Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
9 days ago
12 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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18 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
22 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Gaia's ears drooped slightly as she nodded, "I'm sorry that I scared you." She said before she looked over to Benjamin as he spoke about reporting it. She gave a small smile, it was nice knowing others cared for her. Her ears pricked up as she heard Ethan speak her name, she gave a single nod before she headed off to go outside and spread her wings properly.
As she passed Benjamin she looked down to him with a small smile, "I will be outside if you need me. I need to air my head." She said before she headed outside.

As she got outside, she fanned her wings and quickly took to the air with a spin, fanning her wings out completely as she flew above the clouds.
Steph looked to Mike quietly before she looked back to Benjamin. "Do you think... we should tell the boss?" She asked with a small tilt of her head.
She was worried, was this a planned attack on Gaia? Or could it be something... worse.

Freya listened to Mr. Johnson before she nodded slightly. "Right." She said as she pulled out a notebook and started to scribble stuff down on it as he continued to speak; it would seem rude if it was anyone else, but this was how Freya worked. "I could probably put some sort of rubber coating onto it." She continued, "It may make it slightly bigger and a bit more obvious but I'm getting some smaller parts coming in in about a week so I should be able to make up one by the end of the month." She concluded before she looked up to Mr. Johnson. "So I would recommend keeping it on the downlow about what has happened, probably better to keep watching her mannerisms and such."

Rose perked up at the idea, lifting her hand up to speak. "Oh oh!" She started, Freya shooting her a disgusted look and an eyeroll as she continued to speak. "We could use this as a sort of 'attack' on her and we have to put a little monitoring camera and reader to make sure that the machine didn't cause any problems with her body?" She asked with a tilt of her head, Freya paused and looked towards her, scribbling something down as she did, she didn't need to look at her paper as she did so.

"I..." Freya started before she put her pen down, "I didn't expect something smart to come out of your mouth." Rose just looked at her with a goofy grin. Rose was never the smartest agent, but she was compassionate and hardy. "I have a camera tracker that's small enough not to be a bother to her for a bit while I make the other stuff." Freya added before she nodded towards Rose.
As soon as Haki touched him, Chance's powers just... shut off. The men squirming slowly stopped as the plants and vines suddenly disappeared from them. Chance's eyes refocused and slowly flexed back to their original colouring before he looked to Haki with his ears pricked up.
"H...Haki I'm... I'm sorry I didn't mean to." He started quickly, almost rambling, "I tried to keep my emotions in check, this is why I try to not show emotion, this is why I've seemed so..."

He froze up as he heard a voice, he stood and spun around with narrowing eyes towards the male. "You." He hissed angrily, baring his fangs.
"Still trying to pretend that nothing ever happened to you?" He grinned as he bent down slightly, "And god forbid, Iella?"
Chances anger started to bubble over again before he moved to take a strike at the man, who stepped aside easily, pulling out a small cane and slammed it into Chances side, sending him to the wall with ease.

Chance let out a squeak as he slammed into the wall with a loud CRASH.

Nessa focused more on the energy in her palm as she felt Adrian step back. She closed her eyes and breathed in, pooling all of her energy into her palm and focused.
She felt herself grow weak from the strain on her magic, but she didn't let it get to her as she stepped back slightly and shot the large ball of energy straight into the door and the barrier. As soon as she lowered her arm, she dropped to her knees with her head drooped.

The red colouration from her slowly disappeared, but her blue colouration was a lot palier than what it was before.
She was tried, but she was determined. She moved to stand up slowly, stumbling backwards a little before she held herself up.
Awh, bless Haki. He's a good kid, I love him so much.
Yee, I understood it ahah.
Yeah I'll play the Lich Avatar, If you have the guard go get him in your next post I'll introduce him uwu

Oh no Haki, Chance is super powerful how do you feel uwu
Yeah I'll control Chances avatar.

Yeah, Chance has a fancy as fuck proper name ahah. It's a Fae thing; they're generally fancy.
I hope I didn't go to overboard with Chance.
Chance yet out a snarl as the leader put a blade towards Haki, he felt the anger flood through his body before they were moved to the large room behind the door.
Chance's eyes narrowed as he saw the children, and he felt his magic twist and coil inside him as the anger started to grow stronger and stronger. He held himself back, Fae couldn't blindly act on emotions- It could be dangerous... Chance knew this, he had seen it first hand before.

He glanced back towards Haki through the guards. He felt his hands tremble before he turned to face the taller men with closed eyes. His ears drooped back as he breathed in and out to try and vent his anger.
"Oh what's wrong tiny child?" One of the guards started before they moved quickly to grab their throat. They felt the growth of a sudden vine in their throat; which made it harder and harder for them to breathe as the vine grew thicker and longer.
"I. am. not. a. child." He hissed loudly, the shadows around him flickered before he opened his eyes- his pupils a deep, dark blood red. "I am Terriphas Alendar. Son of the stars, fighter for Fae freedom."
A couple more of the guards moved to grip various parts of their digestive systems; it turned out to be a bad thing for them t have eaten any form of seed or plant matter in the last few hours. "I have been around before you all were alive." He stepped towards the guards as the first collapsed due to lack of oxygen. "And I will be around once you cease to exist."

He turned back towards the Fae children and motioned his hand towards them, "Who ever is trying to harm these younglings. I will take them down with the fury of the Elder Spirits." He bared his fangs as they glistened in the light around the room. He seemed to stand slightly taller, for a moment he hadn't paid attention to Haki at this moment, he was focused on the guards writhing in pain in front of him.

Nessa moved to kiss the young fae on the head.
"We will. I promise." She whispered quietly, moving to gently rub the cheek of the girl before she moved and handed her Ra. "He will protect you. We will be back okay?" She gave her another kiss on the forehead before she headed in after Adrian.
She watched the children all run off as she passed the dead guards on the ground, before she stopped at the large metal door in front of them.

"Stand back." She ordered Adrian as she stepped in front of him.
She moved her hands to wrap around a small pendant as she thought of the memories it held and anger flooded her mind again. Her scales and hair started to prickle and streak with red once more.
She pulled her left hand away as she lifted it up towards the door as a small spark of white energy appeared in her palm. Nessa kept her eyes closed as tears started to streak down her face as she bubbled with more and more energy.
"I read your file." Josh said with a bit of a sneer, he didn't look to Benjamin, he kept his eyes on Dia. Dia watched Josh closely as she moved to grip Benjamins' arm.
"He's gong to help us." She said out loud, narrowing her eyes as she watched Josh step forward, stepping towards them, before he walked past with a wave of his hand without another word.

Dia waited for a moment before following Josh with Benjamin, looking towards her friend with a small frown. She leaned towards him to whisper as they walked along. "Josh isn't... Human." She started, "I think he's the reason I'm tangible."

Sara smiled as Marc as he talked about leaving if it gets too noisey for her. No one had ever done that for her.
She looked ahead with a large grin on her face as they walked along, she held her body straight and high for once. She found herself tightening her grip happily around Marcs' hand.
"Thank you." She said without looking at him, "Thank you for taking me at face value. For not judging me, at least not out loud."
Sparky gave a happy grumble to Michael's touch, "The scientists who tried to hurt me weren't nice." She mumbled happily, pushing herself more into the human males hands with a wag of her tail. "We've met some bad humans, we've met a few bad pokemon. Mainly the ones under him."
Frosiien watched Benny leave with a soft smile, before she looked towards the doors. "I am guessing Niccia is still asleep?" She asked with a small yawn.

Niccia moved to sleepily stand up, moving to pull her shirt over her head properly before she stumbled out of the room with a bit of a yawn.
Soul stood slowly and headed over towards his Legendary to keep her upright properly.
Chance's eyes widened at the mention of sacrifices, anger flooded through his body but he held onto himself to stop himself from attacking the leading person.
"If you think you're going to sacrifice me without a struggle you're all wasting your breath." He uttered under his breath before he watched Haki get pulled away.

"Don't you dare fucking harm him. Or by the Spirits, you will be sorry." He hissed louder, his ears drooping back and he bared his fangs.

Nessa tensed as Adrian pulled someone from the bushes, before she slowly relaxed as she realized it was a child.
"Hey there little one." She spoke softly, moving to kneel down in front of the Fae Child. She moved her left hand to brush a bit of the childs hair out of her face.

"We don't mean to harm you, we promise." She uttered quietly, moving to sit cross legged in front of the girl and tapped the grass to offer a seat to her. "Where are your parents?"
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