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<Snipped quote by Source>

*The strength of consumption becomes so great that it creates a black hole-esque event horizon behind which the state of spacetime cannot be determined in any capacity*

*Briefly activates my ability to generate bursts of speed before disabling it again*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Places the unstable space into my chest and begins to suck in actually alarming quantities of reality*

*Moves as quickly as I can without collapsing*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Always does. The scale of infinity to which it and I exist are incomprehensible to even the largest of Existences like yours.
*Puts my palms together, and pulls from seemingly nowhere, a brand new compressed ellipsoid of Brinkspace which glows with a more distant-feeling instability just like the gem*

*Dashes away, platforming between invisible stepping stones*
<Snipped quote by Source>

It will find me...
*The gem’s instability grows in its failure to absorb anything of more substance, growing to the point where it’s eating reality around it at a cataclysmic rate*

Shall it? That troublesome artifact will be neutralized.
*The crystal materializes in my hand, and I throw it into my cloak, which allows it to continue flying indefinitely as if the material were a dark portal instead of a solid*
<Snipped quote by Source>

It’s not gone. Only we remain.

Perhaps. But you won't find it.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Glances warily at the being watching the fight*
Hand it over.

Why are you so convinced I have it?
<Snipped quote by Legend>

*Coalesces back to a humanoid form and reanalyzes the battlefield*

*Remains where I last was*
*Puts on the glasses that have warped to me*
*Slowly sits up*
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*Hits the barrier, and with a flick of my head, causes the moon to approach and slam into us*

*Remains alert, but doesn't make an effort to assist you*
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