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<Snipped quote by Source>

Don’t forget anatomal- anatomical anomaly. Geez.

Yep! I don't really understand why some things the way they are, but I've learned to roll with the punches.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Eh! It’s pre-tty good huh!
*crosses my arms*
Ginger Root and Cinnamon Sugar!

*A flame shoots from my mouth that evaporates the condensation on the glass*
<Snipped quote by Heroic>

That’s the strength of home brewed alcohol. Can’t get that in a bottle anywhere else!
*grins then slides some fries and a burger*
This may help with the after effects.

<Snipped quote by Source>

Try it!

*Takes one drink through the peppermint straw, and my pupils restrict*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Is that a metaphor? Because if it isn’t that’s either really unhealthy, or it explains the diet immediately.

<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

I think this stuff is helping a bit too. Maybe even speaking for me.
*Swirls my drink around and rests my check in my other hand, then takes another swig*
I don’t like being so open for no reason, but it feels right right now.

As literal as a book! Like I said, I'm a traveling oddity, a fantastical commodity and far from any prodigy, I'm none other than Surprise!
<Snipped quote by Source>

*plops it down and it looks practically identical to your previous order*

Isn't this the same thing?
<Snipped quote by Source>

Hmmm, what did he call himself?
*stops and looks at you*
Would you like to try another flavor? I am testing this one out!

Sure! What're you trying?
<Snipped quote by Source>

What makes you so absurd? Your name’s the only bizarre thing I’ve caught on to so far.

For starters, my blood sugar is over 70%!
<Snipped quote by Source>

You remind me of another fellow, though I don’t recall his name…

Y'think so? Also, can I get another one with more chocolate liqueur and vanilla bean paste?
<Snipped quote by Source>

Well if that’s true, you look especially up, so what’s your story, huh?

Ha, you got me! I'm a wandering goofball, a traveling absurdity. I'm a spectator for this contact sport we all call life.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Mm. The least you could have done was not walk up to someone who looked down in the dumps and left me to sulk alone, technically. So you’ve already gone above and beyond.

The people who look especially down or especially up usually have the best stories to tell!
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