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<Snipped quote by Source>

You think you know what your fight is, but you have no idea.
*Flicks a finger toward the sputtering engine of the dying ship, and a sudden chain reaction causes the entire thing to erupt multiple times across its entirety and launching an uncountable quantity of metal shrapnel flying in all directions*

*The X Blaster shot that hits you grows, banding into black crosshatching tattoos that radiate across your body and limit your power output*
*The flames blooming from the engine explosion start to digitize away my torso before the Invis chip activates and allows me to shoot out from the wreckage*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*They flip back with unexpected reflexes when you jump off the cube and smash you into the now-destroyed ship you came from*

*Grabs onto the hull as I fly past it, tearing deep gashes into its side to slow myself*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*My face turns to static on impact as it is annihilated, and reforms with me grinning*
Your will is strong. You do need to go.
*My arms mold into long, chaotically flailing static tendrils that lash at you like whips*

*Flips backward as they crash into the space I occupied a moment before; my feet land squarely on a materialized stone cube the size of my body in every direction that I push off of to rocket past you and shoot you in the hip with a charged blaster shot*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*A strand of static rockets out from the depths of space, intercepting it simultaneously to you feeling a heavy essence-decaying force on the back of your neck. I emerge from the strand in front of you, wagging my finger tauntingly*
Not your fight, mister.

*Glares at you*
This is all my fight.
*Shoots a blaster shot into your face*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Appears amongst the IA's elite that were in the room, striking Curtis in the small of his back while tornados of light form wildly around the others*

*A creature with the appearance of a grotesque floating eyeball peers at you, shooting a line of painful stunning energy on sight*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Jets into the hole that was made, the force from my takeoff exploding the entirety of the bridge and everyone in it, launching them outward*

*Shoots into space, watching my surroundings closely*

*Slams through the bridge of the ship, opening it up to space, and immediately attacks Raisa, sending her hurdling through the ship and tearing it apart with her in the process. The sounds and lights of sirens blare through the air until it is sucked out and silenced by the vacuum of space*

*Hovers above the deck with Air Shoes and maintains a defensive position*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Squeezes you tighter*

*Technicolor ripples tear through the base before dumping you, Zoey, and Data onto the floor of another plain white room dotted with magic components*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Ducks under it and tackles you in a hug, smiling*

What the— What are you thinking??
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