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<Snipped quote by Heroic>

There is a reason why these are called comfort foods!

<Snipped quote by Source>

Sugar glass huh? I’ll see if my cook can make it.

It's okay if not, I just thought I'd ask!

<Snipped quote by Source>

*Narrows my eyes*
It’s not consistent is it? The weird stuff.

Nope! Random acts of convenience. Or inconvenience. Depends on the day.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Your shadow have a name?

Uh... Hey, do you have a name?
*Leans back and looks at my shadow, which now follows my movements normally*
Guess not.
<Snipped quote by Source>


How hard would it be to make these out of sugar glass?

<Snipped quote by Source>

I hate to break it to you, but that doesn’t make any sense when I don’t think about it at all.

<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

What’s the worst that could happen? I’m already in this deep, and I haven’t eaten since I died.
*Picks up the burger and takes a big bite*

*My head drops and hits the bar on its side*
I'm gonna need some time to process this...
<Snipped quote by Source>


Hey Sideslash, I've got a question.
<Snipped quote by Heroic>

*pushes it back*
Well then, if you say so~

<Snipped quote by Source>

Dig in!

Thank you!
*Sucks down the first one near-immediately*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Only part, huh? Then give me more, what else makes you talk so big about this absurdity?

*Looks back and toward the ground*
Do you want to tell her?
*My shadow independently shakes its head*
Things happen around me that make just enough sense when you don't think too hard about them.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I’m sorry.
*turns around and grabs a small tray the turns back and hands you two of the order you made before, with the extra additions you requested*
On the house.

*My eyes shimmer with stars*
Oh wow!
<Snipped quote by Source>

Even syrup is just practically 100% sugar isn’t it? Seems a bit much.

Half sugar, half water. A bit low for me, but y'know, emergencies.
*Leans forward onto the bar*
And I know what you're thinking, but I'm not some sort of candyman. It's just part of the absurd that follows me around.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*hands you an ice cold glass of water along with a glass of milk*

*Throws the water into my mouth in one swoop, putting out the fire in my throat*
Look, flattery won't get you nowhere after that stunt!

<Snipped quote by Source>

Is the high blood sugar because you love sweets and have high tolerance or do you love sweets because your blood sugar is high naturally?

Chicken and the egg! Makes emergency blood easy, since you can use simple syrup in a pinch~
<Snipped quote by Source>

Haha, but with the right amount of sweet!!

*My eyes start watering*
Ish sho hot shideshlash—I neetch washer!
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