Avatar of Sp00ki


Recent Statuses

16 days ago
Current Me: writing a semi-serious character. My headphones: GYRO, GYRO
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16 days ago
My Soukaku obsession has started. I don't even play ZZZ
20 days ago
Who taught you that word, Kakyoin?
20 days ago
Happy Valentines Day. to all the other single people out there... uh... I got nothing...
21 days ago
@Valley Lily A Princess Bride reference on my roleplaying website? Inconceivable!


"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."
-Freddy Fazbear

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I can... But getting past that creature may be tough.

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

You don't sound thrilled about that...

Cyrus: "It's because I'm not..."
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

*With a guttural roaring voice emanating from the rift*

Lymbo the clown! Get back into your domain before you anger me! This is no place for a treacherous liminal merchant as yourself!

Lymbo: "No, I don't think I will. Besides, I'm not even a clown, I think the title suits you better."

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

It’s... some kind of... banshee!
*Splits into a shield of bodies*

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Who, er, who is it?

Cyrus: "Father of a friend..."
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

@Memory@RoadkilBanana@Threads of Fate

*The reverse cupid begins screeching an unholy scream of a wraith that seems to drain you all of energy and any positive thought and feeling as it opposes the attack and with a flick of her fingers, the whole forest of pines elongates out and up into the skies, and what previously were just pines, now are wobbling tendrils of darkness and ichor with a top that still looks like the foliage of a pine...*

Lymbo: "Oooh, I love a good show! This will be a most excellent payment, indeed."

*He says while clapping.*

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

You know them, Cyrus?

Cyrus: "Unfortunately... "
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Uh, er, do you have any combat prowess? That would help a lot.

Lymbo: "I'm glad you asked this question... I have no idea."

Cyrus: "...How are you back? Why?"
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Okay, we can start with that. What’s your name?

???: "Glad you asked! My name is..."

*A puff of smoke appears in front of the group, with the mysterious figure inside. He looks like a jester, but with spider-like legs and a slightly unnerving mask.*

???: "Lym-"

*He stops abruptly, coughing from the smoke.*

???: "Oh... Damn... T-this happens every time..."

*He manages to choke out between coughs. Eventually, he clears his throat and stands up straight.*

???: "Lymbo's the name! And what can I do you for this fine evening, friends?"
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Can you explain who you are?

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Same question to you. What’s going on?

???: "Oh, friendly friendo. Not even I know what I am, in fact, no soul could tell you, not even the one who created me. But, I could tell you my name, hoho."
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Who... is that?

???: "Oh, oh, oh. I beg, forgive me. I have not materialised yet, you see?"

*The voice rings out again, a bit louder this time.*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Uuuuh... your copies were just consumed... Anyone have a strategy to reach the outside world and call for help??

*I ask in a panicked fashion*

@Memory@The Odeoron*Just then, a faint laughing sound could be heard, it sounded close, but also from a distance.*

???: "Help? Help? Help? Oh, I see. The rift in front of you was neither nice to me..."

*A faint voice echoes, sounding high pitched*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

NNOOO! *It shouted with guttural reverberating base voice as your bullets simply stopped existing. You shot alright, but you just shot air after its declarations...*

Cyrus: "Well, Radiant Bullets don't work..."

Silver laughed at how he said he might as well join. "Even if you don't stay in town, we have outposts all over the region and are adding more every day. My daughter Jade is out there setting them up as she goes on her own travels. You should head over to my wife and she will get you all signed up to join and even explain all the perks of membership." He said gesturing to a female tabaxi tiger reading over a clipboard across the room.

"Sounds good. I'll see you later, then."

He slipped his bag back on and began to had over to the tabaxi.
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