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<Snipped quote by Source>

To be larger than everything else. Maybe you haven't grasped what is happening just yet.
*Reaches out and cups my hand around one of the galaxies myself*

It holds no consequence. No benefit.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*They perfectly resemble actual galaxies, scaled down. Not far from you, I coalesce into form*
Can you feel it?

I cannot.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*In the large spaces the small cosmic bodies, there seems to only be emptiness*

*Looks at the galaxies more closely*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Is behind you, no farther than before, holding my shoulder as a hole seems to have been blown through it by something in the chaos*

*Looks at the paths of energy surrounding us*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Starting with objects closer, things start to come into view. You are surrounded by a growing expanse of what looks like galaxies, all of which can fit in the palm of your hand. They begin to flicker into view farther and farther out from you with increasing speed seemingly infinitely until they are too far to be seen*

*Looks back and forth for anybody else*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Without warning, a different sort of darkness explodes outward from the event horizon, shattering the barrier and enveloping everything within. This veil overwhelms everyone within the barrier, and shatters the barrier itself. Sensory overload renders what exactly happened incomprehensible to those within, but the veil itself spreads without stopping throughout Existence imperceptibly to nearly everyone*

<Snipped quote by Source>

Oh, that's great! How soon can I begin and how what's your idea about integration?

Right now if you want to. I have a magic-attuned duo myself who would easily have a hook into meeting your two.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Presses my hand firmly, but effortlessly, against the barrier again, giving it a light push*
Is it going to make us do it to ourselves?

I have no intentions of allowing Nemid to escape this place.

How's this? Is there more I'll need to add? I'm not quite sure what else really.

This is a great character sheet. I think we can get you going as soon as you're ready, and I have an idea for integrating them too. (This is an alt of System, by the way).
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