"As long as I get to sleep, this job should be easy... right?"
Name: Sirena "Sasha" Solace Age: 124 Description: A 6'1" half demon girl with ram horns and infinitely disintegrating hair, almost always wearing a pretty loose fitting suit (out of habit at this point) and having a pretty cool looking mouth and eyes.
She is usually very cheery and bubbly, but can get a little depressing at times. She has a habit of falling asleep in random places, due to her former job being a little... tiring, to say the least.
Speaking of her former job, her background isn't too much to note, just that she used to work a 24/7 job that was near a (contained) black hole, which probably explains the hair... Ability: She is great at cooking, can make some really, really good teaor coffee, is pretty smart compared to most and has a really good immune system. She has magnetic magic, but it's pretty weak as she hasn't had much time to learn it. But now, she probably has the time. Artifacts: None Connections: She feels as if she needs to at least try and make friends with anyone she meets, but if they aren't interested, neither is she. She does have a brother, but he's... absent in her life, as well as the rest of her family. Misc: I want to (and really need to) add to her backstory, and might need a little help in figuring out which Section she fits in. And I hope this character sheet isn't too short.
[center][b][i]"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."[/i][/b]
-Freddy Fazbear[/center]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-i">"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."</span></span><br>-Freddy Fazbear</div><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/33b05663-5dee-4fea-b710-8f5d1524ef90.png" /><br><img src="https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/700095c6-0637-4b12-beaa-db5fa4b74742.png" /></div></div>