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Current It's nature's ink.
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No bully sand 3:
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3 yrs ago
It honestly feels like it's 1979. And I wasn't even around then
3 yrs ago
"That's kinda gay bro" -Socrates, 420 BC


slightly suspicious furball

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<Snipped quote by Host>

That is true, but we need to make sure something is established.

<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

*lets out a sigh*
Don’t eat humans. Or any sentient, intelligent creature. Mainly humans though, cause we are everywhere. Not trying to scare ya, but you will face a lot of problems. It was in the past and you won’t do it again....right?

R-right... I-I w-won't d-do it again...
*Thinks a moment*
B-but what if they're already dead? I-Is it okay then?
<Snipped quote by Host>


@spiral origin
Skyla? Is it?

Y-yeah... t-that's my name...
*Looking anxious and a bit confused*
*Watching with great anxiety, shrinking into myself*
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Are... are you sure?

*Nervous, breathing quickly, almost panicced*
O-OKAY I ate someone once! T-they were already dead and I was just curious and it tasted really bad and I'm sorry about it okay?? I-I'm sorry!!
*Breathing hard, shaking a bit*
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Do you... eat people?

*Startled, almost jumps*
N-NO! O-o-of course not!!
*Very nervous, breathing quickly, looks away*
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

So, is that everything?

Y-yeah... t-that's everything...
*Looks nervous*
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

*Jumps, startled*
Ooookay, so not human.

*Retracts my arm and looks down*
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

What can you do?

U-um... I-I can do this...
*Slowly grows my arm an extra half-meter or so and touches your hand with mine*
I can also regenerate myself if I'm hurt, and breathe in a lot of places that most humans can't, like in space and such...
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Hey hey, it’s okay. No need to get worked up. Saltwater hm? Okay, I’ll just order some water and we can use the salt here.

O-okay... t-thank you...
*Glances nervously at Isis*
*Looks at the salt, intrigued*

<Snipped quote by Extra>

Not you too.

<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

I don't want to be rude, but are you human?

U-um... I-I don't think so... I'm not sure what I am...
*Looks down*
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Why eat them?

*Looks nervous*
I-I don't know!... i-i-it was just the first thing I thought of!... I-I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking!...

<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

It’s fine. Choice of words wasn’t the best,
*sits down in a booth*
So, what do ya like to drink?

<Snipped quote by Host>

Cleaner stuff. Less of a mess. It would be handy to have if you want to make sure nothing is left trailing your scent.

U-um... w-water is nice... maybe with some salt?...
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