Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

8 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
8 days ago
10 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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17 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
20 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Yeah, Yalgai gives off big Loki vibes to me. Not gonna lie ahah.
Frosiien smiled to Andy as he spoke about being embarrassed, before she looked to his Pokemon and gave Kim a gentle wave before she turned her attention to Bear.
"Mitch." She said as she looked to her guardian, "Please keep watch of Bear for me?" She asked, Mitch hesitated as he looked to the Primeape before nodding once and walked over to Andy's other two Pokemon with a bow.
"Good afternoon, and welcome to StarFall." He said with a gentle tone, looking towards Bear before looking to Kim with a small smile.

Frosiien looked back to Andy as he returned to her side as she moved to sit him down between her and Thunderk.
Thunderk grinned to Andy and gave him a small pat on the back, "It's good that you can join us!" He said happily, "I think Frosiien is one of the ones who hasn't brought along any humans." He laughed, Prez stifling a laugh as he took a sip of his drink.

Gavin gave a small smile before he turned his head towards Niccia as she called out and his eyes narrowed carefully.
"Wait here." He said, almost an order to Mindy before Fez moved to stand beside her. Gavin walked over to Niccia and their father with a serious look on his face.
The figure lowered Niccia to the ground and looked to Gavin, closing his eyes with a gentle smile. "Gavin, My son." He said as Niccia stepped aside for him to step to Gavin.
Gavin stepped back as his father stepped towards him, narrowing his eyes with a serious frown on his face. "I... Understand." The white haired male said slowly, moving to run his left hand through his hair. "There is someone I wish for you two to meet." He straightened up and lifted his hand to point over towards the table. Niccia looked over with Gavin watching with a bit of a glare.

At the table, a light purple haired female leaned against the table as she moved to push a couple plates back with one hand while she held an egg in the other. The figure perked up as she felt eyes on her, she turned to face the group and walked over to Niccia and Gavin.
"Who are these two father?" The woman asked gently, the male smiled.
"Hyia, These are your older siblings. Niccia is the first Mew and Gavin is the first Mewtwo." The Arceus male said, moving to put his arm on Hyia's shoulder as he turned to the 'older' figures, "This is your new sister, Hyia. She's the new Mewtwo. The egg she carries is the new Mew."
Both Gavin and Niccia's face suddenly paled as the words started to sink in.

Art and the Emolga flew through the portal as well, Art holding Brock while the Emolga held James carefully.
Robin smiled at Timothy as they continued to talk, looking over towards Mindy with a small giggle. "It seems like your trainer is getting well equated with all the legendary." She said gently, looking towards the portal again as she watched her Legendary walk through with Sparky in her hands. "Ah, the little one is going to love this." She said with a hoot-like chuckle.

Yalgai set Sparky on the ground after kissing her forehead. "Go on little one, Go mental." She said with a chuckle, straightening up as she looked around for her brothers. Of course they wouldn't be here yet, which meant she had some time to cause some mischief.
She slunk along before she saw the Forces of Nature, stepping over to them with a big grin.
"Good afternoon boys!" She grinned as she held her hands out with a bit of a wink, "How're things going for you?"
Ari sighed slightly, "It's because I was the aggressive one. I was protective, worried..." She went quiet after a moment before she looked at her own hands before she closed her eyes.
"I was confused, afraid." She continued, "I don't blame them from calling me a monster, Dia and Ray had a better connection than I and Ray. It could be because of how I was just pulled into the body."

She glanced towards the doorway, closing her eyes again before she breathed in. "I... See red occasionally. I... dont know if it's because of the energy around people but sometimes I just.... Explode."
Duncan went to speak before Dante cut in, "Harriet should be fine." He said with a serious nod, "She's stubborn and Duncan is just worrying. She's bet people that could make your view of the world twist a lot." He continued before he sighed and dropped his head to look at his hands.
At the mention of driving Freya away to the sea, Duncan raised his hand slightly. "If you aren't taking my car, I can take her." He said with a small nod. Freya looked to Duncan before looking back to Benjamin and Mike to see what they'd say.

Gaia pulled herself away from the wall momentarily as someone moved towards the cell, holding something in their hands that she couldn't make out properly.
She bared her teeth angrily and let out a low rumble, her eyes watching the figure moving to the door to grab the scales. Gaia moved to let out a louder roar, shaking all of the glasses in the entire facility.

The figure froze up at the roar and hesitated, before they moved to press a button on their belt. A collar dropped down from a hatch in the ceiling and it hooked around her neck, needles digging into her neck and flooding her body with the same drugs as earlier.
Gaia felt her brain go fuzzy and she suddenly collapsed onto the ground and stared off into space.

Rose listened to Lily, she didn't respond at the mention of taking a photo, she moved to flinch at the flash from the phone and moved to lowered herself into the cocoon more.

Steph stared off at the back wall with narrowed eyes, she didn't respond to Lily as she asked what was happening.
She moved to pull her hand away from the side of the seat and momentarily looked towards her wrist; her skin was a shade on the red side, but not damaged yet.
She moved her hands to her horn again, trying to see if there was at least a scar to pick at from her cutting at them.
She let out a small sigh as moved to chew at her nails, moving to spit them onto the floor with a glare out of the corner of her eye towards Lily.
As the two entered the portal, a blinding light shone before as the light slowly faded out; as sight returned to those who entered through the portal, they were greeted with a gorgeous, large meadow area. A tree line just on the edge, almost unseeable to the human, or even Legendary, eye.
A beautiful clear sky was above them, a large amount of stars and a few twisted milky ways. All the stars twinkled beautifully, seeming as if they were blinking in and out to a rhythm of an inaudible song.

Just off to the side of the portal entrance, a large table sat. The table was made out of a brilliant marble, and the chairs seemed to float without legs.
At the head of the table, a large marble and rich mahogany throne-like chair sat. A tall figure sat in the Throne, leaning off to the side as they looked off into the treeline as if waiting for something. A Bouffant turned towards the others as they entered, he bowed at the sight of Frosiien and motioned to the two figures sitting at the table.

Both Prezzleflame and Thunderk looked over as Frosiien entered and they both moved to stand and walk to her and Andy.
"Sister!" Prez said happily before he pulled his sister into a hug before he turned to Andy and moved to do the same. "And you must be the Andy that she's been telling us about. It's glad to finally meet you, she hasn't stopped wondering about you since the mountain!"
Thunderk looked towards Andy and tilted his head; his hair prickled with electricity and he gave small grin.
"Prez don't embarrass the poor man." He said as he looked towards the portal as the Beasts, Niccia and Michael entered. Thunderk gave a gentle sigh, his shoulders relaxing before he looked back to Andy. "Come, there is a seat for you."

Niccia looked to Michael as they entered before she looked towards the end of the table and grinned happily. "DAD!" Niccia called out before she let go of Michaels' hand and ran towards the throne. The figure on the throne suddenly perked up as soon as Niccia entered before he stepped off the throne and moved to pick up Niccia as she ran to hug him.
The figure, when sitting down, didn't seem any taller than 6 feet in height, but standing up on the floor it was revealed that he was almost 8 feet in height. The figure was dressed in an off-white suit with golden furnishings.
"My little one." He said gently, moving to brush a bit of hair from her face as he looked down to her. "My precious daughter. It's a pleasure to see you again, I've missed you."

Cloud and Dera walked through the portal as well, stepping out of the way quickly before they both moved towards their seats. They stayed quiet as they walked, before sitting at their seats before they looked towards Lugia as she sat two seats away from them.
Lugia glanced back and gave a small smile. "You know your father. He's a bit of a late bloomer." She said with a laugh before she looked over to the figure and Niccia slowly.

Gavin followed after Mindy, hoping she didn't trip going through the portal. As soon as he got to the other side he moved to grab her just in case Mindy had slipped.
Robin gave a small nod to Timothy as she moved to follow, The Human Giratina following with Sparky in her arms. She coddled the small creature with a soft hum and moved to gently run her hands over Sparky's skin.
She had been away from her baby for so long, she had worried that she would have gotten injured or worse; Darkrai had gotten her.

Illias linked her arm with her brothers and spun him around a bit before she stepped towards the Portal.
"I'm so excited." She said happily, her small ears flicking slightly. "It's been forever since we've seen everyone together."
Ari looked up to Benjamin as he spoke to her. She gave a small smile to him before she moved her hand to rub at her eyes, as if she was wiping away tears.
"It was... Nice to be able to breathe again." She started gently, "But I'm glad I'm helpful for someone. It seemed like I was a problem for everyone around here; Dia never called me a problem, but I know she probably thought it."
Ricki watched Jill carefully as she spoke, she closed her eyes with a small nod before she gripped her captains hand gently.
"Seb can help if you need to learn about Magic." She said, "I wish I could help but everything I learnt I learnt from him." She tilted her head gently before she gave a gentle sigh.

"Please remember I am here for you." She repeated, "Please don't hesitate to come see me for anything. I may be a biologist of this ship, but I am also a good listener." Ricki continued before she flicked her ears at the sound of a chattering insect noise.
Fer'as' voice echoed through the air towards Jill and Ricki.
"Captain I require an audience."

Avia gave a smile at Alan mentioning which army she's feeding.
"I've been studying everyones metabolism." She started softly, Alice looking to her mother expectantly. "Seb can easily eat a lot, I'm unsure how much Ricki can eat and if Ash is awaken by then he'll need as much food as he needs to be ready."

"And leftovers will be okay!" Alice added, "We can feed the pups being born and use the other stuff for breakfast!"
Avia nodded once at her daughters words, moving one of her lower arms over onto Alice's head gently.
Avia looked to Gnol as he talked about working out, "Surely you'll be able to keep your shape with the work needed in this ship." She said with an almost cheeky smirk. The plant that Alice brought on board was starting to effect her more, much to Alice's excitement.
Hunter moved to press his snout against Marigolds' chin as he settled into a sitting position. "It's okay. I'm here." He said calmly as Echo walked over to stand on the other side of Marigold, watching towards the way that the fight was happening before her ears pricked up and she looked towards the bird in the tree.
"Of course." Echo said with a small laugh, moving towards the tree slowly before the bird fluttered down to sit on her snout gently. "I should have known that you would be close by to Marigold." She said, the bird gave a happy tune before it fluffed its' wings and settled onto Echos snout more.

"What are you implying?" The bird replied, Echo grinned before she moved to sit down properly.
"Come on Gaia, you love Marigold." Echo said, the bird gave a small hum before fluffing her wings.

Hunter pressed himself into Marigold as she continued to cry, he kept himself by her before he looked to Echo.
"I'm going to take Marigold to yours." He said before he moved for Marigold to hop onto his back. "Come, I'll take you somewhere safe." He said carefully, "I'll make you some warm food."

Fay immediately looked over towards Hazel as she mentioned about being part Harpy.
"Harpy." She repeated, fluffing her feathers up slightly with a tilt of her head, "Friend." She repeated before she looked towards April as Hazel asked her a question.

"Funnily enough." April started before moving pull out a small blade. "Demon blood." She said before she placed the knife down and pulled out a small jar of glowing water.
"Demon blood mixed with Harpy dander and moon water." April said with an annoyed sigh, "It is so simple I looked right over it. Of course the other way would be to kill the Witch who did it but the witch was suppose to die a while ago but the curse is still on Fay."
Fay looked towards the knife and looked up to April with a tilt of her head. "Blood?" She asked before she looked to Hazel and then back to April with a worried expression. "Harm... You?"
Noble gave a bit of a laugh at Gnols' words. "She's trying to teach me." He said with a weak smile, moving to pet Comet's neck before he winced at the Older Dragons roar.
Comet fluffed her wings at the roar, holding back on letting out her own roar. She kept her head down as she watched the area, her tail swaying slowly before she looked up to the tree tops.
"How long until we get to the fortress?" Comet asked Gnol as she looked over towards the Dwarf. She wanted to dart ahead and fly, but she knew she wasn't allowed to.

Ricki looked back towards Alan as he spoke to her. She blinked and looked down at her own hands before she looked back to Alan.
"I..." She started, "I don't know. I've never tried anything." She gave a weak smile, moving to gently pet Mercurys' side.
"When we settle down for the night we can definitely give it a try." Ricki said with a bit more of a smile, "I'll take first watch, I don't often need a lot of sleep."

Rai nodded at Mihkal's words, "Understandable." She said as she glanced back to the two behind her as Ark continued to walk, lifting her head up to look to the sky. "We can set up camp in the next meadow." She said, "That way we'll have time to get up a good base camp for us before the sun fully drops."

Seb stayed silent as Crressa called him silly. Should he tell the others what he was hearing? Or should he stay quiet until he knew what he was really was correct and not just a trap on himself.

Orian looked back to Fiona as she spoke to him, he pushed the question to Damien and got a shake of the mans head.
"No, you should be fine." He said gently, "I believe we'll be dropping towards the treeline rather soon." He said before Damien flexed his hands on the reigns and Orian started to drop in altitude as he was told to get closer to the trees.
"We'll be safe." Damien spoke out loud, loud enough for Orian to hear and transfer to everyone else. "We're nearing the base. We should be there just before sundown."

The stony figure above the cave gate opened an eye as they heard the wingbeats. They stayed completely still but pushed a mental message off to a figure hiding in the trees.
Both of them gave a general mental nod to each other as they readied themselves to whoever was on their way. Kings men or not, they would be met with a force to be reckoned with.
Chaotic evil that can turn mildly good because she falls in love with Rose? //shot.

Also poor Gaia, being captured and now she's stuck with shedding?
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