Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

10 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
10 days ago
12 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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19 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
22 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Chance felt his chest rise and fall in anger as he looked to Lillian. "Of course." He huffed angrily to himself, "Of course the bloody council is already falling to pieces. Iella would be disgusted."
Chance hoped that the young ones would know Iella's name, she was one of the Fae who helped run the council before the... Accident.

At the sound of Haki's voice, Chance turned away before he moved to follow after them. "I promise I'll come back for you. If the Council won't help you, I will."
He turned back towards Haki and slipped out of the bars before he looked around, he hesitated and focused his energy into a small seed before he flicked it into the cage.

The seed landed on the ground and quickly bloomed into a bush in the shape of a sleeping figure rolled to face the wall. Chance looked back towards Haki; his face held worry and a hint of sadness. "I... Haven't been fully truthful with you." He uttered under his breath.

The leader stared up at Nessa before looking to Adrian.
"I... Uh..." He started before he felt Nessa's foot gain weight on his chest. "W...We sold him! There was some sort of bounty out for any Fae captured."

Nessa sneered, more of her hair twisted more red. Her scales flickered more red. The edges of her foot starting to smoke against the leaders shirt, he squirmed under her weight.
"Oh fuck! Burning ow ow!"
Chance paused as Lillian asked about his age, he looked to the ground before he breathed in. "I am not a child." He started, but he didn't elaborate as he was backed up to the wall as the kids surrounded him. The shadows around him coiled up a little bit before he shook his head. [color=7F0A49]"I'd rather not have you touch him."[/i] He felt his ears droop down as he hugged Haki tighter.

"We have to help them." He whispered to Haki, he felt like it would seem out of character for him to care about others like this. "We have to at least find out what they're doing to my people." He started, he looked back to Lillian.
"Have they... tried to do anything?" He asked with a worried tone in his voice. "Have you tried to contact the... council? Have they tried to contact you back?"

Chance felt his runes slowly flicker to light, this time they glowed a gentle pink, coiling down slowly his arms.
His runes were rather different to most Fae, most looking at them wouldn't be able to make out most of them; but there were glowing crown-shaped markings on the back of his hands.

Nessa nodded towards Adrian as he signed about his plan. She had jumped off of Atari as she fanned her wings out with Ra over her shoulders.
She followed after the Poachers and hid up the trees as Adrian dropped his runes. Her ears flexed before she leapt out of the tree and pinned the leader down quickly.
"Howdy." She hissed, "Our friend, where is he?"
"Jesus Christ!" The leader started, struggling under Nessa's weight. "What the fuck are you? BOYS!" He called out to the other poachers.

Nessa moved quickly, pushing her weight on the Leaders chest before she flicked small stars towards the remaining free Poachers. The stars hit their heads before bursting into dust, and the other Poachers collapsed onto the ground asleep.
"As I said," Nessa huffed. "Where. Is. Chance." Her hair started to streak a soft red, parts of her scales slowly twisting from blue to red as she heated up in anger.
Sparky let out a yawn as Benny moved her, she looked around with her eyes still closed before she moved a paw over her larger eyes.
Frosiien smiled and moved to sit beside Michael. "Oh you humans are interesting~" She sighed with a grin, "I remember the times when humans woke and slept with the sun. It was an interesting time, Lunala and Solelgeo were more than happy to help them keep schedules."

The Pokecenter doors opened as Soul slowly walked in, his eyes were on the floor before he looked up towards Frosiien and Michael.
"Good morning." He spoke before he placed the Keystone of Varina on the table. "I took her for a walk."
Varina poked her head up from her keystone and bounced slightly, "The city is gorgeous! I've never seen anything like it!" She said with a grin.
Mitch climbed up onto a seat and waved down a Chansey, asking for a cup of coffee with a small tired smile.
"Oh Mitchy." Frosiien said as she rubbed his head gently, "You don't need it~"
"I can assure you ma'am," The Delibird slowly responded, "I was up all night making sure your 'cousins' didn't try to disturb you. I do indeed need it."
Chance stumbled as the cage was lifted again. He felt the world shake as the cage swayed, before he was grabbed- Just out of reach for him to bite the large hand- before he was tossed into the prison.
When tossed, Chance moved to make sure Haki couldn't be harmed as he bounced off the floor and into the wall. He let out a whine before he slowly stood up.

A voice brought his attention away, slowly looking over to Lillian.
"Chance." He said, looking around at all of the Child Fae as his eyes narrowed, "Chance Black." He wasn't sure why he spoke his fake last name, it always felt... Bad to lie about it.
He was around his own kind now, surely they wouldn't turn on him if he told them... Right?
"They're all... children. Chance spoke, biting his tongue as he wanted to scream and shout loudly. "I heard some of you praying to the spirits?"

Nessa took Ra back before giving a small nod. She climbed up onto Atari as Adrian climbed onto Diana and flew off.
"No rush my friend," She started to the Griffon, readying herself. "Off to the west!" She called out as they headed into the air.

After a moment of silence, Atari slowly pulled back and started to turn.
"Oh! This way friend?" She asked as they started to head off towards the East, the flying beast slowly speeding up. Nessa slowly placed Ra on Atari's back before she moved to stand up, balancing her weight against the beasts shoulder blades.
Her eyes narrowed as they got closer to where Adrian was, she could sense Adrian being near- which startled her slightly. Why was she suddenly linked to Adrian like this?
I'm assuming the poachers they came across are the ones who sold chance to the hooded guys?
Jase smiled towards Stuart before he hesitated and pulled out a bit of scrap paper and scribbled down his cellphone number.
"Here, this is my number in case you need to contact me for more questions." He said with a small smile, "Thank you so much. I hope we can find something about my species, fingers crossed there's nothing 'feral' about this species." He said with a soft chuckle, pulling out his phone and texting Carl to see how he was.

Gaia's ears flicked towards Ethan as she heard his voice, she kept her head down as she tried to slink towards him before she noticed the different gun. A small rumble echoed from her throat which would have twisted into a roar before the bullet was shot, hitting her shoulder before the discharge bounced over her body.

Gaia let out a pained roar as she moved herself closer to the ground, the electricity bouncing through her scales and over her wings. The discharge bounced around more and hit the device on the back of her neck, causing it to let out a louder screech that started to become audible to the humans.
Gaia rumbled as she moved to turn her head to attempt to nip towards what was every making the sound, to her it was coming from her shoulder so she sunk her own teeth into her scales and slammed her tail down in pain.

Steph nodded at his words before footsteps echoed from behind them. A shadow leapt over them and a figure moved towards Gaia, slipping in between Morrison and Ethan before they stopped in front of Gaia.
The figure started to speak in an unknown language, which caused Gaia to let go of herself before she turned towards the figure. Gaia lifted herself off the ground weakly, the discharge still bouncing through her over. The figure started to speak louder, over the now audible scream from the device.

Steph stepped forward towards the two male agents, poking her head towards Gaia and the figure in black. The black colouration slowly dispersed to reveal Harriet standing with her hands up towards Gaia.
"GAIA I KNOW YOU CAN UNDERSTAND US." Harriet yelled, Gaia's ears drooped back as she opened her mouth to sneer and growl. "CALM DOWN. YOU'RE NOT LIKE THIS."
Gaia moved to roar again before Harriet moved to slap Gaia in the face. Gaia flinched back as the woman struck her, her eyes flexing deeper in red for a moment before lightening to pink before she slowly turned towards Harriet.
Dia nodded and stood up, instinctively offering her hand to Ray as she stood. Ray looked at her hand before weakly smiling and moving to stand herself.
"I don't think I can touch you." Ray uttered before she looked towards Benjamin, "I...I'll come with you guys."
Dia looked towards Benjamin with a gentle smile, "Right, Nurses outfit." She said with a bit of a smirk.

Sara enjoyed the contact between her and Marc, this was new to her... All of it.
"What else is in the city?" She asked as she stared at the sky and the lights around them. "I don't think I've ever been out here. Is there anything else fun?"
Yeah of course! I just wanted to make sure if that was still the plan ahah!
Were we still wanting mike to become a vampire?
Chances ears flicked back almost angrily as his prayers were interrupted by the footsteps, before he looked down to Haki with a small nod.
"As long as it doesn't drain too much power." He said carefully before he moved to stand up slowly, holding Haki gently in his arm. "Who's there! What do you want?!"

The footsteps stopped before a figure could be seen on the other side of the cloth. The silence echoed over the mumbled whispers of the Fae around them.
"I wasn't told you'd be feisty." A males voice echoed from the shadow, "But that's okay, we'll break your spirit when we get to you. We've done it before."
Chance let out a growl as he listened, "Break my Spirit?!" He asked with a snarl, a laugh echoed form the shadow.

Nessa let Adrian go as they landed, she moved over to one of the Griffons and gently ran her hands against their feathers. "My friends we need your help." She whispered to Diana, moving to offer up the beanie that Chance was wearing. "Chance had Haki's flower with him. If we find Chance, we'll find Haki."

Ra popped his head out of Nessa's bag and leapt out to walk over to Adrian and moved to carefully climb back up onto his shoulder. He gently pressed his head to the man with a small humming purr.
"We will not stop until we find Haki." He said quietly to Adrian alone, "Please do not stress too much, it is not healthy for your cells."
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