Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
9 days ago
11 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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18 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
21 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Chance gave a small laugh to Haki's words.
"Of course I'm a monster!" He said as he moved his hand to gently pet Haki's head almost absent-mindedly. "I'm the cross of two beasts who shouldn't cross together in any way. Fae and Weres, yeah of course- The Fae bloody tricked the Weres' into becoming Weres. But Vampires!? They're beasts of shadow, they fear the Faes light. We don't normally fucking cross each other."

He sighed and dropped his head back as his spare hand, the one not currently tangled into Haki's fur, gently smacked onto his forehead. His ears twitched towards Haki as he asked about 'that day'.
"God. That day will be stuck in my mind no matter how old I get." He mumbled before he looked to Haki, "Are... you sure you want to know about it?"

Nessa laid on her back with her eyes closed as her head faced the sun, her chin slightly up. Ra on the other hand was dancing around the roof around her, easily bouncing over her when he needed to past her. Nessa's breathing was slow and gentle before her eyes opened as she focused on Adrian.

She moved to sit up as he got closer and looked to him as he signed to her.
"Yeah, of course." She said, suddenly smiling before she realized she was getting too excited about talking to Adrian again and her smile wavered slowly. "What's up?"
Ra jumped up onto Adrians' shoulders gently, moving to press his nose to Adrians' cheek, grinning at the coldness of his snout.
Dialla looked towards Michael as he spoke to her, she looked down at him in a way an annoyed monarch looked down at someone lower than him.
"Well," She started with a bit of a hiss, "At least I have the ability to twist between this horrible form and the glorious form of my Legendary Form." She stepped towards Michael momentarily before the door was suddenly slammed open just as Frosiien stood to stand in between the two of them.

"PLEASE JUST STOP!" Niccia suddenly yelled out, closing her eyes with tears rolling down her face. "I didn't ask for this Dialla, you know this. You all do, you have this entire time!" She finally said in her native tongue, starting to sob quietly.
Frosiien moved quickly to sit before Niccia as she pulled the smaller Pokemon in for a hug, gently petting her head, "Dialla, I appreciate you coming to see if I'm okay." The Kanto Articuno started, "But I would prefer you don't insult my friends."

Gavin exited his room just as Niccia spoke, his eyes narrowing and he stomped over towards Dialla. Grabbing her shoulder and pulled her away from Michael he stared her down, watching the woman stare back at him with narrowed eyes before stepping back slightly.
Steph nodded towards Mike as he went to head off.
"Stop by Harriet if you need to have something healed!" She called out to him before she turned towards Benjamin and gave a gentle nod. "Yeah, I'll come with you." She said with a nod and a bigger smile. "Shall we get go?" She tilted her head softly.

Freya barely made a noise as she scribbled something down and stood up to head off slowly, shooting a glance to Rose as she started to leave.
"Bye Freya! I'll see you later~" Rose said happily, Freya rolled her eyes and headed off towards her workroom again, annoyed that she has to focus on fixing more shit rather than working on things she wanted to work to.

Rose looked back to Mr. Johnson with a bigger grin, "Okay!" She started happily, "I'm sorry I slept for most of the afternoon, by the way."
She suddenly looked towards the door as Stuart got to it. "Someone's here." She said suddenly, all of the hair over her body prickling and focusing on the door again., her eyes narrowed as she slowly picked up on things.
"Normal breathing, normal heartbeat."
I can't wait for you to meet Galarian Zapdos though.
Ooooooh, and then maybe Stuart would be able to notice the differences between the full succubus and Steph? Cause I'm thinking of having her go through Another transformation ahah.
Chance stayed quiet as they got to the inn, he didn't pay attention to the other two behind him, even though he had a feeling they were worried about him. He wanted to explain everything to Haki, he wanted to ask why he had kept himself around him.
Chance was a walking nightmare, a man of two worlds that were never suppose to cross each other.

As they entered the inn, he gave a weak smile towards the innkeeper as he looked towards the stairs and saw the butterfly. He felt a frown show on his face before he looked down to Haki and headed up the stairs slowly.
"The Stag is known to the Fae as the Bringer of spirits." He started, getting to his room as he opened the door to walk inside, "He's essentially the Grim Reaper."
He fell silent again as he placed Haki on the bed and moved to sit beside him quietly. "But he's also known for Contacts between those unwilling to die."

He looked at his hands with a small frown on his face, he flexed his fingers slowly before he leaned back sadly on the bed. "The Stag came to me after I almost died when I became..." He hesitated as he closed his eyes with a breath in, "A monster."

Nessa kept to herself, she allowed Adrian to walk forward first. She hung behind the rest of the group without a word, Ra resting over her shoulder quietly as they both seemed to stay silent to each other. Ra occasionally lifted himself up and looked around, twisting himself to look over the crowds for anything specific.

The Starborns eyes watched the ground slowly, she shuddered slightly as more memories flooded through her head. She moved her hand over her eyes for a moment as she tried to focus on the outside world before she sighed slightly.
She straightened up slowly and looked towards Chance as they got near the Inn; at least Chance had Haki...

Did... Adrian not like her? Did she do something wrong? Was she intimidated by her powers?
Who knew. Nessa pushed her feelings aside for a bit, her emotions kind of just going for a moment; she had to rest in the sun and recharge herself.
She glanced upwards towards the sky to judge the weather patterns before she watched Adrian head inside the Inn before she fanned her wings out and took to the air to the roof quietly.
It could be dangerous, but she didn't really care. Everything with what happened it seemed everyone was on for themselves, and she didn't want to risk Adrians' life in anything...
Yeah he's still got a beating heart, the fae side is more prominent than his vampire side- for reasons that will be explained later uwu.

And yeah! I like the idea of them just chilling out in the city for a bit, they all need it ahah. I love the idea of allowing their relationships to settle and kind of start to form- since it seems at least 3 of them have had broken hearts in the past; and Chance needs to contact the Stag properly too, which will easily have to wait til nightfall if he's lucky c:
Dialla is a cunt.
"Its' where I get too much energy and I just-" She started before she hopped down on the ground and stretched, "Run around!" She said before she started to run around the entire room, zipping in and out of tables and around everyone.
She ran past Dialla before she moved her arm down and scooped Sparky up under her arm. "AH.STRANGER."

Dialla only smiled towards Sparky as she walked towards Frosiien with a fake soft smile on her face.
"Good morning cousin." She spoke softly, holding out Sparky, "I believe this... abomination is yours?" She moved quickly to drop her into Frosiiens lap.
Frosiien moved and grabbed Sparky before she fell onto the floor and placed her on the ground. "What do you want?" She asked her cousin, who only grinned in response.
"Your little bro mentioned you'd be here." She said grinning more, "Didn't take too much to pummel the info out of him."
"You did what?" Frosiien hissed as she stood up, standing taller than Dialla. Dialla barely flinched as the air around Frosiien went cold.

"You heard me." Dialla said with a grin before she walked past Frosiien and looked over to Niccia, Soul moving to sit in front of her protectively. "Oh. The delinquent is here." She said sourly, Soul only snarling in response. "Nice to see your mottly mutt is still with you, I was sure that he would be wiped out or brought to his fathers side."
"I am her guardian Dialla." Soul snarled with his fur prickling, "I will protect her no matter what, I am not like my father."
Dialla only rolled her eyes, mimicking Souls words with one hand. "Yeah yeah," She started before she looked towards Niccia with a sly grin. "God, look what they did to you. Looking like a lowly human."
Ray seemed terrified as she watched Josh and Dia speak, before she looked towards Benjamin and gave a weak smile as well. "I..Is he dangerous?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
Dia sneered towards Josh as he spoke, "But yet you prefer to manipulate things." She spoke, Josh rolled his eyes and crossed his arms behind his back.
"Not maliciously." He said before Dia gave a bit of a laugh before he continued, "Not anymore. That was a long time ago princess."
Dia looked around to notice the arrows that pointed towards the infirmary. Finally.

Sara looked around slowly, she moved her hand to almost cover her ears before she blinked and lowered her hands, looking around at all of the lights and colours.
Her eyes widened and a smile slowly stretched across her face. "This is amazing!" She spoke over the noise, she didn't answer the question at first. "I love this!"

She stepped along as she watched the screens on all the different video games before she looked back towards Marc, "I'm okay." She said with a nod, "Not too loud."
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