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<Snipped quote by Source>

Dude... Darryl over there, seems to know a bit more than just 'this is stone people in space' rhetoric. Like how can you be so nonchalant about this whole thing anyway?

I think you underestimate how many quests we take.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Looks at you with a dry expression of 'seriously?!'* Yeah, you do need therapy... the moment you start thinking that every person you meet has some link to a past dickhead team like the ones that did that, it is the moment you begin suffering from a condition called paranoia!

It’s caution. Not even remotely similar.
*The stairs start to become thinner, shorter, and smoother*

<Snipped quote by Source>

I'm part of the space federation called the Kah'Yah'Zdenn Federation. We are a collation of species from this universe and the collapse of these systems, made us lose around seventy-eight billion innocent souls with their sudden collapse... i'd say that is a lot wouldn't you?

Yeah, sounds like it to me.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Gio, my man... *Rubs the bridge of my nose* Have you ever had therapy? You seem to see everyone around you as people who want to kill you... what could people possibly gain from that?

Ask the last crew who tried to.

<Snipped quote by Source>

Yes i am, that's why i went ahead with the investigation, and my superiors are the quest givers not me...

Who do you work for?
*Continues pulling myself up across the steps*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Well i'm fine with that, but i'm not fine with him....

<Snipped quote by Memory>


The feeling or the guy?

From my perspective, you’re all trying to get me killed.

<Snipped quote by Source>

*blinks in consternation* Well this is great... and they said this is top notch quantic photon generators...

So at which point are we going to discuss what this place is? From my point of view, this looks like an anomaly that could have only happened if some advanced civilization tempered with a black hole the wrong way...

Not enough information to say. It could be a society of flying rock creatures, it could be something else. Aren’t you the one who wants to know, quest giver?
<Snipped quote by Interface>

*Grunts annoyed* I don't know... should i?

<Snipped quote by Source>

*Approaches you and whispers in spite of his help* Psst... what you thinking about the new guy? The so called quest giver?

I think you’re all suspicious at this point.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Uncomfortably twitches eyebrow at your staring* You got a problem with me dark wizard looking guy?

<Snipped quote by Source>

*Snaps fingers and suddenly several orbs of technology come out of my pocket and light up in bright white* There, this should help...

*The darkness of the environment seems to swallow up the light of the orbs, reducing them to a dim glow*
It’s a start.
*Climbs up the first step*
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*Telepathically* Bro! Something feels reeaaaaly off about this dude... ever since we saw him back at the tavern i got this... ick... do you know that candy that is too sweet, so sweet it makes you sick because of it? Yeah... he gives me that kind of vibes... and i get chicken skin everywhere just looking at the dude. Like he's right ways up but sideways at the same time... uuughhh

<Snipped quote by Source>

*Speaks normally* I... uuuh... FINE! *Follows suit and keeps walking wile sideyeing you @Interface*

*Eventually, in pitch darkness, we reach a series of large stone shelves about as tall as we are, arranged in a staircase*
Watch out. We need to go up.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Eyes you annoyed* Because i don't want to needlessly risk the lives of my people? What kind of people are you all? So apparently care-free about the lives of others!

*Shrugs and walks into the darkness*
He's right.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Ugh... Not me! My people and i! Yes, this thing, whatever this place is, has played a role in the destruction of my home. Well, thankfully my planet and its federation has managed to establish colonies across this galaxy beyond the powers of whatever is destroying stars here... I'm just a general of my people trying to investigate what this is...

...Meh. Fine.
*Slams another ball bearing against the stone and it becomes like liquid around you*
<Snipped quote by Source>

What are the odds to... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Are we going to debate probability equations in the middle of a building that is out of space and time? And what if i told you that i was among the people who asked for help here because this cosmic event participated in the destruction of my home?!?! *I frown annoyed*

Yes, I am; I value my life more than I care about how gravity works in this world. So you're saying you were the one who posted the quest?
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