wealthy through illegal ways. Born and raised by a mob Hide actually didn't turn out as uptight and delinquent like as you'd expect the child of a mobster to be. Yes he looks like a delinquent but is far from it. He follows all the rules but has the expression of a delinquent and sometimes that could lead to a lot of misunderstandings. His last name would also get him into a lot of trouble. Gangs would line up to take on the great Hidetoshi of the Hazuki Clan. There's even a gang that claims Hide is apart of them. He possibly is but doesn't acknowledges it when he knows it can lead him into a fight. It's not that he doesn't like fighting it's just sometimes he gets tired of fighting weak opponents.

Character theme (optional):
His signal to leave the tedious everyday schedule of regular learning was the lunch bell. Like always the students in Hidetoshi's class ran out the room as if it were to soon burst into flames or there was a limited supply of something that actually tasted good that's served by the school and everyone has to get one before its all gone. He was happy that class was over but he wasn't in a rush like the rest of his classmates. Hidetoshi causally stood and put all the supplies he had out into his backpack and flung it around his back. By the time he was exiting class mostly everyone was gone besides two love birds that liked to stay behind and have some 'bonding time'. Before he could get a few feet away from his classroom his more funnier schedule instantly began.

A first year student who looked really bulky stood in Hidetoshi's path staring into his eyes as if they were in a Mexican stand off. The first year's glare intimidating while Hazuki's(gonna use his surname since I'm getting tired of typing his first, characters will and can refer to his first name) stare was more nonchalant or more of a sign of serious boredom. "Excuse me." Hazuki peacefully said his Japanese accent lighter than what'd you expect. The first year didn't even budge he just continued to stare with confidence. Hazuki was already planning on making this guy regret his disrespect to an upper classman. The first year was large a guy and possibly used fighting styles like Judo or Sumotori.

As he predicted the first year went on the offensive using a palm striking move that is normally used in Sumo matches. Hazuki blocked using his right arm, quickly putting his left arm behind his right to take on the force of the attack. "No words aye! I'll just have to make this quick...." Hazuki said his appearance becoming more intense. Compared to him the first year was slow. Before he could even retract his hand Hazuki grabbed onto his arm which startled him. With confusion and fear on his side he pulled the large man forward and elbowed him in the face with his left arm. Hazuki even pressed on his left arm with his right to make the impact more devastating.

The first year collapsed backwards out cold from the blow to the face. Hazuki smiled stepping over the guy shoving his hands into his pockets. "I'm improving each day I guess..." He looked back and then resumed his walk to the lunch room. When he arrived he happened to pass by on another fight that was getting really heated. It was probably because of the instigators that paraded like sheep towards a fight. He decided to not get anymore close to it the last thing he wasn't is another time consuming fight that ends with him as a victor. He grabbed a lunch and sat by his lonesome thinking to himself about clearing his name. Since there's rumors going around that he's apart of a gang.

He does remind me of that guy! O: I didn't even notice how close his personality and a bit of his past is like the guy from Toradora.
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