Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

10 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
10 days ago
12 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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19 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
22 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Chance's ears were drooped before Haki suddenly turned to talk to the armoured man. He flinched as Haki moved to attack the man, he watched him quietly before he tilted his head. He jumped when Haki spoke to him.
"I'm fine!" He blurted out, his face deep red as he looked over Haki's proper form. "You're big again!" He said with a bit of a grin.

"A...As I was saying." He cleared his throat as he went back to what he was talking. "The Fae don't exactly have royalty so to speak. We have a court, a council it's called." He started to walk again, slowly with his ears forward and perked.
"The name is Spoke before to the kids, Iella." He looked back to Haki, a look of grief and shame in his eyes and sadness in his voice, "She was my.. Fiance; we had planned to wed before... The incident happened and I became as you see today. I was in line to be a leader, I was known by Chance as a Nickname."

Nessa nodded at Adrians' signing, as he lowered himself down, Nessa moved into a dive.
She fanned her wings in as she started to plummet down towards the ground, she looked up to Adrian as she neared the ground before she suddenly fanned her wings out as she suddenly floated backwards as she neared landing.

She hopped around when she touched the ground before she looked to Ra as he suddenly leapt after she dove down. He landed onto her shoulder with a bit of a bounce and gave a small chirp as he rubbed his face onto her cheek.
Ray flinched when Dia was pulled away, she floated over towards Benjamin and poked her head out of the space behind him. "A...Are we in danger?" She squeaked in fear.
Dia turned to face Josh as he stared her down; there was a serious look in his eyes, he looked her up and down and gave a bit of a huff and let her go back out of the shadows, stepping forward as well.

"What are you two planning?" Josh asked in a low, hushed voice, looking towards Benjamin.

Sara kind of slunk into herself at the mention of being sheltered. "S..Sorry." She started, she had listened to what Marc said about things, but her mood didn't seem to change back to anything positive.
She kept her hand around Marcs', but the grip was looser now; she glanced up to him with a small frown.

"I'm... Sorry I was sheltered." She said simply, before looking back down towards the ground.
He hates you.
Shut up.
You're a sheltered fuck up.
I know, shut up.
Chance hesitated before he answered Haki.
"I..." He started, hesitating on speaking even more. "Don't know. I was knocked out when you were captured, I think I went back to the Fae Realm." He continued as they walked along.
Chance kept his ears up as he focused on footsteps echoing around. "As for things I haven't told you-" He hesitated before he moved to grab Haki up off the ground and shifted to stand against the shadows.

The Hulking Bullman walked past them, his steps echoing through Chances body as he watched them leave. He waited for a moment, waiting for about three minutes once the creature was out of his eye sight before he continued to walk.
"I'm not... Just a normal Fae." Chance sighed, his ears drooping back.

As soon as Nessa felt Adrian touch her skin she flinched away from him. She looked to him and noticed the burn marks on his hands before her skin suddenly warped back to blue.
"I'm sorry! Oh god I'm so sorry!" She started as the air around her cooled down, she looked to the Poachers with a sneer and moved down to grab the bag of the leader and tucked it into hers.
"H..Hey! That's my pay!" He grumbled loudly as Nessa turned to face him with a glare, causing him to flinch back and lower his head.

Nessa grouped the rest of the poachers all near a tree as they started to wake from whatever she had done to them.
When Adrian took off she moved to put Ra on Atari and motioned for her to follow after Diana, "I'll fly for a bit." She spoke before she fanned her wings and pushed herself into the air. She spun for a moment before she got closer and closer to Diana and Adrian.
She fanned her wings out to glide alongside the Griffon and her rider, watching the ground quietly.
I love him so much hahah.
Jase nodded and bowed his head, "I can't wait to see what you find out about me." He said before he fixed up his jacket and headed out of the room, heading off quickly to the infirmary to check up on Carl.
He pushed the doors open, startling a few of the nurses as he entered. He hesitated and apologized before he headed off towards where Carl was seated.

Carl was sitting up, his head back as he had his eyes closed. He opened an eye as Jase walked in, a small smile spread across his face- one that was almost teasing.
"Hey scruffy." He croaked before Jase moved to sit down, gripping Carls' hand with a bigger smile.
"Hey Feathers." Jase started as he leaned to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Harriet looked back to Ethan as he barked towards her, her ears flicking back slightly but a small smile on her lips. She stepped aside to allow Ethan near Gaia. "Be my guest." She said to him with a bow of her head.
Gaia watched Harriet carefully, "Worry." Gaia's voice echoed through Ethans' head, before she looked towards him with a prick of her ears. "Ethan." She lifted her head up slightly and her tail gently tapped on the floor.

Harriet took this moment to step out of the way of the males, moving to grip onto Morrison's arm to reassure him it was safe.
Gaia watched Morrison for a moment, her ears drooping before she looked towards Ethan again, letting out a low whine.
Frosiien laughed at Michael's words, "You did indeed." She continued, "You humans always amuse me." She looked to Varina with a small smile. "I am glad you had fun."
Varina smiled before she looked towards Mitch as Soul moved to hop up on the couch beside Michael as he picked up Sparky to put her on his back as he did so.
"I am more than happy to keep watch Mitch." Soul added quietly, the Delibird furrowed his brow before weakly nodded once.
"Aye, fine. I will have a nap." He moved to close his eyes and lean against the nearest wall.

Frosiien smiled towards Michael, "I'm glad you offered to look after me." She said softly, "My Cousins aren't bad, I promise. It's just... They're not used to humans. Not like myself and my brothers."
Sparky gave a small mumble as she was moved, nuzzling into Souls fur as she stretched out a bit more with a huff- some glitter jetting from her nose and covering a part of Soul.
Dia listened with Ray following after them both in silence.
"What if we run into any of the staff on the way?" Dia asked slowly, tilting her head. She looked around as they moved along, she didn't like the feeling of not knowing where they were heading.

As they walked along, Dia couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching them both. She looked around and caught a glimpse of what she thought was a person but when she turned to check there was no one there.
As they got closer and closer to where they were going, Dia was suddenly pulled off to the side into a dark hallway.

Sara blinked as she listened to Marc speak, "Whats..." She started, "Whats an arcade?" She continued embarrassed as she tilted her head.
"I have no idea what karaoke is like..." She continued with a small shrug, "Sorry, I don't tend to get out much."
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