Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
9 days ago
11 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
1 like
18 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
21 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

"The higher ups... Have tasked me with looking after him." The Stag said as he moved to hang his head slightly, "I haven't been the best guidance, admittedly. My power fluxuates with every rising sun, and forming myself into a physical being takes a lot of energy."

Chance rolled onto his back and slowly sat up as he looked to the floor even more. He didn't speak as Haki and the Stag were talking, he could hear the anger and irritation in Haki's voice.
"You don't have to worry about me Haki." Chance slowly squeaked, "I appreciate it but I would rather you using that energy on someone better than me."

Nessa had closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall as she focused on her own energy; even though she was in the sun for a short amount of time, she was slowly gaining her powers back.
As she had her eyes closed, small orbs of what could be stars started to float around her, twisting slowly in shape and size before Adrian came out.

Ra opened his eyes and darted over to Adrians' shoulder happily, nudging his head into his with a small purr.
Nessa slowly opened her eyes, the larger stars slowly blinking out as the smaller ones shimmered around her.
"Oh, that's good. I was worried." Nessa spoke as she smiled to Adrian, stepping towards him before she gripped his hand grinning. "Anything edible really." She laughed at his words.

"I wouldn't mind getting something sweet." Nessa said with a small smile, before she looked to Ra over Adrians' shoulders. "Heh, he really likes you." She said as Ra looked up to her, still purring happily.
The Stag watched Haki move towards the wall before he turned his attention, slowly and in a dragged out sort of way, towards Chance with a tilt of his head.
"Since Chance seems to be unwilling to answer the question." The Stag started, "Which is a sign more of preservation towards a relationship, rather than self preservation." The Stag watched Chance jolt upwards and stare angrily towards the Stag.

"Have you got something to speak about Master Alendar?" He asked with a tilt of his head, Chance let out a low growl but lowered his head slowly. "I didn't think so." The Stag said before he turned his attention to Haki. "The Pact that Mister Alendar and I have, is one of many that I have done before."

"Once Chance was infected and killed, I took it upon myself to make sure he was surviving." The Stag spoke with a gentle tilt of his head, "Chance made me the promise to bring peace back to the Fae world; The Butterfly and the Moth have been complaining about too much death happening to the species. Chance is essentially my champion; which is off for a Fae Spirit."

Nessa smiled towards Adrian as he lead her along. She was happy that he agreed to it. She wasn't a fan of having friends injured, and she didn't want to risk healing him herself in case her magic burnt his skin rather than healing him.

When they entered into the building she paused outside the building as she admired the little potted plants, before she stepped inside and gently sat down against a wall as to not take up a needed seat as she waited for Adrian to be finished.
She tilted her head back with a closed eyes, feeling the sun hit her skin and be absorbed and channeled into energy to her. Her freckles glistened softly from the light before she slowly opened her eyes and looked to her hands.

She flexed her fingers as Ra slowly came over and pressed his head under her chin with a ruffle of his tail. He let out a small purr as he did so, stepping into her lap as her hands slowly moved to ruffle through his fur.
Frosiien looked towards Andy with a soft smile as he asked bow she slept. "I slept okay," She started softly, "I didn't sleep until the moon started to drop, the stars were glistening brightly before I felt sleepiness tug on my mind. Mitch was luckily there to keep look over me so I managed to get a bit of sleep."
She looked down to his chest as she spoke of how she slept, before she looked up towards his face after she spoke. "I dreamt." She spoke, "For the first time for a while. I dreamt of you."

Niccia still had tear stains down her cheeks as she watched Sparky and Rorsh together, before her eyes slowly moved to watch Frosiien and Andy. She felt movement off to the side and she glanced to see Michael looking at her. Her ears pricked up before drooping, and she moved to gently press her head against his happily.
"I'm okay." She whispered to him quietly, "Thank you."

Rorsh moved to gently hold out her hands towards Sparky, as Sparky stepped towards her quietly before she stopped within reach and allowed the Galarian Zapdos to gently stroke into her fur.
Gavin seemed to relax while Dialla left, his shoulders dropped and his jaw flexed before he instinctively looked towards Mindy's room.
Ray followed quietly, too afraid to say a word. She watched as Dia turned towards the doctor with a bigger smile.
"Hello Doctor." Dia said towards the doctor, closing her eyes in a soft blink before she looked around. "My apologies for the intrusion." She had to pull down to her old bloodline, the royal manners.

She hated it.
"I was just wanted to ask a couple of questions, and I thought you were the one who would be able to answer them."

Sara looked up towards Marc as he spoke about her doing great. When he pointed to the game, she paused with a small blink before she nodded once.
"Alright." She said with a small smile, it was weird being in such a noisy place but not have her dark spirit suddenly burst into control.

Sara gave a bit of a stretch, flexing her muscles for one of the first times in a while without worry of losing control. She gave a genuine grin to Marc as they stepped over towards the new game machine.
No it's okay! I'm just happy to be able to roleplay with you.
Fae's smile suddenly dropped when Maggie mentioned she could tell her anything, "I know, It's just... It's been so fucking long." She said, tears starting to slowly bubble in her eyes.
Dianna walked in slowly as she heard Fae swear, knowing she barely swore unless she was very angry or stressed. "What's going on-" She started before she saw Fae holding her wrist.

"Fae..." She started before Maggie mentioned about the Spookapalooza. "Right, I'm ready." She said as she looked down to herself before looking to Maggie and Fae.
Fae had managed to change into dark black skinny jeans with a black tank top, which revealed small cuts and marks over her shoulders and back. "I'll explain things when we get back." Fae said as she readied herself to leave, "Come on."

They went together to the entertainment grounds, Fae immediately was entranced by the atmosphere and she stopped in her tracks, allowing Dianna and Maggie to continue onwards.
Dianna walked off from the other two girls and started trying to strike up conversation with anyone she could in order to ask if anyone saw anything abnormally; annoyingly no one had anything to report. She looked around to try and find her Cousin but couldn't see her either, and now she was too far away to find Fae or Maggie. Damn Fae and her short stature.

Fae snapped back to reality as she was bumped into by Scooby, who was walking around finding places to eat.
"Scoob!" Fae said with a small smile, moving to run her hand in the great danes fur, "Seen anything weird yet?" She asked, trying not to panic at the fact she couldn't see over anyone around her.
"I don't know where to start.." She uttered to herself, glancing sideways to notice a male watching her quietly before she moved towards one of the fire breathers to just take in the atmosphere.
The Stag looked down to Haki as he growled at him, he seemed unphazed before he looked towards Chance with a soft blink.
"Chance can Explain what pact we have." He said softly, before he flicked his ears and shook his head softly. "As for the Druids." He stepped closer to the two, his form shimmering slightly before he shifted to something that seemed... Human, but was more like a Wendigo.

"The Druids and the Fae go millennia back." The now-Wendigo spoke softly, Chance watching him intensely. He shifted forms. This wasn't good.
"The Fae are not the reason they got their powers, but we helped them Hone them. We helped them learn how to defend themselves and the land."
"The... Pact." Chance uttered under his breath, not looking at the Stag or at Haki. He shuddered and pulled his knees to his chin as he moved to stare at the floor.

Nessa followed Adrian with ease, she nodded gently to his words about being injured.
"We can find a healer." She started slowly, "My magic can heal but... I don't want to risk damaging anything." She said with a small smile, she moved quickly to gently tighten her grip of Adrians' hand.

Ra floated around them gently, keeping just above head height to make sure he could see everything around them as they started to walk along, Nessa gently leading the way.
"I want you to get a proper look over." She started, looking towards Adrian with a serious look on her face, "I am going to pay for it."
Steph stayed quiet as Benjamin spoke, especially when he picked up the statue piece before she moved to pick up the other two pieces, as they seemed to be slightly scattered around the area. She moved to hold her hand out to grab the other piece with a bit of a smile.
"I'd like that." She said gently, "It's been one of my earliest proper possessions." She gave a sigh before her tail moved to coil around a handle of her small dresser and pulled it open to look for a little box to put the pieces in.

"I didn't have a lot of belongings, or clothes at least." She said with a bit of a frown, looking at the destruction in her room just caused her mood to... drop.

Rose looked to Mr Johnson with a bigger smile before she looked towards Stuart and nodded happily.
"Okay!" She said as she moved to stand up happily, "Where are we going?" She asked with a glance towards Rudrig, giving a soft wave.

The Spider Listened to the Agent, he gave a small nod with a bit of a head tilt.
"Why are protecting us?" He asked, clicking his mandibles softly. He was confused on why the Agency wasn't trying to kill them like the whispers were warning them off.

"Do you need help?" He asked after a bit of silence, "Spiders help with blocking off..."
Fae and Dianna both jumped when they watched the woman throw the male, Fae looked to the owner momentarily as he continued to speak before she looked to the others, who started bickering.
Dianna turned to Fae momentarily before she looked over towards the rest of the Gang, giving a weak smile towards Shaggy and Scooby as they started. Both Fae and Dianna moved to look to Maggie as she spoke again.

"I'd be more than willing to help." Fae said with a nod before she looked to Maggie and Dianna and hooked her arms around theirs. "As long as we work together." She said with a tilt of a head and a smile.
"Spookapaloza?" Dianna asked with a tilt of her head as it was mentioned, especially since Scooby repeated it.

Once they got into the rooms, Fae made her way into the bathroom to get changed while Dianna and Maggie stayed out in the proper room.
Fae had started to change into a slightly more... fancy top, a small button up red-and-black plaid shirt paired with black jeans. She had to wash her hands real quick, and pulled off her bracelet to get under it without getting it wet; she was halfway through when Maggie's words echoed through her ears.
"I'm fine!" She said with a wide, awkward smile. She moved to hide her hands behind her back quietly without another thought.

Dianna went through her clothes quietly, pulling out a long skirt to put on, with a long off-white t-shirt with a small flower pattern. It was something she had made herself at least. She changed quickly and pulled out a yellow hoodie with red petals over it, with a large red rose on the back of it; It wasn't her best piece, but it was something she was proud of.
Chance listened to Haki as he spoke before he sighed, closing his eyes.
The question of what the Stag wanted with him made Chance pause and think.
"I..." He started, thinking quietly, "I don't know. I made promises... Everywhere I went. To protect others, to get things back. All of which I kept. It's more like he's haunting me for the promises I've broken."

"I promise you I am not haunting you." The familiar voice of the Stag spoke suddenly, CHance sat up to see the beast standing in their room, its' ears flicking with a tail twitch. "I am simply guiding you." He bowed his head before he turned to Haki.
"Young Druid. A pleasure to meet your kind again." He said, Chance stayed quiet; looking at the floor in partial worry.

Nessa smiled when Adrian leaned against her, she watched Ra fly around them before she looked over the city again.
She gave a gentle sigh before she looked towards Adrian as he started to sign. She nodded slightly at his words.
"I would love to." She said with a small smile.

She moved to stand up slowly, offering her hands to Adrian with a tilt of her head.
Memories continued to flash through her head, all of the hatred she had received, everything she had been through. But she shrugged it off.
She was with Adrian.
Things were good.
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