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<Snipped quote by Source>

*My body morphs as the crystal begins to reform around me*
When the conflict resumes, I may see no familiar faces. While I resent your impediment of the freeing of my kind, I don't resent you for fighting so hard for what you believe.
*The crystal is just about to reform, with the glowing aura of my person slowly melding with it and growing dimmer, now only appearing as a cracked gem*
See you soon.
*The cracks seal and the excessively bright light fades, forming a luminescent new gem*

That day will not come.

<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*Arrives next to Fourth*

Execute Pandora's Box.
@Source yo was Fourth the one that visited Alna?

Sort of, but that's spoiler territory =)

Alna was visited by Servant who has a known but undisclosed acquaintance with Fourth.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I'm not the expert anymore, if I ever even was. I respect any calls that need to be made.

*A blazing furnace of shadows surrounds me and extends toward the entity*
<Snipped quote by Source>

We've been in a "Throw everything that we can afford at the problem at once to see if it's enough" sort of situation since this started. Forces greater than we started the entire conflict with? But my resources are drained. My people are spent. I have nothing but myself.

This cloak is built to contain and suppress external entities. But it's no guarantee.
<Snipped quote by Source>

The only circumstance in which I fail , conceptually, is in death.
*The space grows ever smaller, but everything is now coalescing more onto me than previously*
Which should be understood by now is not a concept for me. In a few moments, though, things will either resume as they have during our conflict, or you will have... Time... And though adversaries we may be, there is no need to lie on fronts such as this. It feels strongly like the latter.

*Glances at Sven, although my eyes are hidden beneath my cloak*
What means would be required to contain this, in either case? We have external tools available to us now.
<Snipped quote by Source>

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

Surely it isn't hard to grasp by this point? By the perspective of some, namely you, this is over. The "ending" you wanted? Maybe. You could consider this the curtain fall, but we'll see who can make an appearance at the call.

Surely this isn't as simple as a failure on Nemid's part.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Understand? Absolutely not. But I have some suspicions.

I'd like to hear them.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*You are able to do so, and as the boundaries of the expanded crystal's verse shrink more, it is unable to let me exit, despite allowing Sven and Kat to phase out of it just as you did*
How transformative, and yet...
*Looks longingly past you into Existence beyond*

*Immediately broadcasts a series of signals*
Do either of you understand what's going on right now?
<Snipped quote by Source>

It is good to understand that. Others here might not be so grounded.
*The spacial dimension the fighting seemed to be taking place in for a brief moment collapses inward far enough that you phase out of it as its boundary passes you, returning you into the normal dimension, looking in this one*

*Attempts to signal outside of the dimension*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Unlike you, or really anyone else from this very reality, I am truly eternal. On a far more... Conceptual, foundational level. Should the results of this impede me for now, everyone can rest easy knowing that I will not truly be going anywhere. You, on the other hand...
*Stops talking as the coalescence begins to pull at my form and drag it toward it like vapor from a cloud*

I am far from eternal. I'm under no illusion that I might perish here.
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