Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
9 days ago
11 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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18 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
21 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

"Let's go." Dia started as she stepped towards the opposite way and she paused, she realized she had no idea where she was going. She let out a low growl to herself as she turned Josh again, who was staring at her with a bit of a grin. "Lead the way." She hissed to him.
Josh only grinned before he linked his arm in hers and pulled her along quickly.

Josh pulled her along quickly, down darkened corridors and through brightly lit areas. The change in light levels were starting to hurt Dia's eyes, making her feel dizzy. She wasn't used to this, it had been so long since she was alive, since she had-
"Josh stop." Dia almost yelled, Josh paused and turned to the woman, his grin slowly fading. "Can we please not take areas of no light and light? It's hurting my head."

Sara's smile widened at the idea of the food place before she paused.
"Do... They do other fillings?" She asked quietly, "I'm... Uh... Allergic to Cabbage." She uttered weakly. She hung her head slightly and didn't look up towards Marc out of shame or fear.
Gavin waited for the girls to walk past him to slowly follow them outside.
Niccia grinned to Mindy as she linked arms with her, she let out a giggle as she was gently pulled along outside. "I hope he likes it!" She said.

Dausiin nodded at Andy's words, "That is understandable." He said with a bit of a smirk, looking to the human Marshadow. "It looks like you have someone that actually listens to you." He said with a wink, before he looked towards Andy with a small nod. He glanced to Michael and frowned, stepping over to him and gently gripped one of his hands. "We will keep you safe." He said with a bow of his head.

Varidol looked from Dausiin over to Andy and nodded once at his words, looking to his pokemon companions before he returned his attention to the other human male. "You have a good amount of Pokemon," He said towards Andy, "I hope most of them know effective attacks against dark types."

Niccia, Mindy and then eventually Gavin walked out the Pokecenter, Niccia's eyes widening at the sight of Varidol and Dausiin.
"Vari! Daus!" She called out happily, Gavin looked over the two girls and locked eyes with Varidol and they both shared a stare before Gavin nodded once.
Steph let out a small sigh and closed her eyes. She tried to settle her heartbeat and settle her mind, did... Part of her want Benjamin to see her like that?
No of course not, that was just the Succubus side of her trying to get any control that they could of Steph.
She pulled up her phone momentarily before she started to type up a text to Benjamin, before she stopped and deleted it all. She hesitated before she sent off a message to Harriet.

Rose's expression only dropped a bit more, her shoulders slumped a bit as he mentioned about her looking like the things they tracked and hunted.
"I..." She started, tears starting to well in her eyes. "I didn't ask for this, if you're asking that." She said with a defeated sigh, "I was tracking Gaia, and then I got abducted and then just... I woke up coming out of the cocoon as... This."
Dia sneered towards Josh as she followed after them.
It didn't take too long for them to get to the reception. "Hello my friend Abby!" Josh started loudly, the blonde front desk worker flinching and looking up at him.
"A..Ah!" She started, fumbling with her papers to hide her cellphone, "Josh, H...How may I help?"

"I have a new nurse here, she came from the other place I came from." He said as he leaned against the counter to look into Abby's eyes, her irises slowly warping in colour to a dull grey as Josh spoke. "Can you put her in the system for me? Please darling?"
"O...Okay." Abby started, "I just need her name and gender."
"Dia." Dia answered quietly, "Dia... Stack....son." She said, her brain trying to figure out a last name.
Abby only nodded, starting to type on the computer without looking up. "Your name badge is being printed and the laundry dudes will have your uniform."

Josh turned back to Dia and offered his hand with a grin, "Shall we go then darling?"
Dia flinched as Josh smiled at her, she didn't like the way he looked at her.

The man handed the spider plush to Sara who smiled and handed the tickets over before she returned back to Marc with a grin.
"Okay, where to now?" She asked as she held the plushy in her arms. She looked down to the plush and grinned happily to herself, this would remind her of good memories, which was what she needed at this point.
Rorsh nodded as they both left, before she slowly stood up as she held Sparky in her arms.
"I have to head off little one." She whispered to Sparky, placing her on the ground before she walked out the back entrance.
She looked around and quickly moved to shift back into her Pokemon form and sprinted off into the forest and disappeared.

Niccia looked over to Mindy as she spoke to her, grinning happily.
"Thank you! You look absolutely gorgeous!" She spoke before she looked to Gavin.
Gavin stared at Mindy as she approached, his eyes was on her as his mouth opened.

"By... The stars." Gavin started slowly, "You look..." He shook himself as he looked away for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck slowly. "You both look amazing!" He managed to spatter out, he looked to the ground with an embarrassed smile.
Why was this so awkward for him? He though he had feelings for Mindy, maybe he didn't? She looked Gorgeous but maybe he.. He shook his head slightly.

Varidol straightened up as he watched the Mime Jr run past, before he looked back to Andy.
"Not worried about Frosiien." He started, "She is easily the smartest of the Kanto birds." He said before he looked to Michael before back to Andy. "It's not that I am worried for Varina, but I am worried for you."

He paused slightly before he started again, "Varina is his old guardian. Everyone is saying he won't come back for her but I'm worried that if-"
"He won't." A familiar voice echoed in the air... But just in english. Varidol looked over to the shorter, scruffier male walking up to them in what looked to be standard 'genie' clothing.
"Dauusin." Varidol started with a bit of a nod, getting a nod from the male, his ring-like jewelry clinging quietly.
"No, stay the way you are." Chance whispered back as he led Haki along, "There is always time to learn. It takes time, don't be sorry." Chance said, he kept his eyes on Haki with a bigger grin on his face.
When Haki almost fell, he moved to grab him a bit closer.

Chance looked to Haki with a bit of a grin, "Do you want to try and lead?" He asked with a tilt of his head, moving to rise to his tiptoes and moved to kiss Haki's cheek. "This is amazing, I love you."

Nessa hugged Adrian back when he pulled her into a hug, her face deepened in colour as she gave a happy sigh. When they separated, she looked to him with a tilt of her head and a smile.
"No, thank you." She said with a bigger smile, "That was amazing, After everything we've been through."

Ra suddenly shot u from the tree and spun around before darting down to fly around Nessa and Adrian, still giving out the starlight glitters around them before he moved to land on top of Adrian with a happy meow.
Seb grinned as he was told he wasn't needed, and he suddenly disappeared.
Fer'a watched Jill quietly, tilting their head slowly as she spoke to Ash and bowed their head slowly as she left the room.

Seb reappeared beside Ricki as she sat next to the now snoozing mother Flarewolf with her 4 pups.
"All of them okay?" He asked with a tilt of his head. Ricki looked over to him sleepily and nodded once, looking back towards the Flarewolves again before she gave a small yawn.
Seb grinned and helped her up before he handed her a bit of candy, "You go socialize." Seb started, "I'll stay here with them. I need to run some tests anyway."

The male Flarewolf lifted his head and drooped his ears, Seb looked over to him with a small smile. "Nothing painful." He reassured the Male, watching as he dropped his head back down near his Mates.

Ricki left the planes room and headed over towards the food area as she chomped on her candy. Her tail swayed slightly as she passed the few doorways. She looked up to Jill as they crossed paths.
"Captain." She said with a weak smile. "The pups are born, all of them are healthy." She said with a tilt of her head. Ricki moved quickly to gently take Jills' hand.

"How are you?" She asked, fully serious, "And please don't lie to me. I won't judge if you need to talk."

Avia's cheek scales flushed slightly, looking away from him towards Alan for a moment before she perked up at the question about food.
"Oh!" She started, "I was thinking a nice spread, we've all earned the food." She smiled as she pulled out a small note book and started to scribble stuff down as she spoke; "I was thinking maybe a large hog roast, a roast chicken or turkey? Some steamed Salmon for Treghor, possibly some fried shark if we still have some remaining in the chiller." She pondered for a bit, "Of course veggies. A simple salad and maybe some coleslaw."

Alice watched everything wide-eyed.
The sound of a battle suddenly broke out behind Marigold- The roaring of beasts and the loud grunts of the Ki-Rin.
Once Marigold started running, the beasts seemed to be too focused on fighting each other to see her run off. The little green bird from earlier suddenly started to fly around her, buzzing much like a humming bird.
It followed her quickly, dodging through the branches and trees before it stopped when she stopped. It buzzed around her before moving quickly to settle on the branch beside her.

There was suddenly silence around Marigold when she stopped, the wind seemed to be at a standstill. The sound of the fight was barely heard, and there was no sound of movement or footsteps around her either....
Well, Until now.

The sound of sudden footsteps hitting leaves echoed around the area, before it was followed by another pair. Both pairs came from two separate areas; A large Wolf leapt from the shadows and slid to a halt in front of Marigold, facing away from her before it shook itself and looked up to Marigold with familiar eyes.
Echo turned herself around and started to walk towards her slowly, keeping her head low and her ears back to show no harm.

The second pair of footsteps echoed more, before a larger, darker wolf skidded past the two of them. They slipped and stumbled and slammed their side into the nearest tree with a yelp.
"Hunter!" Echo spoke, torn between her brother and his partner. "Stay still." She told Marigold before heading over towards Hunter to help him up again.
"I'm fine." He uttered quietly, "Weak, but fine." He looked over to Marigold and his ears perked up almost immediately at her.

Hunter ran over to Marigold and circled around her happily, moving to sit beside her and ran his head under her hand gently.
"I'm here for you." He said, "I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier. Luckily Echo was free."

"Fay, it's a pleasure to see you again." April spoke out loud, moving in front of Hazel for a moment as she slowly walked through the room. "I brought a friend, we're hear to help you. I believe I have a curse breaker."
The womans ear-feathers pricked up slowly before she pulled her eyes towards Hazel. "Friend." She repeated, much like a parrot before April nodded once. "Curse. Break." She repeated.

April smiled and stopped at the bed, moving her hands out towards the woman. Fay moved to put her head into the demons hands without a second thought, to do this she stood up slightly, revealing her feathered body and twisted limbs.
"You see Hazel." April said as she was looking Fay over gently, "Fay is a harpie. But the witch decided it was a terrific idea to turn her into a full bird."
Fay snapped her beak at the mention of witches. "I'm sorry. I'm just explaining."
Rorsh smiled at James words, giving a small nod in agreement to his words.
"I'm glad one of us is good with words." She said with a laugh, giving a small sigh as she ran her hands through Sparky's fur. "But we just need to make Starfall amazing for both Niccia and Michael." The Zapdos continued with a small grin, "And of course we need to make it spectacular for Andy too, we need to wow him!" She chuckled before she looked to Sparky as she yawned slowly.

Niccia finished getting changed and spun herself around a bit more.
"Perfect!" She started to herself before she grabbed a sidebag and swung it over her shoulder. She had to be sure she was ready before she slowly made her way towards the door.

She pushed it open and stepped out, Soul standing beside the doorway before he looked up to her.
"You look nice." Soul spoke gently, Niccia moved to rub his head as a thank you as she headed back over towards Gavin.
"I'm back!" She called out to the Mewtwo, who turned slowly and froze at the sight of Niccia.
"You look... Gorgeous!" He stammered, Niccia grinned happily.
"Don't let Michael or Mindy hear you say that~" She teased before she moved to look around for Sparky. "Where'd she get off to?" She glanced to Soul as he pointed towards where Rorsh and Penny was. "Right."

The Marshadow nodded once at Andy's words, about to speak before Michael appeared. He started to freak slightly and looked for somewhere to hide. Varidol wanted to run and hide, but the younger male human probably already saw him.
"A...Aye," Varidol started, "I am here for StarFall. I see you're getting close to F...Frosiien." He continued, starting to straighten up before he looked Andy over.

"And the Ex-Guardian? Where is she?"
That's fine!
Although I find it incredibly funny if we end up pairing him with a male honestly xD
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