Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
9 days ago
11 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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18 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
21 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

"You have no reason to be sorry!" Fae blurted out as Maggie apologized for not inviting them, "You had no real reason to know." She said, Dianna giving a nod.
The two girls kind of just stayed quiet while they got closer to the island before they saw the island. Fae's eyes suddenly lit up at the sight of everything.

"You're not allowed to pull anything apart." Dianna said offhandedly towards Fae, who shot her a childish glare, something that hadn't been done since the break up. Dianna gave a laugh and grinned towards Maggie, everything was so comfortable again; everything just felt... Good.
As they walked onto the pier, Dianna wobbled slightly as she stepped off the boat, Fae moving quickly to help her friend with a grin, offering her hand towards Maggie to help her down too.

As the crowd slowly gathered around them, Fae slowly slinked closer to her friends in mild fear of the large group of college students. She cleared her throat before her eyes were caught by the statue as they walked closer to it. As the man stepped out from behind it, her eyes lit up and she moved to step forward, Dianna moving to grab her shirt to pull her back.
"Gauk!" Fae yelped as Dianna pulled her under her arm with a bigger grin.
"She hasn't chanced has she?" Dianna said towards Maggie before she noticed her eyes narrowing. She looked towards the male before she looked him up and down almost quizzingly, "But you're the one who sent the letters right?" She asked after a bit of silence.
Chance flinched as something bumped into him, he looked down towards the small Wolf pup out of confusion before he realized who it was.
"Haki!" He whispered before he moved him to his chest slowly and moved along towards the Inn. "I'm fine. I promise." He said with a feigned smile.

He moved along the crowds quietly, he kept Haki close to his heart. "I'm not physically hurt." He spoke as he carried Haki, "I'm just glad you're okay. You don't have to do anything, I just want you to be okay."
He got to the inn and moved towards the rooms quietly, "I was wanting to have some alone time, but you can stay if you'd like to be with me..." He started, he was going to contact the Stag again.

Having Haki there would be... interesting. Chance wondered why the Stag mentioned Haki before; the Fae and the Druids had some sort of... pact, from what he had remembered. But it had been so long without any other Fae interraction.

Nessa smiled when Adrian said he was okay, she was relieved- to say the least. She blinked as he stepped back, and gently dropped her hand to her side before her smile wavered slightly.
Did she do something wrong? Was touching his cheek slightly something against the guild rules? Did... He not care for her?

Nessa's mind raced; memories flooded around her mind as she remembered the last person she was close to.
Before she became an... outcast to say the least, she had a husband. She was so close to having a family, she fell for the one she had been the bodyguard for over all of these years.
She quivered at the memory of his death flooded through her head as well. Adrian had no idea that she had gone through something similar to what she had gone through, but in a different sort of light.

Nessa blinked quickly and looked towards the ground when the memory of her husbands body flickered into her view; his body lying on the ground with a bulletwound through his head and his blue blood trickling over the floor. She remembered the shouting and yelling, the accusing that she was the one who did it, and the fear when she ran away.

She noticed Adrian start to sign to her, she blinked slightly as she zoned into real life before she nodded once.
"RIght." SHe started, "Of course." She said, her tone suddenly sadder.
Dianna felt her cheeks flushed before she moved her head onto Maggie's shoulder, she let out a long gentle sigh as her body seemed to suddenly just relax in the female Rogers shoulder.
She looked over towards Fae as she spoke before locking eyes with the bracelet around her hand; why was she wearing something like that? Fae had never been one for jewelry, especially any sort of bracelets.

Dianna's eyes moved away as Maggie started to talk before she smiled.
"I'd love to come over if you'd allow us over." She said with a small smile, "I'm guessing Shaggy isn't... being as strict as the cousins?" She asked, motioning with her eyes slowly to Velma and Daphne, "I mean, Velma has been... Okay, but she's been iffy on allowing me to contact you guys."

Fae flinched when Maggie moved to brush a bit of hair out of her face, her face deepened red before she looked away slightly. She noticed herself fumbling with her small bracelet around her wrists; a small bit moved out of the way and revealed what looked to be a small scar.
"I... Ended up breaking my old phone." She admitted, which is why she never contacted the other girls, "After everything, after Daph and I got home I kind of just... Blew up at her. We yelled, I cried, She cried... I then locked myself in the bedroom for..." She trailed off before she heard the barks from Scooby.

Dianna couldn't help but smiling as she watched Scooby bark at a cat, "He never changes." She said softly, she watched everything unfold before she returned her eyes on Fae's wrist for a moment.

As the plane landed and getting to the airport, Dianna glanced towards Velma with a small smile. She offered her cousin a thumbs up before she turned to Maggie and Fae with a bigger smile.
She was over the moon to have her friends back in her life, she never expressed it to anyone, but she adored her friends to the point where she felt like it was something more then just friendship.
Dianna remembered she had never really been in a proper relationship before, especially not with another woman.

Unknown to the other two girls, Fae was feeling the same. She had some girlfriends in the past, but they never turned out into a long term relationship; even more so with her relationships with men.
She never had a problem with men, especially since she was a tomboy; she used to be the 'guy' in her lesbian relationships, which she was fine with.

The ferry ride made Fae a bit worried, which showed on her face. She had never really been on a boat for a while, she worried about getting seasick. She fiddled with her bracelet and her top more, before Dianna moved and grabbed her wrist gently.
She lifted her hand up to her face and looked at the bracelet. Fae stared towards Dianna as she knew what she was trying to look at, before she pulled her hand away to point towards a bird flying across.
"Look!" Fae called out with a bigger grin, the Seabird flew along near the boat.
Nessa only nodded at Haki's words before she lowered her head back into the Griffins fur-like feathers. She closed her eyes as she tried to focus on trying to sleep until they moved to land she slowly slipped off, Ra moving quickly to help her stand up as he looked to the beasts as they had lost a party member.
Nessa's ears perked as she looked towards Adrian and smiled to him as she read his sign, "I'm okay, Tired. But okay." She said with a nod, before she stepped towards him slowly before she moved her hand to gently brush it against his cheek. "Are you okay?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

Chance watched Haki fall and held back the urge to dive after him, but his emotions got the better of him and he just turned back to face the Griffins neck as he muttered himself in Fae language. If he was on the ground he would have physically attacked himself but he had people around him.
As the Griffins stopped he hopped off quietly, he took a glance towards the two magic users before he looked at the ground and gave a bit of a sigh.
"Come on, let's get back to the Inn." He mumbled as he started to walk along slowly, "You guys have been through a lot." He said as he downplayed everything he had been through.

The Faepire didn't want to think about himself at the moment, his mind was still on the Ice Stag. He knew he would be receiving another visit from him, and he worried about what would be the outcome of such visit.
The Stag never comes with good news, for anything good- When he almost died, the Stag was there to remind him of what he was suppose to do- When he Fae children died, The Stag came to take the souls and once again, remind Chance of his background.
He didn't realize the tears that slowly trickled down his face as he flicked up his hood to hide his features, worried that he could get kidnapped again.
Dianna smiled back to Velma and continued onto the plane, putting her stuff into the appropriate places before she sat down at the end of the aisle before she noticed that Fae and Maggie would be sitting by her. She held her breath for a moment as she watched them, pulling out a small sketchbook to put on her lap to sketch in, in case the others don't want to talk.

Fae let Daphne and the Roger siblings on before her, smiling to the air hostess as she got on and headed to her seat, allowing Maggie to go into the middle of them. She sat down after she put her bags away as well before she sat down at the end, giving a small wave towards Scooby as he sat with Shaggy.
Fae almost jumped as Maggie broke the ice to speak, she let out a squeak before she let out a small laugh. Dianna gave a small chuckle as well as she shook her head.
"It's been terrible." Dianna started, looking towards Maggie, and then Fae. "I mean, I've been helping Velma as much as I can, taking her out places to keep her mind off things but it doesn't help my mind." She continued as she moved to grip the bridge of her nose.

"After it all happened I sort of just... Shut down, I got incredibly depressive, things got... Terrible for me." She admitted before she feigned a small smile, something that she was known for.
Fae stopped laughing before she looked into her lap weakly, "I... Know that feeling." She said as her right hand instinctively moved to rub her left wrist, which was adorned with a small cloth bracelet, that covered the majority of her wrist. "It's been... Lonely." She started as well, not looking up from her lap, "Daph took me in, she took care of me. But... nothing just felt right. I never had any other friends, I had co-workers, but I disliked talking about work stuff outside of work."

Fae glanced to Maggie with a tilt of her head, "I see you're still the cook you always have been?" She asked with a bit of a grin, trying to brighten the air around them.
"There's no need of a burial." Chance mentioned after the whistle, he flinched at the noise but didn't show any dissatisfaction on his face. He just seemed... Empty.
He kept his eyes away from the crumbled ruins as he watched the Griffins land and trail around Haki for a second. He hesitated before he hopped up onto one of the Griffins without another word.

He kept himself towards the neck of the beast and kept himself lowered; he didn't speak the entire flight. He kept to himself the entire time, his mind working away at things in worry.
Why did the Ice Stag come visit him? Why didn't any of the other spirits come? The kids wouldn't be following the Stag, no one followed the Stag, not at least willingly. The Stag was the bringer of the spirits of the Fae, the kids likely followed the butterfly or the Moth, depending if they were Dusk or Dawn Fae.

Not too long in the flight, Nessa started to stir and slowly lifted herself up in a small daze. "Adrian..." She mumbled slightly, "Is he... Is Adrian okay? Are... you two okay...?" She groaned before she moved to rub her head slowly.
Niccias tail swayed happily as Michael pulled her close and hissed her head.
"I'm glad you slept well~" She said before she looked to Benny with a bigger grin, "Good morning Benny!" She replied happily, "It sure seems like a lovely day, which is great for StarFall! I slept fine, I made sure I was fully comfortable before sleeping so I didn't get any cramps this time." She laughed before she paused at the mention of wanting anything. "I wouldn't mind a small bowl of berries if I could!" She said with a tilt of her head, one of her ears drooping slightly.

Sparky looked up to Benny and waved her paw to him, "Did you sleep well? I didn't get the zoomies tonight!" She said to him proudly, her tail flicking softly.
Frosiien laughed gently to the conversation between Benny, Niccia and Sparky. She looked around slowly, the atmosphere was nice. She could easily get used to it around here.

Gavin hopped up from the bed after a moment, looking to Fez before reaching out to rub his skullhead gently. He stood up and stretched a little bit, giving a bit of a yawn before Fez followed suit. "It's StarFall." Fez stated, more to himself, "Who knows how many legendaries are out there..."

The doors to the Pokecenter flew open as a tall, slender figure stepped into the building. They stood tall, about 6 foot in height; with dark red hair with black streaks. They wore dark sunglasses over their eyes as they scanned the room with narrowed eyes, their smart looking pinstripe back and red suit fit perfectly to their body, a slightly puffy bit of fabric hung from their right shoulder to their left hip.
Frosiien looked over as the door opened before her eyes widened and she instinctively slunk into the chair a bit more. "Dialla." She uttered quickly to herself, "Why is she here. Oh Arceus..."
At the sight of Scooby, Dianna only let out a small chuckle at the costume. Sure, it wasn't the best, but it was at least a decent effort!
"Honestly," she started as she looked towards Scooby and Shaggy, "It's not terrible, I'm proud of you guys." She continued before she looked towards Maggie as she came to hug her, Dianna gave a gentle hug to her before she watched her head over towards Fae.

Fae was frozen on the spot for a moment as Maggie got close to her, when she wrapped her arms around her Fae failed to hold back her emotions as she pulled Maggie into a big hug and leaned her forehead against Maggie's head. She had missed this, she had been so alone this entire time. Sure she had Daphne but Daphne wasn't one to talk to her about the stuff the others would; Maggie loved to talk about food, and would listen when she rambled about her mechanic work or coding details, and she and Dianna easily debated either or not they could make a fully articulate monster with the abilities of all three of them.

Fae let go of Maggie as everyone started talking again, before everyone slowly just... moved along. Dianna followed after Velma quickly, watching her cousin before she moved to grip her arm gently. "Everything will be okay." She whispered to Velma with a small smile.
Fae looked over to Daphne as she told her to follow her. She nodded once as she started to follow, moving to pull the baggage cart along behind her. She sighed to herself, she had a feeling that Daphne would be holding her back from seeing her old friends... The only people she had ever been close to. She moved to fix her shirt awkwardly before she fixed over her sidebag with all of her gadget tools and her current smaller project.
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