Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

10 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
10 days ago
12 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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18 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
22 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Gaia moved to stand up properly, shaking her entire body as Ethan asked if she was okay, listing out what happened to her.
"Slamming into wooden walls is nothing, often its hard rough stone." She said with a small laugh before she nodded slightly, "But I am fine, a little shaken and tense, but I am fine." She moved to gently put her head on Ethans' head as she closed her eyes with a smile. "But thank you for worrying about me Ethan. It means a lot to me."

She lifted her head slightly as she heard Benjamin and Mike talking, and lowly moved away from Ethan to walk towards Mike. She hesitated before she stopped in front of him with a weak smile.
"Hey Mike," She started, moving to wrap her tail around her left leg as if a nerve-soothing thing, "I am sorry for... Everything you just saw. I do not mean to scare you if I did." She continued before she gave a small smile without teeth and offered a scaled hand to Mike. "If you do not forgive me then I will completely understand, but I wanted to apologize. You are not too hurt are you?"

Rose grinned to Mr Johnson and moved to sit in the chair happily. She settled down in the chair before her hind legs slowly spanned out to touch the couch or the floor. She tilted her head as he spoke to her.
"Oh! Okay, what did you want to know? I hope I can help." She furrowed her brow as she tried to pull back memories from the day, she remembered following and tracking Gaia, being captured by the spiders... but then only warm fuzziness and nothing else.

The agent who made the machines heard the beep from their phone and grumbled as they slid out from under one of the broken cars. They rubbed their hands clean on a cloth before they pulled off their apron.
They let out a string of grumbles before they rubbed their face and stared to their phone. They mumbled more before moving off towards Mr Johnsons office.
They glanced towards the guard as they entered, moving their working cap off and moved to tie up their crimson red hair. They looked towards Rose and moved the chair across the ground before they sat down.

"Hey Freya!" Rose said to the woman sitting across from her, Freya didn't look towards her and waved her hand absentmindedly towards the now-spider girl.
Josh stared at Benjamin, his eyes glinting purple as what seemed to be purple aura trickled off of his eyes.
"That's interesting," He started as he looked towards Dia, "I thought you were smitten for the spirit behind you." He gestured to Ray almost calmly, as if he had known for a while. "Not the Fallen Princess."
He breathed in slowly, hiding his annoyed reaction from Benjamin. Why were humans so hard to work with?

"As for why I pulled Dia away..." He stepped forward, so there wasn't much of a distance between the two of them, "Dia is dead," He continued, his mouth in a frown, "But yet, here she is. As tangible as you and I."
Dia moved to step in between Benjamin and Josh with a sneer, "He has nothing to do with that." She said, "Look, we're trying to help others here, just let us do what we need to do."
Josh straightened himself up with a grumble and a huff, "You're going to need a lot more than just you two idiots to manage it." He said, crossing his arms Dia let out a low growl before Josh rolled his eyes. "Of course, my apologies my liege."

Sara gave a small smile and a nod as Marc spoke.
"If you think it would be nice, I would be happy with it!" She said happily, before she looked back to the sky and watched the stars again.
"Are... Arcades loud?" She asked out loud, looking towards Marc again with a bit of questioning look. "I can deal with some noise, but too much makes... Them come out too quickly." She sighed softly.

"I think being around you helps." She spoke with a quiet voice, "I wish you don't ever meet her, she's not nice like you. She's malicious and murderous; She's never managed to actually hurt someone but the things she thinks of are... scary."
"Well, she wa-" Chance stopped as he looked at the men around them, his ears flattened backwards, but when Haki spoke to him telepathically he just nodded. "Of course." He spoke before he looked back to Haki, "I trust you."

He relaxed himself, he watched the men quietly. "If we come quietly, will you keep the children unharmed?" He asked, it wasn't his spot to ask about the children, but of course he couldn't leave his own kind like this. He felt his eyes flex in colour as he watched the men in front of him, his wings twitched slowly as he focused.
As long as they said the kids were safe, he wouldn't cause a problem until he needed to.

He glanced to Haki for a moment, he felt his emotion twist.
"What's wrong?" He asked telepathically, "Did I say something wrong? I'll... Explain more things if you'd like, the story doesn't stop there..."

Nessa watched Adrian head inside and moved to run her hands through Ra's fur before Adrian returned, "Intel?" She asked before she moved Ra off her shoulder and held him out to Adrian with a small, almost childish grin, "Like a secret sneakbeast?"
Ra looked to Adrian with a flat look on his face, he rolled his eyes at Nessa's words before he wriggled from her grip and jumped to the ground with a shudder over his body. He stretched and quickly moved to twist into his proper form and flexed his muscles with a yawn.

Nessa looked back to Adrian with a small smile, "We think it's a trap yes?" She asked with a small frown.
Dia looked towards Benjamin with a look of worry as she slowly stepped towards Benjamin, away from Josh.
Josh gave a bit of a sneer, "Well, you have her with you." He notioned to Dia with a narrow of his eyes, "So you must be up to something, especially since the Artist one isn't in her body." He spoke knowingly, narrowing his eyes towards Benjamin.

Ray blinked at Josh's words, moving behind Benjamin even more. She was afraid of this sudden person, how did he know these things? DId he know Dia?

Sara blinked at Marcs' words, when he squeezed her hand she looked up at him with widened eyes.
"R...Really?" She asked with a small squeak, before she thought about what she wanted to do.

"The arcade sounds interesting." Sara said with a small smile, "I wouldn't mind going to see a movie but we've already ruled that out..." SHe continued, thinking before she gave a small shrug. "I think I'd like whatever you choose to be honest." Sara smiled softly, tilting her head towards Marc with a bit of a smile.
"A device?" Gaia finally spoke properly, lifting her head to look at the device before he crushed it on the ground. She waited until he lifted his foot away before she fanned out her wing and slammed the side of his into the device to crush it further. Gaia moved to sit up and fanned her wings back in slowly, she shook her head as she lifted her hands and moved to touch her ears gently.

"Murr. I didn't like that." She grumbled to herself and she glanced towards Harriet, who grinned to Gaia and waved as she moved away. Gaia looked to Ethan momentarily before she gave a weak smile. "Thank you Ethan." She started, before she looked around, "Where is Mike? I want to apologize."

The female agent heard her phone go off from her small webbed corner of the room, she dropped from the ceiling as she moved to grab the phone and looked at the message. She felt her chelicera twitch on either side of her mouth, invisible from the outside. She headed off towards Mr Johnsons office before she was stopped by the guy outside.
"Whoa whoa, who are you?" He asked with a glare towards the girl.
The girl blinked quietly before giving a bigger smile, "It's me Rose!" She said, Showing her phone to the guard, "The boss asked for me, see?"

"Oh." The bodyguard spoke, stepping side slowly, "I didn't... recognize you, apologies." Rose gave a bigger grin as she entered the room.
"You were looking for me Sir?" She asked with a bigger smile.
Frosiien gave a small nod to Michael's words, "Exactly." She agreed before she sighed and leaned back in the chair as she looked to the ceiling, "It's always the minority which ruins everything with the Legendaries. I've met humans who have been horrible, but then I've also met humans who are absolutely amazing." She said as she looked to Michael with a bigger grin, obviously meaning him and his Uncle.

Frosiien looked over towards Benny and bowed her head softly, "I appreciate the offer." She started, "But I would rather have Mitch sleep on his own terms, so just in case I need him, he can be ready to help instead of being induced." She smiled to Benny and moved to gently pet his head.
Sparky's ears pricked up after a moment, stretching and hopping up from Soul and walked over to Michael and rested her head against his leg as her tail wagged slowly. She quietly listened into what Michael was saying to Frosiien.
So, I have some ideas uwu
Maybe Ethan and Gaia could end up having to go on a stakeout mission that takes a couple days? That way Ethan could 'see what sort of beast she is' and they could have some alone time together uwu
And I was thinking Benjamin and Steph end up doing a mission where they have to go to a neighboring town to visit a church that's being 'Haunted' by Potential Ghosts or Demons?
Gaia lowered herself to the ground as Ethan approached her, she moved her tail underneath her body when he mentioned about keeping her tail 'under check'. She folded her wings up to allow him to check her neck.
The device flashed on her neck, it was smaller than a milk bottle top; but big enough to be seen on her scales. The device was slightly embedded into her scales to fix it in place, the device was shorted out due to the electric shot that was fired at Gaia moments before. The machine was letting off a small whine that was audible to everyone now, which caused Gaia's ears to flick occasionally due to the noise.

"It hurts my head." Gaia's voice echoed through Ethan's mind, the tone was twisting slowly back to normal instead of a grumbled growl, "I didn't... Hurt anyone did I?" She asked quietly, looking up to Ethan with a tilt of her head.
No. Never.
Oooh, good idea!
I like the idea of Chances one too! Just to torment the poor boy even more!
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