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3 yrs ago
Current It's nature's ink.
3 yrs ago
No bully sand 3:
3 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
It honestly feels like it's 1979. And I wasn't even around then
3 yrs ago
"That's kinda gay bro" -Socrates, 420 BC


slightly suspicious furball

Most Recent Posts

Kirby takes the knife and chops off his own arm passing it to the demon. "like so"


Kirby passes his chopped off arm to the demon, who takes it. The familiar hobby of chopping customers into pieces and cooking them into fine dining fast food returns to the demonic employee, who happily picks up the knife again and starts chopping away at Kirby. He proceeds to chop off one of Kirby's legs, placing the pieces aside for seasoning later.

Several minutes later, Kirby was all chopped up, as the demonic employee then put the pieces into a pan, adding a sprinkle of various spices as he put it on the stove to cook, humming a jolly evil tune. After the Kirby meat was all cooked, the demon topped the dish off with fried onions, and placed it onto a tray to be served. He then looked at the frozen statue of a blood-marked wrestler. "Uh... did you want this for here or to go?"

R.I.P. Kirby.PNG.

<Snipped quote>

"I will not die!" Mortus roared using all his strength to push the beam off of him. Mortus is filled with DETERMINATION.


The beam started to budge slightly, but this only allowed it to catch fire more quickly, also causing several more beams to fall onto Mortus in the process, sealing his fate. Flames and smoke soon engulfed the beams and Mortus along with them, and in minutes all that remained was a smoking pyre underneath a raging battle of thunderstorms.

R.I.P. Mortus.
In Game: [META] 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>It is time for the ceremony. Ready the captives and the sacrificial daggers and proceed with the ritual to open the portal to the infernal dimension of Ruk'tazaal from where ungodly monstrocities shall emerge and lay waste to the nonbelievers and their false regimes.
In Game: [META] 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>Notice the new thunderdome project going on and offer a few captives as slaves to dedicate to the cause.
In Game: [META] 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>Drink some coffee and connect an IV filled with coffee to my arm. MY VEINS SHALL FLOW WITH COFFEE!
In Game: [META] 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
"This place needs more peeps, mang."

>Introduce Tyrannikos, Khuthas, and the captives to Endless Roleplay™. Meanwhile check the newest threads to see how recent they are, and what they're about.
I'm okay with starting if everybody else wants to.
In Game: [META] 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>Commune with the planets and stars to harvest ideas from the ether, while browsing user profiles and stalking their recent activity for some juicy OOC drama. Try to befriend any users that seem to have decent oral hygiene.
In Game: [META] 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>Drink some coffee and ask Tyrannikos the Deranged if he intends to invade the forest village later, and if he does, request that he bring back two ripe captives for tonight's ceremony.
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