Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

10 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
10 days ago
12 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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19 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
22 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Oooh that could work! I like that idea, maybe the Lich is trying to control the Fae in the area and grabs Chance- Of course unknowing who he really is, (Because I have a secret about Chance uwu)?
And Adrian losing his powers must suck for the poor boy, the only way to make Nessa lose her abilities is to destroy the sun ^^;
Nessa's face blushed slightly red before she smiled to him.
"I wouldn't think you'd need to keep up at all Mr. Adrian." Nessa spoke in a way that could be seen as slightly flirtatious before she pulled Adrian to her chest and suddenly took into the air.

She spun above the large group of people, briefly pressing her feet on a roof to boost both of them into the sky. She seemed oddly strong for her stature, but Nessa was easily described as 'odd'.
She lightly but quickly bounced through the city, as if they were both weightless. "We're close." She mumbled quietly.

"What the fuck was that. Vampires can't just do that." The leader spoke, stepping towards Chance and the cage before he leaned against the cage with a sneer. "Once we get out of the city I'm going to make sure you regret that." He hissed, before he noticed Haki crawl into his pocket.

"Oi, why have you got a puppy?" He sneered as he moved to open the cage before Chance felt the anger flood his body again.
"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY HAKI." Chance Snarled, moving forward to slam his head into the leader. The leader stumbled back, grabbing Chance's hood and pulled it off as he fell onto his ass into the dirt.
"Jesus fuck." The leader mumbled as he looked up to Chance, watching the boy slowly stand up, his arms still chained back and hooked onto the cage, keeping him in place.
Chance's ears were pricked back, his fangs bared and fae runes echoed down his arms angrily.
Ray seemed to calm at the thought of her family not being able to harm her here. She watched Dia and Benjamin speak amongst themselves as she listened, she had no real clue what was going on, but these two seemed like they were nice people to her. They didn't yell at her, or show any real meaning to harm her.

Dia nodded at the idea of getting Ray back to her own body, "That sounds like a good idea." She spoke before she blinked towards him as he mentioned about dressing up as a nurse.
"That could work!" She said with a bigger smile, "Maybe you sprain your ankle? Or something like that?"

Sara felt Marc's fingers brush against hers. Her entire body gave a small, invisible tremble at the touch. The Beast inside her mind let out an angered yell, obviously wounded by her sudden excitement and happiness.
She decided to take the leap and slowly slid her fingers through the gaps of his, her face deepened in red colour as she told herself she was holding hands.
Nessa watched him sign before moving to write to her. She hesitated before giving him a gentle smile, I know a bit of sign too, don't worry. She signed back to him before she started to walk out of the crowd and behind a building. "The Channeling magic is rather... Well, Let's just say I don't want to do it around potential Poachers." She said before she stopped in the shadows and closed her eyes.

The runes down her arms danced with colour, flexing and twisting as if they were alive before the light moved up her arms, revealing more runes that were hidden in her skin; once the same tone as her skin but now were burning a hot white. The light moved up her neck and her freckles suddenly glistened like stars before a small diamond-shaped star appeared on her forehead before the lights pulsed three times and suddenly cut out.
While the runes were glowing, Nessa's body floated slightly above the ground, dust from her feet glistening light stars before the light disappeared, draining down her body the same was as it slid up it.

She shuddered as she reopened her eyes, her freckles glistened in the darkness ever so slightly, but she seemed back to normal.
"On the other side of town." She said with a frown, moving to offer her hand to Adrian, "Walking will be too slow." She moved to fan out her wings from their hiding place. They were the same colour as her skin, but had gold markinsg etching down like veins.

Chance's ears pricked up when he heard Haki's voice, but his hands were still bound and his head covered by the bag.
"Haki?!" He croaked, feeling his connection to the plant sever and the vine thrashed around on its own for a bit before disappearing back into a small seed wrapped in fabric. "Haki is that really you? Oh my god I...I'm so sorry, I should have given myself up! I should have let him heal you!"

He moved his body to press slightly into where Haki's voice was coming from, feeling only a puppy he hesitated. "This is a cruel trick isn't it." He stated as his voice went flat, "You bastards wanted to pacify me. And you're using the only friend I have to try and do it."
OH. She'll probably be on a dragon, rather than flying ahah.
She can fly fast, since she's an Electric elemental, but she's not too confident on her own wings just yet.
Frosiien stayed silent for the rest of the Gym battle, she watched Andy instead of paying any real attention to her cousin. SHe wasn't sure if she wanted to cheer or if she should stay silent.

Gavin only grinned at Michael's words, he knew what he needed to expect from StarFall- and he knew that the humans would enjoy it as well.

Li pricked up his ears as she offered to take him places. "If Niccia allows, I would be more than happy!" He lifted his head up slightly, no one had offered to take him places- well, apart from Niccia, but she didn't count.

Niccia nodded to Mindy and got her selection of treats as well, Sparky making a bit of requests as she watched, her tail wagging.

The next couple of days weren't anything exciting, it was a day of rest and Gavin disappeared for most of the day into the forest to find a quick path to the shrine for StarFall.

The sun slowly rose over the city on the day of StarFall, Niccia laid sprawled out along her bed with Sparky over her torso.
Gavin was meditating in his bed with Fez beside him, both of their eyes were closed as they focused on the aura around them.
As promised, Frosiien walked with Mitch towards the Pokecenter when the sun rose. Sure Andy had mentioned after breakfast, but she couldn't wait; she was too excited for everyone to see each other. Especially so if the Alolan Birds were going to be there as well.
Nessa's ears twitched at the cutting out sound of Adrians' voice. She blinked before he moved to grab his notebook and wrote stuff down.
"Right." She said with a frown before she looked to Ra briefly and moved her bag around for him to slip into. Ra didn't need to be told what he was supposed to do, he darted into the bag quickly and settled in without a word.

Nessa looked towards Adrian again and gave a small frown, "I don't know exactly where he decided to go." She started to him before she closed her eyes, her freckles starting to glisten slightly before the stones around her seemed to glisten. "But he has the StarPrint from earlier, so I can most likely track him." She tilted her head, her Magic wasn't hindered at least. SHe wondered what had triggered Adrians' magic to shut off, but that wasn't important. There were Poachers, and they were potentially after Chance.

Chance fell silent after that comment, anger flooded through his body, but he was ensnared, there wasn't much he could actually do like this. He tried to calm himself down, Fae never acted right when they were irrationally emotion-fueled; he closed his eyes and sat in the cage and focused on the air around him. He felt his magic spin and start to circle outwards, twisting in the area and hooking onto anything plantlike that it could.

The plants along the walkways moved and tried to grab at the cage, twisting to try and strike the poachers before they were stomped down.
Chance's magic hit a seed stuck into the back of the shirt on the Leader, sensing this Chance pooled all his magic into that seed and tried to do whatever he could with it.

The Seed itself started to warp, twisting into the fabric it was entangled in before it suddenly burst outwards from the top, tearing it from the leaders body and caused it to slice through the arm of the one behind him. The poacher let out a loud yell as they stepped away, stumbling slightly as they reached to grip their ripped arm, which was now slowly bubbling up with blood.
Yeah I don't have anything either, I'll jump to the start of the day of Starfall in my post and We'll go from there~
She'll probably become an official Rider in due course, but for now she's just Mercury's companion until they have a proper bonding moment.
Just a heads up, from tomorrow (10th) til the 12th I'm gonna be away, and restricted to my phone so i wont be able to reply until i get back, sorry!
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