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<Snipped quote by Source>

If this doesn't work, it was nice knowing all of you. For better or worse.


<Snipped quote by Revolutionary>

*Smashes the crystal with all the accumulated power Kat and I had been building up for the course of the fight, overwhelming its absorption so heavily that I manage to still land a blow with a significant fraction of the strength put into it*

*Stumbles, the crystal rocking in its place violently*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Looks behind you toward the expanding void*
Let's get some space between us and that first.
*Puts your arm over my shoulder and blasts away, taking us to the edge of the dome*

*Pulls the gem with me as we go*
<Snipped quote by Source>

No guarantees. Leave it open for Dad.

*Uses my ability to hold its state in the air*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*a few hours later, we reach the destination, a resort near the ocean shore, beautifuly decorated and maintained on the outside*

Victoria: This is... going to be hard to enjoy.
<Snipped quote by Source>

We were building up to hit Nemid with something big. We've got lots of firepower to spare.

Then let's end this.
*Reaches into the endless void of my cloak and retrieves the ill-tempered gem*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Unless you can find a way to get to him now, we have to hit the gem and hope it does something.

Do you have the firepower to spare? I can keep it stable.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Grabs your arm and pulls you along, helping you stay ahead*
There’s nowhere to get it. This is it.

I don’t have any strength remaining. It’s all I can do to contain it.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*My expression grows more stern*
Still have that gem?

Yes, I have it. Can you take it where it needs to go?
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Appears next to you, skirting along the ground away from the expanding consumption, while facing it and moving backwards*
We were hoping to have a little more time. There's no more opening, is there?

It doesn’t seem that way. And I’m in no shape for combat.
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