Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
9 days ago
11 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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18 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
21 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Frosiien gave a small laugh at Andy's words as she watched Rorsh dart off.
"Rorsh is a good kid, Dialla is just... Stuck up. And Orikin is kind of, In between the two of them." She said with a small laugh, "Dialla is definitely worse, but Orikin is just, Edgey." She sighed slightly.

Rorsh pulled her head away from Niccia before she moved to look at Michael, moving her hands to gently touch his face as she gave him a good look over.
"I think." She started quietly, "You're a good human. Niccia did good." She said with a bigger smile. She paused before she looked over towards Sparky as she watched from where she sat, especially now that Dialla had left.
"Hello little one." She said as she moved to sit on the ground and offered her hand towards the Joltsodour. Sparky hesitated before she bounced down to walk over to Rorsh slowly.

Varina gave a small nod to Benny as he mentioned about getting Andy some food. "Humans need food, yes." She said, trying to make a mental note about Andy needing to eat. "Just like normal Pokemon need to eat." She looked towards the bowl of berries that Niccia had ordered and bounced over to it to take one of the smaller oran berries quietly.
Chance wasn't even looking down at Haki anymore, he stared towards the ceiling as Haki spoke to him.
"No it's okay." He said as he glanced towards Haki and moved his hand to gently rub his ears slightly. "Iella and I were promised to be married in the spring time; Spring was both of our favourite seasons." He started, his eyes moving towards the ceiling as memories flashed through his eyes. "That bastard said he would help make the wedding magic, which I guess, as a Fae, I thought that would just be a normal thing. But this magic was said to be different, show stopping. Life Changing, he said." He felt his free hand tightened into a bit of a fist.

"He lead me away from the council house, Iella and I had to stay away from each other before the marriage, as per tradition. He lead me into the darker parts of the forest, I wasn't afraid or worried. It was strange, I was just so excited about something special to give the love of my life, my supposed soulmate. Fae aren't said to have more than one partner in their lives."
His hand moved from Haki's head to his shoulders before his fingers rubbed in between his shoulder blades.
"There had been... Rumours of a Mythical 'TimberFae', I hadn't looked too much into it but apparently they were said to be immortal. But they needed Royal Fae Blood, The Blood of a Timberwolf and a ritual under a full moon. The man lead me away to try and make himself the TimberFae, but he used a Vampire to take my blood... Which unknowingly caused the Ritual to fail. I... lost most of my blood and I was bleeding out when the magic failed."

His free hand moved to his chest gently, "The Stag... Came to me, I didn't want to die. I didn't want to leave Iella alone." He felt the tears well in his eyes more and more, "I had promised I wouldn't fall, I promised I would keep every Fae I come across safe. Fae don't break promises that easily, not against other Fae.." He let out a small sob, "When I got back... Iella... She didn't believe it was me, she tried to kill me. I was... Hungry. I was dying. I was a monster. I... don't remember what happened, but I must have attacked her, because I remember waking up with blood on my hands and an arrow through my chest. The guards were standing in front of her... Fallen... torn up body." He trembled, his entire body just... trebled.

Nessa watched him sigh quietly, taking in his words quietly.
She shuffled towards Adrian and moved to lean her head against his shoulder, Ra jumping out of the way quickly before he took into the air with a bit of a grumble.
"Adrian." She started with a bit of a soft smile, "You don't have to worry about me. I know how to take care of myself, I was a body guard where I came from." She gave a hallowed laugh before she pulled her head away to look at him, moving to grab his hands from behind his knees and pulled them into hers gently.

"I understand the worry about losing someone who gets close to you." She started with a tilt of her head, "I know you've probably gone through a lot of shit, but please absolutely know I am here to help you. I care about you, you're fun to travel with. You're analytical and Methodical, not a lot of people can be like that these days. You're amazing, one of the best people I have ever known!" She felt herself babbling, before Ra moved to land behind her and twisted to his larger form and shoved her forward, pushing her into Adrian with a cheeky grin before he took to the air again.
Dia paused and nodded at Benjamins' words, "I like that." She said, she didn't pay any attention towards Josh anymore, she was too annoyed with him to even bother anymore. And anyway, they had a plan to do.
She looked towards the door and breathed in slightly. "Ray." She started, looking towards the spirit of her old friend, "Stay with me." She said before she flexed her body and moved to push the doors open quickly.

"I'd like to talk to a doctor please!" She called out, hoping to get someones attention without drawing too much suspicion.

Sara gently took the coin gently, moving to put the coin into the machine before she watched the lights flicker and the machine told her to get ready.
She acted quickly, something seemed to just click in her mind, moving to hot the moles quickly and easily without falter. She wasn't looking at the numbers as she hit the moles, the machine beeped once it had finished and she looked to the numbers. A new High Score!! The machine said, and it started to spit out the tickets she had won.
"Uh, M..Marc?" She asked, almost surprised and a little spooked, "I...Is it suppose to be... doing this?"
"Ooh! I like that name!" Rorsh said happily, looking to Frosiien with a bigger grin. "You're bringing him to StarFall yeah?" She asked, Frosiien blushed slightly before she looked away from the smaller legendary. Rorsh blinked before she grinned and wriggled out of Frosiiens arms and walked- well, darted- over to Michael and Niccia.

Niccia looked over to Michael as he spoke before Rorsh appeared in front of them, "Oh." Niccia said before she feigned a small smile, "Rorsh, I haven't seen you in-" She started before Rorsh suddenly moved to hug her tightly. Niccia let out a small squeak before she moved quietly to hug back.
"I'm so happy you're okay." Rorsh squeaked, "When Dialla told me that you went though... This, I was worried." Niccia moved to gently kiss Rorsh's forehead before she pulled away gently.
"It's okay little one. I'm fine." Niccia said before she turned Rorsh to Michael, "Michael, this is Rorsh, she's Galarian Zapdos. She's a bit scrappy, but she's a sweetheart."

Varina looked to Andy as he glanced towards her, she blinked slightly before she looked towards Benny as he spoke to her.
"I..." She started, thinking quietly. "I.. Believe so? There has been instances of Legendaries and Guardians being captured. Hoopa has been captured a couple of times, I believe one of the Meolettas has as well." She spoke quckly, looking at the table as she tried to think.
Steph gave a small smile to Benjamin as he looked back at her. She nodded at the idea of moving stuff from her room.
"I don't have too much stuff at least." She said quietly, "I'm moreso just saddened by the statue that was broken." She said with a bit of a sigh as she looked to the ground and lead Benjamin towards her room.

"It doesn't look like a lot to anyone really, it was kind of just a dinky little clay figure of the Queen of Thieves." She gave a weak smile, "But since I've left that life I guess I don't exactly need it anymore."

Rose listened to Stuart and Mr Johnson speak to each other, her eyes on Rudrig quietly. His movements caught her attention, she could sense the slight movements from his fingers and hands. She suddenly whipped her head towards Stuart as he spoke to her.
She nodded once as he asked her if he could investigate. "Yes, of course." She said with a smile, "If it helps the Agency."

The main humanoid spider watched the next sniper team lock the area up around his webbed home. He slunk forward to have a better look, showing himself as non-violent as he clicked his mandibles together.
"What... Doing?" He asked in English as he peaked from the tree towards one of the sniper men.
Dialla moved to sneer at Andy before the smaller female suddenly ran into view.
"Rorsh I told you to stay outside!" Dialla barked angrily, moving to try and pull the smaller woman away from Frosiien, "This one's been tainted by humans. I don't want you swayed either!"
Rorsh looked to Dialla and rolled her eyes before she suddenly looked towards Andy and held her hand out happily. "Hiya Mr! I'm Rorsh!" She said with a tilt of her head, her red-orange scruffy head of hair bouncing around the place.

Frosiien gave a small laugh at the smaller female, moving to gently pet her head softly. "Andy, this is Galarian Zapdos." She said softly, moving to lift the smaller woman up into her arms, almost with ease. "Out of all of the cousins, she's the one I prefer the most to be around." Rorsh gave a gentle smile to Frosiien and gave a small blush.

Niccia listened to Andy threaten Dialla with widened eyes, could he do that? She looked to Benny then to Michael before more tears slowly started to fall down her face again. She didn't like this, she just wanted everyone to get along.
Dialla moved backwards for a second before she quickly turned and quickly left the Pokecenter since the attention was pulled off her. Gavin watched her with a glare, his mouth slightly open as he bared his teeth towards her.
Ahahaha, perfect xD
Frosiien looked to Andy as she heard his voice, moving to slowly stand as she noticed Michael was beside Niccia now. She stepped away from Dialla and over to Andy. She grinned to him, glancing towards her cousin before she pulled Andy into a hug.
"You're awake!" She said happily, "This is not the best time to be introduced to a cousin, but this is Dialla." She turned to notion towards the mean woman beside them. "She's Galarian Moltres. She's... Kind of a bitch."

Dialla rolled her eyes and crossed her arms angrily, glaring daggers at Andy as Frosiien hugged him.
"You're the human I've heard about?" She asked with a bit of a hiss. "If you endanger her like Mew endangered herself, I'll give you a burn so hot that you'll be praying to Arceus to be healed."
Gavin gripped Dialla's shoulder, getting a yelp from the woman as she dropped her shoulder down a bit from the pain.

Niccia moved as Frosiien left her alone and pressed her head into his neck, she sobbed into his shoulder for a moment. Soul moved over and pressed his head against her legs as Sparky slowly woke up and barked and growled angrily towards Dialla, before her ears perked up toflick towards the Pokecenter door as it was kicked open.

A scrappy looking female, who looked a bit younger than Niccia and Michael, bounced into the area happily.
"Frosiien!" She said happily, bouncing around the Articuno and the Human male, doing a bit of a spin as her black and dark red-orange clothing floated around her. "It'ssogreattoseeyouIcan'tbelieveyou'rehereI'msohappytoseeyou!" She rambled quickly, moving to hug the Articuno happily.
Steph followed quietly behind, she fumbled with her clothes as she tried to keep her mind off... everything. She could sense that Benjamin was worried and already preoccupied with his own thoughts. She hesitated before she moved her hand over to gently take his with a small smile to herself.

Her horns glistened a soft pink for a moment, she enjoyed the feeling of being with Benjamin. He didn't understand her, but he helped her stay calm, he accepted her. Everything was good.

Rose waved at Stuart as he walked in, before she turned to Rudrig as he spoke. She looked at herself and pulled her arms around her as if she was slightly saddened by his words. It was slowly sinking in that they saw her as something else now, but she still worked for them, she was still a team mate! Even if she wasn't human... Right?

Rose looked to Stuart suddenly as he spoke, her eyes blinking slowly before she gave a gentle nod.
"I was human. I was watching Gaia with her tracker." She said before she paused at his question. "I... Remember the spiders, and being tied up. I remember being... terrified? Because I think I didn't like spiders before hand? Then the spiders moved in front of my eyes and I... Just felt..." She looked to her hands as she gripped at her heart, "Warm, calm." She continued with a bit of a smile. "I don't remember what they whispered to me, but I just remember colours and warmth."
Josh turned around as Benjamin spoke to Dia, "If you need help making it look like you really hurt yourself-" He started before Dia moved to stand in front of Benjamin with a glare.
"Touch him and you'll be sorry." She said before Josh gave a small shrug. Josh looked to Benjamin and Ray before he looked back to Dia and slowly walked off away from them, he held out his hand as a wave before he disappeared around a corner and his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Dia sighed slightly before she looked back to Benjamin, "How well can you limp?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "Maybe you had a bad fall from your... bed? and you twisted your ankle."

Sara looked to Marc as he asked what game she wanted to play before she looked around more.
"I..." She started quietly, "I don't know. What kind of things can we do?" She asked before she noticed whack-a-mole. "That one." She said as she stepped towards it slowly.

She lifted the soft hammer with a bit of a blink, looking at it before she looked towards Marc again. "How do we play?" She asked with a laugh.
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