Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
9 days ago
11 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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18 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
22 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Yay! Friendship for the dragongirl!
And yaaay! Bonding between Benjamin and Steph <3

Maybe Mike could go on a mission with Carl and Jase for demons? Especially since Carl is Angel?
Fae winced when Daphne called her by her first name, uttering out a quiet "It's... Fae." She uttered as she looked at the ground. She hesitated before looking up to everyone else with a weak smile, leaning against the Bags slightly with a sigh. She watched Daphne, Fred and Velma all talk, avoiding a glance towards Dianna- as she did the same.
Her head shot up as she heard the voice of the female Rogers, her eyes widened with happiness as she tried to hide it; although by the sudden smile on her face was a massive give away.

"Is there something wrong with working in numbers anyway?" Dianna finally piped up as she glanced between the original team of Mystery Inc, finishing her look towards Daphne, "I know things went south, we all know." She continued before she closed her eyes and moved to grip the bridge of her nose, "I feel like we should just... Try and put the past behind us and enjoy this trip." She opened her eyes as she looked between Fae and Maggie. "For the good of old times, for the good of friendship."

Fae nodded slightly at Dianna's words, her eyes moving towards Maggie before she watched her and Shaggy. She hesitated before she mouthed 'Where's Scoob?', hoping she could see the words completely. She stayed quiet as everyone else talked, she didn't want to butt in, she just wanted their friendships to be mended, as if it was that easy.
Chance just watched, almost in shock at what happened. He allowed himself to just be.. carried by Haki.
The emotion just flooded from his body and he was left rather, emotionless. He glanced to Adrian and Nessa as they got up and ran alongside them. He stayed silent the entire time, almost completely unmoving- even when Haki dropped to the ground.

Haki spoke about failing him, how did he fail him? He had no reason to even help him.
He failed them. He failed the spirits, and he had a feeling they would punish him for this.
After moments of silence as he stared at the blood on the ground, he moved out of Haki's arms and walked towards the now rubble of the cave they had once entered.
"You don't need to be sorry. You tried the best you could do." He stated almost emotionlessly, moving his hand into his pocket before he pulled out a small, crystal blue coin and flicked it into the rubble.

"You had no mission to fail apart from keeping me safe." He continued slowly, watching the dust slowly twist to a shade of blue. He stepped back slightly as the air seemed to thicken around him. The blood of the children started to bubble slightly before a large Stag-Beast appeared over the rubble.
It looked down to Chance with judging eyes.
"Child." It spoke before looking up to the others, tilting its head towards Haki. "You have... banded with a Druid... Interesting."
"Is that... against our arrangement?" Chance asked, hesitantly glancing back towards Haki before the Stag didn't answer. It turned its head towards the blood pool and its horns glistened, small blue spirit butterflies suddenly fly upwards onto his horns. "I will take the little ones back to the Grey Forest where they can be with their parents. I will come back to see you when you're alone." It said before they suddenly vanished.

Ra followed after Adrian as he carried Nessa, he watched the man quietly as he focused his attention to his master. Once they were out of the rubble, he immediately twisted back to his larger form and stood over Nessa as Adrian fell to the ground.
Nessa breathing slowly stabilized as she was brought out to the fresh air, even though the light levels was slowly dropping, the stars gave her their energy.
Ra stepped away from her quietly as he saw the Stag, staring at it quietly before his fur ruffled up. He watched the butterflies and looked to the blood, watching it slowly disappear as the stag took away the butterflies.

"Iella, I'm sorry. I broke our promise. I broke the contract... I've broken... everything" Chance uttered to himself as he dropped to his knees.
After everything sort of... exploded; Fae was kind of, left alone. She never vocalized her sadness of it all, she just kept her head down and continued on her work. It was easier to ignore this way, just put your head down in the office and focus mainly on whatever you were tinkering on or what code you were making.
After the massive falling out, she was reluctant to hang out with her cousin, but... She was the closest family at this point, so much that Fae even took the small amount of stuff she had with her and moved in with Daphne.

Fae often kept to herself even when they were living together, she got her own room and due to Maggie and Dianna never contacted her anymore she just sort of... stayed there.
Daphne would often pull her out and around, and she simply allowed it. There was no use arguing with her cousin, she got dramatic when things didn't go her way.

Dianna's love of life sort of fizzled out when the group split, she spent the first month just staying in her room by herself. She often forgot to eat or drink, which caused her to get sick and very thin to the point where she was sent to stay with Velma due to it. Velma helped Dianna get at least a bit happier again, but she wasn't as energetic as she used to be.
They started to take more trips to the museum to see the new things that popped up, which easily helped her mood- especially the dinosaurs.

She stopped making so many costumes after things went south for the Mystery Inc; she took leave from her work, which she was allowed. She had enough holiday leave to just have a couple months off, that and she was close to her boss- who understood what was happening.
Things were... happening at least.

As Daphne complained about her carry-on bags, Fae wanted to sink into the ground and disappear.
"Look," She said turning to her cousin, "I don't have any carry-on bags, can I take two of hers?" She asked as she looked to the receptionist. She turned back towards Daphne before she furrowed her brow, "Daph, just... Focus on the trip okay? I'm sure we can get these into the luggage bay, you don't really need everything on the trolley right?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Fae wore a loose fitting Jurassic Park tee that was given to her by Dianna after a marathon that the girls had done; a massively fond memory that she would never forget about. Even if she would never see them, she would at least have a few things to remember them by.
She gave a bit of a yawn as she waited for Daph to stop complaining about the carry-on; she was woken up pretty early to leave. She wasn't a fan of being up at the moment, she wanted to be back home tinkering with things but she looked forward for the island.

Dianna looked over towards the large tower of bags and she felt her stomach sink. She looked over to Velma with a worried look to check if she had noticed the tower as well. She looked around more, she swore she had seen Fred walking around too, but she didn't trust her eyesight.
Maybe she was just missing them more than ever? Who knows. She just wanted her friends back.

As the vines moved to attack the man in front of Haki, he let out a small dark chuckle before disappearing.
Chance hit the floor quickly, before Haki scooped him up to heal him. His breathing was shaky, but was slowly steadying. He coughed slightly and scrunched his eyes together in pain.

"Gods be damned, He's still fucking alive. Haki, I'm sorry." He uttered in Fae-language before he paused to himself, slowly opening his eyes. "Haki?" He asked almost out loud, blinking slightly. I said... Haki and not Iella? He thought to himself before he looked up to the wolf man with a soft blush over his face.

He jolted up suddenly, almost pushing himself of Haki. "The children! Are they okay?" He asked as he looked towards the Vines, his eyes widening. "Please tell me they're okay! Where did these vines come from?" He moved to try and tug at them almost anxiously.

Nessa went to speak towards Adrian before the explosions echoed, she looked over to him before the arrows flew through the air and a couple hit Adrian. She moved to try and help him before her body gave up on her and she slammed down into the ground. She yelped as she watched him as he stepped forward, before she watched him suddenly rush forward and attack the attackers.

Her eyes dazed in and out slowly, trying to focus on reality before she felt her eyelids slowly close on herself. Her kind didn't need sleep often, but using so much power without any source of sun or star light, she was vulnerable and sore.
She tried to reach out to Ra outside, but her magic fizzled out as her eyes slowly closed properly.
Her breathing was soft and steady, but she was unmoving.

Ra's ears pricked up suddenly, his link to Nessa had been severed and he looked to the Fae girl. He motioned for her to stay there before he sprinted inside, leaping over the rocks, rubble, and soon the bodies that were on the floor.
He bounced over Adrian before he skidded over Nessa's body, moving to gently press his nose against her forehead and gave a small sigh. He stepped forward and settled on her back gently, shifting back into his smaller form to fit properly in the nook of her wings.
I updated the Zero post a bit, but a hider for all the completed missions uwu
I also wanted to poke about my previous post oops
Josh didn't turn to face Benjamin as he spoke to him, raising an eyebrow softly before he let out a small laugh.
"I was asked to come here." He spoke, "My skills in my area are almost unmatched by any other worker I've met."
"What skills? Manipulation of memories?" Dia suddenly spat with a sneer, "That's what I've known you for."
Josh gave a grin, moving his hand to wipe his mouth as he uttered some words into it. "You could say that, but I feel it in a different light." He started, "My ability is to be able to scan memories, occasionally I help with getting rid of anything too traumatic, or at least help with breaking it down so its easier on the person."

Sara looked around as they walked, her eyes crossed eyes with the nervous man and she shot him a warm smile before she gave a bit of a wave to the other couple.
She wasn't used to being out this long, being this free. She wanted to let go of Marcs hand and just.. Run around for a bit, but they were heading somewhere else, somewhere Marc said she might enjoy, which she was more than happy with.
Niccia slowly walked along with Soul helping her, she got to where Michael and Frosiien were and gave a small smile.
"Good morning~" She said with a yawn, she moved to sit down beside Michael before she picked up Sparky to make sure she didn't get squished. She leaned her head gently against Michael as she slowly woke up. "I hope you slept well~" She said with another, smaller yawn.
Sparky gave a squeak as she was picked up and then put down on Niccia's lap, before she climbed up onto her shoulders happily with a small yip.

Gavin felt Niccia awaken before he slowly pulled himself out of his meditation, he slowly opened his eyes and focused on the walls around him before he relaxed his body and fell backwards to be lying down on the bed. Fez flinched as he was shocked out of his own meditation before looking to his legendary.
"Are you okay?" He asked, Gavin nodded slowly as he stayed still for a bit, pulling his mind back into control of his own body before he lifted himself back into a sitting position.
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