Avatar of Song Book


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current hello! I have been reintroduced to how wonderful roleplaying is on my mental health and would like to restart my adventures here. expect activities!
3 yrs ago
Hello fellow humans and non-humans alike, I hope we are all vibing well in this liminal timespace that we find ourselves in.
7 yrs ago
This book is too good. Makes me want more kingdom type roleplays. Guess i should put that in the interests section below.
7 yrs ago
Been getting into Airships: Conquer the skies, and reading Promise of Blood. Make od thst what you will
7 yrs ago
Guess which lucky binch tried to catch a bad pass and ended up fracturing a bit in her finger? This binch



Young and old; Welcome to my informational page. I am the one and only Song Book. I, in simpleton terms, am a magically transforming book. Human to book. Book to human. You get the gist eh? If your confused on what to call me the usual pronouns work but please to use any form you find comfortable with. Not gonna judge if you can't remember. ( I've been known to call people -it- So...)
Get it? Got it? Good. Anyway on to..
| INFO |

Above this Bio
You will find my latest quote/new character introduction/ a glimpse into a new rp/ or song stuff. It changes regularly when I'm active.
Below this Bio
You will find what I have been active in lately.
| Tastes |

I have a setting I really want to experiment with roleplaying, so when I get a post for it I will link it here. For other interests I am currently looking to join some fantasy, romance, and fun roleplays. All levels of lore are interesting though I would like to restart with something not so lore heavy to start with or at least something with easy to digest lore.
| Important Pages |

| Contact Me.|

If you have a rp you'd like me to see, a 1v1 request, a question, or anything else. Feel free to write me a pm or a visitor msg. Be sure to ping me though. I may not see it otherwise.

Most Recent Posts

Cretil in his wanders passed many stalls offering food and other attractions. He was so amased by the swirling lights and colors, ht couldn't help but smile and try to pat down his un natural hair. This hair, not taking orders contiuned to stand tall shaping what seemed to be animal ears underneath. He passed by some figures he thought were odd. The man on the bench with a scythe on his lap, for one. Not trying to be rude, but more friendly and caring he approached this man; bouncy as usual.@Blizz

Hi! Im Cretil What is your name?

His perky attitude would brighten a mood, his hair flopping slightly to a normal ish hair style. Before long this hair again perked, appearing as if there were horns under neat hit now. His eyes happy but wandering about as if he was only paying half his attention to this new conversation.
Cretil wandered through the forest he was chased into. He did't seem like he had no clue where he was; but he didn't have a clue. No it wasn't a bad thing. Send off never to return. Whats better than to wander in a forest with only enough money to buy a few small things. His hair perked up as he approached the carnival. Spiraling lights and the many colors so different from his home he though he was dreaming. The sharp pain in his shoulders kept him on track. This sharp pain being chased by one of his siblings. A large Bird creature resembling a vulture. This made a ear pricing squeal as if he could understand it. He was her sybling after all should he?

Maria, I know you like to announce yourself but this is a new place. No singing please.
His voice sounded sweet and his tone was kind. The bird released his shoulders from the death grip and just hung on. After all this was a new place, and a giant vulture like this on your shoulders is going to call enough attention. He bought a ticket and walked in, the bird flying off his shoulders off into a tree to watch him. So many things of all shapes, sizes, and colors it was enough to take him off into a fantasy world of his own.
Glad to see more interest.
In Eyooo 10 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
WELCOME! Im sure you will find plenty of things to do here.
Good looking for a few more interested people. Just incase some don't make it to the thread. Be sure to fallow the page to not miss any updates.

The world is not what it used to be. The government was compermised long ago. Major companies rule over the world now. Our rights compromised for the benefit of others. Yet all while they are putting up a belief of a happy life. Those who are well set in those industries don't know of the pain, the trouble, the struggle those who are seen as rejects put up with. They are hypnotised into this world of fakeness. The new system of how the world works is run by technology, and those fortunate enough to be liked my the companies. The old streets below the floating super highways and many many flying techs; are filled with those the society has no proper use for anymore. The jobs they would have taken took over by effiecent machines. No they don't live their lives in holes dying. They find work hauling junk, cleaning those super highways, Doing the jobs no one wants to program a machine to do. Below where sunlight is slim an the world throws its trash, they thrive.

Our version of raicism long gone, replaced by the hatred of the upper level, for the lower level. The lower level could care nothing about the upper level. But the upper level is so unhappy that the lowers are surviving on what they left and what they could not; they could never see the two levels as equal. So unjust is always served to the lower level.

Yet we are still here aren't we. So lets try and get along.

So If you didn't get the gist of it. Where ever you started, be it the upper level or you've lived in the lower level al your life. Your here now, and luckily for you. You have found yourself in the best place down here. The U.L.D Apartments are here for you. What ever your backstory we will welcome you. As we know the truth about how the world is run. Would you care to join?

OOC Information

All characters will find their way to the U.L.D.A During the first couple posts. Get a room, eat something and then the fun begins. Things from Upper police raids too the weekly dumping of toxic gas and trash from the upper onto the roof of the facility. Can your character Thrive in the worse case scenario? They are just normal people after all, and its a person v person world out there.

Can you Survive and Thrive in this future? Will you and your new found friends put a stop to it? All is to be seen.

Love the avatar. Pheniox Wright.

Viviana Ashiona

Adonnenniel Dawn Dresden


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