Avatar of Sp00ki


Recent Statuses

22 days ago
Current Me: writing a semi-serious character. My headphones: GYRO, GYRO
1 like
22 days ago
My Soukaku obsession has started. I don't even play ZZZ
27 days ago
Who taught you that word, Kakyoin?
27 days ago
Happy Valentines Day. to all the other single people out there... uh... I got nothing...
27 days ago
@Valley Lily A Princess Bride reference on my roleplaying website? Inconceivable!


"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."
-Freddy Fazbear

Most Recent Posts

New post is a bit long, just wanted everyone to know who is who and whatnot

*I wake up, looking around to see... nothing... Last I remember, I was in some sort of tavern... I must've fell asleep. But that doesn't explain this...*

Axl: "Hello? Is this a dream... Why would I be dreaming... How?


*"I wonder... How powerful could they be? Both of their aura are similar, but also vastly different..." I think to myself. "I've been listing to these two talk for quite a while... They said something about this place being... Heaven... How did I end up here...?"


*As I walk further down the hallway... Or whatever it is, I hear almost nothing, not even the sound of my footsteps. Offputting, sure, but it's still interesting...*

Here ya go
Banned for not ending your statement with a period.

Banned for having a point.
Banned for spelling Eevee wrong
Banned for giving me that information
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

*The gust of wind seems to come from beyond it, maybe on the other side of the tunnel, definitely triggering unsettling feelings*

*I reach my hand beyond the frame to see if anything strange happens. Nothing seems to be affected, so I begin to walk further.*
I'm interested in joining this establishment. What are the rules for fusion?
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

*Suddenly a wierd gust of wind is felt coming from the prolonged tunnel in the form of a doorframe, and a very low volume screeching moan is heard almost silently, like a very distant echo*

βˆ†: Well that definitely wasn't there before...

*I stand up and walk towards the odd frame, hesitating to touch it.*
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