Name: Franz Kessler
Nicknames/Aliases: Kessler/The Kess/The Big Salad
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Allegiance: Himself. Wants to join the Saints.
Written Description: Kessler is tall, at 6'2. He seems to have a slender frame, but he's actually got a decent amount of muscle on him. He's built like a swimmer. In terms of clothes, he is rarely seen without his awesome red jacket. He wears a lot of anime paraphernalia.
Personality: At first blush, Kessler seems like your everyday, normal guy. A little bit arrogant, maybe, but generally good natured. He likes anime, but he won't talk your ear off about it if you're not interested. When you get to know him, though, it becomes clear he has one major problem: He believe he's invincible. That he is destined for true greatness. Luckily, he's a magnanimous god and is willing to share in his destiny.
Backstory: Kessler is just a regular dude who happens to like anime a lot. When he learned about the whole superhero thing, he decided he wanted to get in on the fun. So he put up an ad on craigslist. For 50 dollars he'll be your bodyguard/mercenary/minion.
Carried Weapons/Items:
-Two katanas
-A tactical vest he bought online.
-Knee and elbow pads.
-Some nunchaku.
-Sickass jacket.
Radass bike-Bike helmet. Safety first! It's reinforced enough that it can even stop larger bullets. A sniper rifle would probably go through it, though, and a point blank shot will probably still give him a concussion.
Superpowers: None.
-Can use a katana without hurting himself
-A very good motorcyclist.
-Actually in very good shape.
-Tough. Has a very high pain threshold.
-He's a very good singer.
-A good belly dancer too.
Extra: Kessler is unemployed. He makes money through selling marijuana out of his apartment and also has several ads up on cragislist.
Jobs he'll do:
-Male Escort: Kessler will allow you to buy him dinner. He promises to wear a nice suit, be a gentleman, and give you one (1) kiss on the cheek. It is not an offer of prostitution.
-Regular Escort: Kessler will bring his katanas and follow you around. He will protect you from any assailant and also rough up anyone you ask him to. He reserves the right to run away if things get too crazy though.
-Spongebob: Kessler will dress up as SpongeBob for your child's birthday party.
-Elsa: Kessler will dress up as Elsa from Frozen for your child's birthday party. He can sing "Let It Go," "Bohemian Rhapsody," and "Happy Birthday."
-Stripper: Kessler will undress as a stripper for your child's birthday party. If you have a pole for him to pole dance on he'll make good use of it. Otherwise, he's a skilled belly dancer.