<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>
observing is a tough order pal... especially in heaven where people are naturally concern free... people don't just stare to others randomly when they are filled with peace and bliss.. just saying! *continues to eat as i look at prism demandingly*
*I sigh and sit up a little, making my face a tiny bit more visible.*
Cyrus: "Y'know what... Now that you say that, I do have one question... Do you know how I'm here?"
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>
*Eyes continue to look at you ominously, unmoved, ever so eerie, from the dark and unresponsive. Meanwhile the whole place is a vast array of corridors and empty rooms with what looks like lots of lockers and utensils and even manufacturing engines of sorts...*
Delta: "...Rude."
*I walk around the area, checking some of the things that I see for anything... interesting.*