Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
9 days ago
11 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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18 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
21 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

As soon as Haki left the room, Chance hopped up off the bed and moved to his bags. He never carried a lot with him, but he at least had a change of clothes.
He pulled out his fresher clothes, pulling off his shirt to inspect his scars and injuries from being attacked earlier. He pulled his pants off to change into slightly better styled ones, instead of the ripped and torn ones he used for travelling.

By the time Haki had reappeared, he was looking at old mildly healed scars and the injuries from the last few days.
As the door opened, Chance looked up almost immediately with a worried look on his face before he relaxed at the sight of Haki.

Without his shirt on, the extent of his Fae runes and scars could be seen by Haki. The green and pink runes etched up his arms and legs, over his chest there was a few dark brown marks that seemed to be healed scars over his chest, over his heart and down parts of his lower torso and abdomen.

"I'm... Holding." Chance replied quietly with a weak smile, before he looked down at his chest and moved to grab his fresh top to slip it on after he finished looking over himself.
His small wings twitched before they started to fold out slowly; relaxing in the atmosphere. "Thank you for the food." He said with a slow blink, before he got up to grab a pastry to slowly eat.

Nessa looked around as they walked inside, her face lit up at the sight of everything inside.
"Hi!" Nessa replied to the woman behind the counter, she looked around slowly before she looked to Adrian as he spoke.

"You order first, It's my treat." Nessa said with a small grin towards him, before she looked to Ra, who moved to leap from Adrians' shoulders to hers, leaning over to look at everything as well.
Fae grinned happily at Dianna suddenly linking arms with the two of them, and moved with the other two girls with a smile that was probably the biggest she had ever smiled in the past three years.
Fae's cheeks flooded deeper red as Maggie grabbed their hands, her heart raced.

Dianna allowed Maggie to lead them along, she grinned like an absolute goofball as they got closer and closer to the old ride.
"I agree, it's not judgey at all." Dianna said with a small nod, "Unless it's on the list of being fixed?"
Fae's eyes widened at the look of the ride, she stepped forward slowly before Dianna moved to grab her shoulder quickly.
"Calm down there boy." Dianna said with a bit of a wink towards her friend, her voice snapping Fae from the almost trance she'd get from unknown machines.

Fae blinked before she cleared her throat and looked over to Maggie and Dianna with a bit of a grin.
"Sorry, you know how I get with... Machines." Fae muttered slightly before she turned back to the ride before looking around a bit more. "We should check it out, but not stray too far from each other."
Oh no that would be terrible.
The Stag looked to Haki as he felt the annoyance from the Druid, "The Spirits have..." He started quietly before he frowned, "Rules to follow, stepping in front of fate is one of them, one of the highest ones. I often try to make sure to contact with Chance when I need to."

Chance stayed silent, lowering himself back onto the bed with a bit of a whine, "Can... We just cut this short so Haki and I can go get some relaxation in?" He suddenly asked, "I feel like shit causing Haki to stay here while there's a festival around here." He looked to the Stag, who hesitated as he watched Chance, before looking towards Haki and then back to the Half-Vampire with a weak nod. The spirit suddenly disappeared in a small flicker of glitter as Chance laid on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"Go get yourself a drink Haki." Chance said, almost an order, "You deserve it for everything you've done lately."

Nessa allowed Adrian to pull her along, she kept close to him as he lead her through the backstreets and looked over towards the shop in the willow tree.
"Oh!" She said with a blink, "This looks amazing!" She tilted her head up towards the air as she breathed in with a bigger smile.

"Mmm, I haven't had sweets in a while. Tea is also good," She looked to Adrian, "It'll be my treat." She said, "Come on~" She tugged him towards the door gently with a bigger grin.
Fae frowned at the mention of finding nothing, now that she had the height of the bar chair she looked up and around slowly. She couldn't see Dianna just yet, nor could she see anyone else before Scooby ran over past them to his friend.
"Monster?" She asked before she looked over towards where Scooby went before she looked towards Maggie.
"We're thinking the same thing." Fae said with a grin before she heard footsteps behind her and glanced sideways towards Dianna.

Dianna had heard the commotion before she looked towards Fae and Maggie before she gave a small grin.
"Small adventure?" She asked as she moved to stand between Dianna and Fae, instinctively looping her arms into theirs like old times. "Let's go." She grinned even more.
Frosiien gave a happy laugh at Andy's words, her face deepened in red as she buried her head into his shoulder and neck to hide her embarrassment and her blush.
She held in a laugh as she slowly lifted her head away and looked around as she saw James come into the building and headed over to them. She heard Penalopy's voice and she let out a gentle sigh, things were returning to normal, everyone was starting to relax slightly.

Soul lifted his head towards James as he bowed his head. "Good morning little one." He said before he heard Penalopy's voice and looked towards Niccia as she wrapped her arms around his trainers neck. Niccia flinched at the sudden touch before she realized who it was, moving to gently lean into the hug slightly.
"Good morning Pen." She said softly, a tone of sadness ebbing into her words. "Are you ready for StarFall? Any word of anyone else being there this year?"

"The Creation Trio will be there!" Rorsh interrupted happily, getting Sparky slightly more excited and she started to vibrate with a happy buzzing-purr. "I'm not sure if Kyogre and Groudon will be there, but Storm will be there easily." She rattled on happily.
Gavin watched the group slowly before he perked up at the mention of Penalopy's words, his face flushed red a bit and his eyes brightened. Fez only gave a laugh as he watched his trainer perk up at the idea of a woman being on her way.
"My apologies for taking your time sir." Dia started, thinking of the right words to say before she bit the bullet and started to speak. "I have to make the lunches for a new patient that is planned to come in, who has a gluten intolerance and I was wondering if it was something that is extremely severe or if the patient was able to live with things that were made around Gluten." She continued, "My other staff are unhappy with the idea of having to make specific meals for a patient whos' state might mean they won't even eat the food offered. It would be a waste of time, man power, money and food."
Dia let out a small breathe as she finished, keeping an eye on where Benjamin was- hoping that her words were enough to make an amount of time needed for them to find Rays body.

Ray floated behind Benjamin, but as he looked into the second room she suddenly floated in- drawn into the room by something.
She floated gently around the bed in the room, where her body lay asleep on the bed. "Its... me." She uttered out loud.

Sara took the coin and looked at it for a moment, looking over to Marc as he put his into his machine and asked about street food.
She tossed up the options, especially now that she seemed to be clear of mind somehow.

"Street food sounds great." She said with a bit of a grin, putting her coin in and watched the machine wurr to life before she started to slide the balls into the ramp and watched some bounce off the holes and some hit others.
Oh Rose, you poor naive baby.
Also she has the hots for Rudrig, poor baby.
Steph nodded at his words about heading into town for breakfast with that other Succubus.
"Just be careful, okay?" She asked quietly as she looked over at him with a worried look. Sure, she was a succubus herself, but she wasn't sure how other Succubi really are.
At the question of if they have everything, she looked around and gave a small nod.
"Yeah, We've got everything." She said before she looked towards her arm full of bags of hopefully unsoiled clothes.

Roses mandibles clicked as Stuart spoke to her, she followed him with a tilt of her head before she looked towards the open door.
"Oh." She said almost surprised, "That's interesting." She suddenly smiled; her pair of spider-like legs stretching out and tapping against the surfaces that they could.

"Does this mean the agency is getting more diverse?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "I was surprised to see that we allowed the Dragonbeast and allowed the Succubus to continue working here but I was guessing that the Boss might have had a change of heart..." She rambled for a bit before she blinked her two left eyes.

"Where are poles?" The Spider-man started, tilting his head slightly. "We can help. Our numbers low, lost in battle." His voice sounded low and almost solemn.
The trees around him moved as his large spider-pet slowly stepped forward into view, seeing the Agent and lowered itself to the ground with a low rattle.
"Do not worry." The Spider-man started, "They are protecting us." The spider let out a quiet chattered and stomped its front legs with a bit of a stomp.

The Spider-man looked over towards the Agent before he offered one of his hands out through the wire to the Agent. "Y'moph." He introduced himself, hoping that doing so would help ease the other agents nerves.
Fae grinned when Scooby spoke to her, before she watched him head off towards supposed Burgers in the bushes. Burgers in the Bushes sounded a bit off to her before she heard her name being called out.
She turned towards Maggie's voice, her face suddenly lit up as she walked over towards Maggie.
"Maggie!" She said with a tilt of her head, moving to sit beside her on another bar stool. "Anything of importance yet?" She asked with a small frown.
She turned to look around for Dianna, but couldn't see her anywhere- Despite the womans height.

Dianna slowly looked around as she was getting deeper and deeper into the crowd, panic started to set in as she was being pushed around the group of people.
She bumped into Velma and almost fell over her cousin. "Oh god I'm sorry." Dianna said before she realized who she bumped into before she smiled gently to her cousin. "How's it going Velms?" She asked with a bit of a grin.
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