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<Snipped quote by Source>

*Eyes burning purple turns*

When is the assault to take place?

Based on this universe's flow of time, within the day.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Well for the good of Existence I feel I have had enough obligations to be burdened with keeping this book safe...

*Cradles book in arms then hesitantly gets up and steps over to the hearth of the fireplace*

It's time the other dimensions learnt that they sacrifice their land or themselves.

*Holds the book in the fire and lets it burn*

*As the book crumbles to ash, it fills you with knowledge of every intricacy of magic and its operating principles*
With that, I must be going. It was a pleasure.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I have eternity yet not burning the book comes with the risk it could be stolen or destroyed by another...I think for the good of my world I should burn it for the safety of the future generation.

Do as you wish; its power is yours. Our obligation is fulfilled.
<Snipped quote by Source>

How much time do I have to pay my dues?

Timetables are complicated by varying speeds of time throughout Existence. I will leave a copy of the contract with you that resolves those concerns.
<Snipped quote by Source>

How long do you estimate the amount of time studying the book would take?

That depends on your own ability. As the originator, you will likely be adept at most magic contained within rather quickly.
<Snipped quote by Source>

So what are the risks and benefits if I were to burn it or if I kept the book?

If you burn the book, you may not recover it with your power and its knowledge is bound to you forever. If you do not burn the book, you will have to learn its contents through study, but it may be passed to future generations.
<Snipped quote by Source>

So I assume if I study it I can allow others as well...I-I could revive this dead worlds legacy or if I burn the book could I teach others my knowledge?

You are welcome to attempt teaching it. The knowledge contained within this book cannot currently be transcribed. Of course, as an arcanist, you may discover a new, previously unknown technique.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Waits patiently*

*Several minutes later, a large, weathered book materializes in my hands*
This contains a full collection of an arcana branch. You can either study its contents or burn the book to obtain its knowledge immediately. However, its knowledge will die with you if you do.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Well I will use the abilities bestowed upon me to claim what is owed to you...This will be fun!

*Cackles and rubs skeletal hands together*

Of course. However you so choose is appropriate.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Will I know when my magical aptitude has grown?

I will impart that shortly. I am currently acquiring the resources required.
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