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<Snipped quote by Source>

*Nothing seems to be happening, other than a faint whir from the edge of the horizon's contact with the atmosphere*

*Pulls my cloak closer*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Several seconds before the horizon would overwhelm the entire enclosed area, it slows to a gradual halt, coming to a standstill while leaving just several feet between its edge and the barrier*

*Watches intently*
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If it has to be this way, I hope the barrier somehow can contain a force like that, at least.

Unless you have a better idea, we're going to find out.
<Snipped quote by Source>

It's likely death. That looks like the effect of absorbing Existence like he said he would.

Compared to accomplishing that goal? A small price to pay.
<Snipped quote by Source>

It would help us get out. But I guess we should just prepare to see what’s on the other side.

It's not worth the risk anyway.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Do we have any? I can’t get to Isaac to shut off the barrier.

Shutting it off wouldn't help anyone.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Even if you had time, I get the idea that nothing should be crossing that boundary.

We don’t have many choices.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Presses my hands against the barrier*
Just like that then?

I can go back in once I've recovered. I need time.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*The instability finally grows to a breaking point. The crystal and its horizon, seemingly of its own volition, takes off and disappears into the void created by me*

*Drops my arm*
That’s it.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*The crystal sits passively as a reaction, then gradually begins rumbling more and more violently as it creates an event horizon of its own and inching toward the larger one*

*Holds my hand toward the crystal, shaking*
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