Avatar of Sp00ki


Recent Statuses

26 days ago
Current Me: writing a semi-serious character. My headphones: GYRO, GYRO
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26 days ago
My Soukaku obsession has started. I don't even play ZZZ
1 mo ago
Who taught you that word, Kakyoin?
1 mo ago
Happy Valentines Day. to all the other single people out there... uh... I got nothing...
1 mo ago
@Valley Lily A Princess Bride reference on my roleplaying website? Inconceivable!


"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."
-Freddy Fazbear

Most Recent Posts

@RogueFoxBack and forth confusion, never happened to me before...

Oh, just one small thing about your most recent post. The gravity on this planet is higher, making them a bit slower. It's more or less how I'm going to explain us getting much stronger much faster haha.

Oh, I though you meant higher as in heavier, oh well, lol
@ZerothWiik can't help but to let out a menacing laugh at what Gezoto did, reveling in the chaos.

He feels a spear slightly graze one of his claws, causing sparks to fly, he looks behind him to see a now unarmed Pastaran, he walks towards him, ignoring anything else happening around him as he towers over the soldier, giving him a menacing stare and grinning at him. Wiik picks up the soldier and grasps onto him with his mandibles, taking him into the air and performing a Mandi-Bomb, one of his techniques, he slams the soldier into the ground head first, blasting himself away, the low gravity of the planet made this a fast process. The impact sent a small shockwave around the area.

"I thought this would be more of a challenge, but that just makes it all the more fun."

Wiik then charges at one of the tanks, punching it with great force.
Banned because it's actually adorable, look at all of those little faces... staring... forever...
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Is that the copy chip??

It's a small part of one, used to preform copy attacks. It's what I use to preform the Copy Shot.
Ah-ha. I got it!

*I say as a pull out a small computer chip from one of my pistols.*
Imma start spitting some opinions.

Hear me out... Star Wars: Hunters
It is fun, and I like it. It's the first class-based shooter/combat game I've tried and for the few days that I've played it, I have had fun with every moment of it, especially with Sentinel, dear God is he ever fun to play as. Just playing the game is fun, I like the mechanics and you don't need to throw money at it to have fun, I hope it grows a lot.

Now, for a lesser known Pokémon/Fighting game, Pokkén Tournament DX

This game has made me want to both punch a hole in the wall and eat the dry wall. It is so mechanical in the best ways possible for a fighting game, especially if you play a technical based character like Darkrai. His mechanics are hard to learn but so fun once you learn them. There is much more I could say, but this would go on for hours...
Banned because I know that
Banned because "banned because ""banned because banning is very mean and you shouldn't ban people"" is very mean and you shouldn't ban people" "is very mean and you shouldn't ban people" is very mean and you shouldn't ban people
<Snipped quote by Stratocracy>

It'd be gutsy, but how crushing would that be, to have someone you think a lot of consider you a thief?

Funny thing, I actually fought him before, ended in a draw...
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