Avatar of SporkoBug


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10 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
10 days ago
12 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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19 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
22 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

The Poachers took the money and headed off on their own way; mumbling amongst themselves about what they had seen.
Chance flinched when the sheet was tossed over the cage, he looked around as he tried to keep himself calm. He needed not to panic as he knew his powers could malfunction.
"I'm fine. Totally not freaking out." He started, trying his bet not to be snappy towards Haki, his ears pricked up as he listened to Haki complain before he moved to sit on the cage floor.

"Don't be sorry." He said as he lifted up Haki in his little form, looking him over with a small smile. "I'm just happy I'm here with you. We'll get out of this."
He flicked his ears a bit as he heard things being spoken. His eyes narrowed before he stood up, placing Haki on the ground before heading over to the edge of the cage and pressed his ear to the cloth.

"There are Fae." He said, narrowing his eyes. "They're Praying." He could hear gentle mutterings of prayers to the Fae Spirits, he recognized many of the names before he frowned slightly.
"We have to help them." He said, his voice suddenly turning serious. He moved back to the middle of the cage and sat down before crossing his legs.
"By the powers of the Fae Spirits that look over me; bless me with the power to break the chains and cages of my people. As a Fae-" He was cut off by the sound of footsteps.

Nessa blinked towards Adrians' words and touch, her face flushed slightly before she nodded slightly.
"That sounds good." She said before she moved to step around Adrian and wrapped her arms around his waist again. "We'll head towards the forest, Yes?" She asked with a small tilt of her head.
Noble only laughed at Gnols' comment, "I may have to take him up on that." He said as he petted the side of Comet, "I've had to gain more confidence when I have to work with a stubborn bitch of a dragon like Comet anyway." He jested, feeling Comet's chest rumble in a way much like a purr. She was used to his negative jabs, and she quite enjoyed the banter they created.
"I am glad the horse is not skittish." Comet commented to Trevor quietly, "Things like Skittishness travel rather unwell for most other forestry animals. If they sense somethings nervous then nerves will wreck havoc around all creatures, and we don't need a deer running out in front of us in fear and getting hurt." She said, Noble giving a weak nod.

Ark nodded at Alan's words, "The kid speaks with a great lot of sense." She commented before she looked to Meria and lowered her wing, "Feel free to climb on my back and I can carry you. I wish not for you to exhaust your legs."
Rai rolled her eyes to Ark and gave her a gentle pat on the side, "Mikhal can hop onto Ark as well, Alan you can hop on Mercury. I doubt carrying two will be too hard on him."
Mercury gave a weak smile as he lowered his head, he felt bad for being injured. Ricki pet at his neck quietly before she offered her hand to Alan to help pull him up onto Mercury's back.
"Even if it's a smooth path, a Dragons Gallop is rather fast." Ricki added quietly, Rai only nodding in agreement.
"Walking first. Get everyone comfortable, especially since Mercury doesn't have a saddle and riding bareback on a large scaled beast isn't the best for pants or thighs."

Seb moved his feet onto the ground and walked over to RedClaws, moving to gently place his hand on the Dragon to show he wasn't a threat. The beast probably already knew it, but it was a force of habit for Seb.
He didn't respond to Crreessa's mocking tone, only hopping onto RedClaws' back without any problems.
"Perfect." Damien said before he braced himself, feeling Orian's body flex as he moved to take off into the air quickly.

Orian spun as he took off, breaking past the trees without breaking a sweat and spiraled before leveling out and staying in the same spot as he waited for the others. He waited for a few moment before he made his way towards the Silver Order.
Damien watched the horizon with a worried look on his face, he only hoped some of his team members still remained. He wasn't fond of everyone there, but there were a few he wanted to be alive... For their sake.

The sun shone through the trees and vines in the heart of the dense forest. Dead trees had been knocked down and now moss started to flood over them, mushrooms growing under the branches of the taller trees. There had been a battle here, but it would look like it was centuries ago.
This wasn't true, the battle had only taken a few months prior to the group meeting. The overgrowth and wilderness were caused by a third partys power that kept it hidden and safe. The Kings men weren't going to find the Base of the Silver Order.

A large statue of a dragon laid against the top of a broken cave, it's eyes closed and vines grew over and around it's body. It's dark grey stoney scales glistened in the small amount of light that trickled to it. It seemed to be laying in wait...
Frosiien saw Lytse and grinned to him, moving to lift him gently off the floor and gave his head a kiss.
"Good morning little one~" She said happily as she carried him in her arms over to Michael, "I can only hope you two slept well?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "May I join you while we wait for the others?"
Mitch followed afterwards, keeping an eye out as he continued. The Galarian Birds were here, of course they were.

Sparky's ears twitched and her nose breathed in the smell of a legendary. She sleepily hopped off the bed and walked towards the doorway and over to Michael and Frosiien, pressing her nose against Frosiiens' leg while her eyes were closed, her tail wagging slowly.
"Good morning little one." Frosiien said as she knelt down to Pet Sparky's head, watching her flomp onto the ground and fall back to sleep. "Oop, not ready to wake just yet?" She giggled.
Chance watched the mist dissipate after clinging onto Haki for a bit longer. He didn't want this to end anytime soon but he nodded as he said he had to change forms again. He readied himself for when the Mist disappeared, before he looked around at the poachers and the men in hoods.
"I immediately don't like this..." He uttered as his ears drooped, he kept his arms down as not to pose a thread, but he just watched the men around him.

The Poachers looked at Chance in fear, a few of them stepped back before running away, but the leader stayed put, his top still torn and a visible glare of anger pointed towards Chance.
"I promised yas a fucking Fae." He growled angrily, "Now here he is."
Chance looked around to those staring at him, he didn't like to be stared at like this, but there was no way for him to escape without hurting himself or Haki. But Haki said to listen, and as much as he didn't want to, he would.

Nessa frowned when Adrian said he couldn't find them.
"The Stars don'r lie." She uttered before she looked into the sky, closing her eyes as her freckles glistened again.
"The stars wouldn't lie." She whispered to herself as her magic built up and bubbled angrily before she moved to sit on the roof.

"I can try again. I still have Charged magic. It won't take too long." She said, she seemed panicked and frantic for a moment. The Stars never did this to her, was her magic being sapped? Did the stars not wish to use her as their seer any longer?
She never went against the code, she didn't break the bond to the stars, and she still had Ra with her. Why didn't it work?
Chance flinched as the mist rolled in, he lifted his arms up to cover his face for a second before he realized he could move his arms. He lowered them as he heard Haki's voice. He opened his eyes and looked up towards Haki as he appeared out of the mist in front of him.
Chance couldn't stop himself from tearing up before he ran towards Haki and hugged his torso tightly as he mumbled stuff into his fur, he pulled himself away as he looked up towards Haki with tears down him face.

"Oh my god Haki! It's you, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. It's my fault." He said as he gripped his fingers into Haki's fur. His runes glistened before the light disappeared from them as he slowly calmed down, his ears were drooped back sadly as he stared up at Haki. He forgot about the Poachers for a second, he didn't care about them at all- He had Haki back, that's all that mattered.

Nessa landed carefully on a building away from the mist that suddenly appeared, her eyes narrowed as she held Adrian tightly against her body.
"That's where Chance is." She said with a frown, "Is that mist good or bad...?" She asked as she hopped down from the building, fanning her wings out to slow the fall of them as she landed on the ground below.

Ra popped his head out of her bag and shook his head as his ears pricked up slowly. "I can scout?" He asked, Nessa's tail moved around to press his head back into the bag, an easy sign of 'no.'
Especially for Chance, he smol but he protecc his bigger friends!
It's a good trait for characters to have, I have not a lot of cold-hearted characters in general.
Something something Curse of a gentleman; those with big hearts are incredibly protective.
They're good babies, the four, or technically five because I could Ra, are good babies.
They would very well try if they had to xD
And yes! Whomever would that be? But yes, do not piss Nessa off- I don't recommend meeting SuperNova!Nessa.
I mean, you'd have to attempt to destroy all sun-like stars, but covering the sun would easily weaken her. And you definitely don't wanna anger her in any way; like maybe wounding a romantic interest or something.

Secrets are good! We like secrets!
Jase was surprised by the calmness he felt as he watched Stuart take photos. When he was told her could redress, he moved quickly to pull on his underpants and pants before anything else. At the mention of not needing to conform with the dress code he hesitated, "I think I have it down with the tail just over the edge of my pant-line." He said with a small smile and nod. "Thank you for the information though, I'll need to pass that onto Carl."

He grinned as he was finished getting dressed, he looked over towards Stuart after a moment of thought, "DO you guys have... Any information on Angels at all?" He asked, "I'd love to read up on them, considering my... Boyfriend is one." He said with a nervous laugh.

Gaia watched Ethan, her instincts not listening to his words as she focused on the gun pointed towards her.
She let out a low rumble as she turned more towards Ethan and Morrison, her tail swaying and slamming gently into the wall. The ringing still irritated her, but she was focused on the weapons pointed right at her.
"Danger." The instincts hissed towards Ethan's mind, before Gaia moved quickly towards Ethan and Morrison, moving to leap over them and skid down the hallway on all fours.

She moved for the nearest open window, and being trapped in the close indoors was not what she wanted. She let out another low rumble as she was backed into a wall and drooped her ears back.
"Worried. Fear." She was backed into the corners of the hallway now, there was no where else for her o go, unless she broke through a wall or ceiling, but her instincts were running haywire and she was left in fight or flight, which for her, is fight.

Steph moved to help Mike up, "Where's Harriet? She knows about Gaia, right?" SHe asked quietly, looking towards Benjamin as if for confirmation on her own thoughts.
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