Avatar of Sp00ki


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1 mo ago
Current I just had the best sleep I've had in months... My mouth is so dry tho
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1 mo ago
At least in rained this morning before it got hot...
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1 mo ago
2 mos ago
Depends, are they just an enjoyer of cosplay? Or do they think themselves of an actual animal?
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2 mos ago
What's your opinion on cats? For me, I really like them, but allergies have to screw me over and not give me what I want.


In wilds beyond they speak your name with reverence and regret,
For none could tame our savage souls yet you the challenge met,
Under palest watch, you taught, we changed, base instincts were redeemed,
A world you gave to bug and beast as they had never dreamed.

Pet the gud boi. (his name is Houdini)

Weeellll, hellooooo there!

I'm just a guy who does things that sometimes involve other things. Also, I don't use discord or anything like that, no reason in particular, I just don't.
I am also more "mature" than my age suggests, that doesn't mean that I have an excuse to be in 18+ roleplays, which I don't participate in anyways, but I do roleplay with more adult themes (gore, violence, etc.). It may seem confusing, but confusion is basically my middle name.
Anyways, here's my ♦︎♠︎information♣︎♥︎

Names/Aliases: Roadkil, Luigi, Microwave, Spooky
Gender: Male, also probably Ace... Not sure.
B-Day: le 19th of July
Current exact location: earth, waddaboutyou?
Favorite food type: Spicy

♣︎♥︎Other stuff♠︎♦︎

Most Recent Posts

Here it is, hope it's not too much or too little. Some things might be a bit clunky, but it's what I could do

If it's okay with you, I'll just put this here for now, I'll get the back story and ability part finished tomorrow.
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

*You look forward and something is wrong... though the initial mental anguish seems to have subsided merely for a little, the room before you seems to continue on into the depths far beyond any logical geometry or possibility. This would have been a building unit the size of an average house... yet what you see before your eyes is a seemingly endless hall of rooms without doors and broken furniture and abandoned and broken utensils... something is way off.*

*And when you look back... uuuh... where's the entry room you came through into this habitat module?*

∆: C'mon... Now you're teleporting me? Whoever's doing this trippy crapfest had better stop...

*I start to walk around the area, finding more of the same. The room seems to stretch out from beyond my vision...*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

*The moan stops abruptly after you ask and you suddenly feel an intense and unexplainable dread that begins filling your body, every system in you triggers errors and unpossessable information warnings as you see the door and room before you elongate like a scene from a nightmare where the corridor you are trying to reach the end of, keeps extending...*

∆: D-damn it... W-what is going on...

*My voice sounded glitchy, almost inhuman. I feel a splitting headache, which hurts more than it should, considering I've never felt any pain close to this. I begin walking forward, but it's almost as if something is pushing back...*
Banned because... Shit, lost my notes again... hold on...

In time with more practice it would get bigger but still won't allow it to be so op where you could use gravity to crush someone or something like that. In a battle again that could be discussed though.

Yeah, that's very close to what I was thinking.

Well I would say at most a school desk but as small as a pen, ball, small items like that.

I could probably make that work
Banned for... Hold on sec, lemme look at my notes...

For a student, I would allow it for small objects. For a teacher that would be different and I would go into more detail if that's the case.

How small would you say?
What would you say to gravity manipulation?
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