Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

8 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
8 days ago
10 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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17 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
20 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

I was thinkimg she'd be like Dia a bit later. Maybe she could appear slightly ghostly to the people doing nightrounds, just slightly visible out of the corner of their eyes or something uwu
Prez and Thundurk only gave a laugh at Andy's words, they both looked to Frosiien with a grin and both gave her a thumbs up.
Frosiien moved to hide a smile under her hand before she looked towards Andy happily. "I think you're an amazing human." She said as she pulled him into a small kiss.
She glanced over towards Niccia and Gavin as they approached the older male, and judging by their expression... It wasn't good.

Mitch barely flinched when Bear hit him, grinning happily at his words before he looked to Merlin and back to Bear.
"I've never been in a proper team before." He said with a genuine smile. "This is nice." He added as he gave a small sigh.
Mitch looked towards Merlin as he mentioned about having a few words with Andy, "I would love to watch that." He commented with a laugh.

"You've already came up with our replacements?!" Gavin almost yelled, Niccia flinching at his words. She was thinking it too, but she didn't want to say it out loud.
"No no, I've been planning this for a while." The male said with a small bow of his head, he looked at the floor. "After making Niccia leave and take human form I have been... thinking, and with you stepping up yourself to keep a watch on her, I needed to have someone there to make sure the humans don't get too... suspicious."
Niccia looked to Hyia, she was ignoring her fathers words before she stepped towards her new younger sister. She stopped in front of her before she pulled her into a hug, tucking her head happily under the womans chin as she was still taller than her.

Anylia moved over to Mindy quickly, making sure she was okay.
"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" She looked to Penny, "Please don't throw things at humans! I've told you this before sister." She said gently to her sister before she flew to Penalopy and gently gripped her hands.
Robin laughed at Timothy's words, she gave a small sigh before looking over to Yalgai and furrowed her brow. "She better not be thinking of doing anything dangerous." She uttered quietly.

Yalgai grinned at Stormiar and Halkio's words, "A little tornado isn't going to be too much of a problem." She said with a wave of her hand. She looked as the guardians' appeared before she returned her gaze to the forces of nature again. "Travel was easy, the distortion world makes it a quick and easy trip. I would invite you but I'm not sure if you boys could handle it." She said with a cheeky grin.
She knew she could get away with a lot while her brothers weren't here, so half-taunting the nature boys would be interesting for a little bit.
Duncan frowned at Benjamins words before he went to speak, before Dante suddenly stood up as he faced the kitchen, he could see that Mitch was standing ready as well.
"Who's there?" Duncan finally called out, Dante giving a glare down to his companion.
"Relax boys." A males voice came from the kitchen, "You're the ones who called me, remember?" A figure stepped into the doorway, around the same height as Duncan.

The deep blue hair glistened in the light from the lounge, their deep orange eyes watched the room slowly as their pupils flexed; their pale skin freckled in multiple places.
"Oh. Lydral." Duncan said as Dante stayed standing, "You can relax, it's your half brother."
Dante didn't move, he watched his half-brother, knowing he wasn't trustworthy like the other three.

Duncan's head turned to face Mike as he called out about Freya, "Hold on, We'll get her into the tub, she's too tired to give directions. I'll have to take her tomorrow." He started as he stood up and stepped around Dante and stepped towards Duncan. He moved to scoop Freya up from Mike before he looked to Mike. "Would you be able to open the doors for me?" He asked with an embarrassed smile.

Stephs face deepened a couple shades of red as she was defended and called beautiful. She cleared her throat and moved to rubbed the back of her neck with a weak smile.
"Honestly it's probably my fault that Krys is so... hostile." She said slowly, "We've... got history, not the best history either."
She relaxed her shoulders, Lily didn't seem like she wanted to hurt her; at least... not currently.
"I'm... Not dangerous, I think..." She started, "I don't even know how to charm someone...."

The clouds crackled before one of the figures lunged at the other one.
The clouds broke and a figure was shot down to the field below in a crash, their body slamming into the ground with a rumble and some cracks.
The figure was face down in their crater, smoke flooding off of them.

The stormclouds rumbled like laughter, maniac, angry crackling laughter.
Yeah exactly, It doesn't seem right just to have three.
I wanna say 3 at a time, so 3 every time the comet crosses. Or three every time he gains the energy to do so; ie- starfall.
Ari smiled softly to Benjamin as he spoke to her, "I will still be here when you woke." She said as she slipped towards the door and slipped through, moving to sit on the ground slowly and crossed her legs.
She closed her eyes and focused with a small hum. Focus on yourself. Breathe in, Breathe out. Just like Sara had taught us.

Sara snoozed on her bed, quietly snoring with the plush spider happily in her arms in a hug.
She winced as her spirit started to twist in her mind, starting to twist her dream into a nightmare, bringing up the date with Marc and making her think that Marc hated her.
Whoops that post was longer than I expected >>
Also hello Aprils' brothers, How are you?
Duncan pursed his lips at Benjamins' words.
"I guess that is a better logic than mine." He said as he straightened himself up, "My reasoning was because you were close to Steph in terms of relationship." He continued, breathing in and out slowly with a sigh. "But if you think you're safe with having that phone, I won't make you get rid of it, but will you take another phone so I can keep in touch with you? I would rather not have my proper number in the phone of the agency.

Dante straightened up as he felt footsteps from the kitchen, he readied himself as his eyes moved away from Freya and Mike before they scanned over towards the doorway to the kitchen. His entire posture changing to defensive, he looked over to the doorway as the footsteps echoed through the room beside them now.

Freya was slowly falling asleep against Mike, Gills now slowly appearing on her neck before she gave a bit of a shiver. She inched a bit closer to the human male for his bodyheat, not paying attention to anything around her at the moment. The adrenaline had faded, and now she was very sleepy.

Shadows danced around the clouds, two shadows specifically. As if two figures fighting, each time they struck more thunder echoed around loudly. The ground quakes a bit more, cracks deep in the fields in front of the base seemed to crack.
The clouds darkened, slowly twisting from a softer grey to a sea storm dark grey.

"I don't care." Steph replied to the mention of room service, "I know you won't treat me like a proper person no matter what sort of room I'm in. If you want blood samples, fucking go right ahead. Good luck figuring out what's wrong with me." She let out a loud huff as she continued to face the wall.

Krys returned as she heard Steph continuing to talk to Lily. She walked back over and stood beside Lily without a word at first.
"Whats' wrong with you is that you're a man killing beast." Krys said with a sneer. Steph breathed in, focusing on holding back all of her anger as she span herself around to face Krys, moving to stand up and walk to the glass to stare towards Krys with flames in her eyes.
"Why won't you get it through your thick fucking skull Krystal." She started with venom through her words, "I did not kill Stephan, I am Stephan you dumb bitch. You saw the transformation over the course of three days, you saw the scales, the wings and everything."
The hair on Krys' neck prickled up slowly, she stared Steph down before she narrowed her eyes.
"Lily," She started, not looking away from Steph as she spoke, "Don't move her into a room. She doesn't fucking deserve it." She turned and walked away slowly, grumbling to herself as she did so.

Carl opened his eyes at the sound of footsteps, Jase was snoring softly beside him as he slipped up and pulled out his small hand knife.
He stepped towards the door as he grabbed the handle to the door as the footsteps stopped at their door.
"Is this the place?" A deep males voice echoed from the other side of the door.
"Aye, tis' the place that she mentioned." Another Males voice echoed before they reached for the handle as well, pulling it open.
Carl lunged towards the two men, one rather skinny while the other was largely built. The larger male grabbed Carl by the brim of his shirt as he darted at them, pulling him away slowly as he lifted him off the floor.

"Aye don't remember Angels' bein' so feisty." The skinner male said with a small laugh, stepping through the doorway and looked over the room, spotting Jase asleep on the bed. "Ah! Thy Timberfae!" He said as he stepped towards the bed.
"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM." Carl called out as the bigger male carried him inside, moving to wriggle through the grip, unable to escape.
"Calm down Angel." The Bigger man said, "We're not here to hurt you."
"Nay, the opposite!" The lankier one said, turning around to grin almost evilly towards Carl. "We're here to help you. I, am Envy, but please call me The Jackal." Envy grinned as he took off his hat, revealing his canine-like head and four eyes. "Pride, put the poor boy down will you?"

Pride let Carl go and he stepped back from him as he lifted his knife up again. "And you?" Carl asked shakily, he had never thought he'd meet any higher demon, but the Sins??
"As my brother said, I am Pride. I just go by Pride." He said with a small laugh, "Isn't this cute though! Sharing the same bed? Could you two be to-"
Jase lifted his head slowly and looked towards Carl almost instinctively before looking towards Pride and Envy and froze up. "C....Carl." He squeaked, "T...These aren't from the... a..agency are they?"
Duncan didn't give Mitch a response as he spoke about not taking his car. He looked to Benjamin quietly, "Have you still got the agency phone?" He asked with a frown, "I have some spares if you don't want to be tracked by the boss."
Dante stayed quiet, he stared at the table as he felt some energy through the air. Was it Harriet? Or was it someone else...?

The ground near the Agency's base rumbled slightly, the clouds had darkened around the area. The ground cracked around the grassy areas away from the base, the sound of thunder echoed from the mountains.

"I don't want anything." Steph replied sharply, "Leave Benjamin alone."
She glanced towards Lily with narrowed eyes and an almost poisonous glare.
"If you want me to feel at home, treat me like an actual fucking human." She rumbled angrily before she moved back to face the wall. "Leave me alone."
"Just being here is helpful." Ari said with a sigh, she nodded at his words as she gave a bit of a laugh. "I believe you, but... Then again, I am a spirit. But I would have believed you if I was alive."
Ari looked to the ceiling quietly, closing her eyes for a moment before she breathed out. She felt her air exit out of her body, but she didn't comment on it.

Dia walked around the hallways, she was mainly getting herself acquainted to the area. She paused at the medical wing before she moved to push the door open and walked in slowly. She looked around and stopped the nurse that tried to stop her.
"I'm here to check up on my patient." She said carefully.
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