Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
7 days ago
9 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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16 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
20 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts


He's Arceus' son, when he had a... uh, fling with a Gogoat uwu
Ray nodded as she listened to him, freezing up as the nurse came over with the porridge and hot drinks. She watched her carefully, not replying and avoiding eye contact.
She moved to grab a couple pieces of bread before she started to make her own sandwich, starting with butter before moving to the chocolate spread.

Ari and Dia entered the mess hall together, Dia straightened herself up as she readied herself to be asked to do things. She looked around, she couldn't see Sara, and she couldn't see Josh. At least one of those things were good for her.
Take him to the sick bay so he can babble for a bit more, they won't be able to do much other than get cryptic words from him before he passes on his own ahah.
As Lecrero left everyone alone, Niccia hesitated to walk to Michael and stood beside him, giving a bit of distance.
"How..." She uttered out loud before she cut herself off, looking down at the ground slowly. "I'm... sorry."
Sparky waddled over to Niccia and hopped onto her hind legs to be lifted up, when she watched Niccia not move to pick her up she landed on her feet again.

Kyio and Yalgai walked over to near Michael, Yalgai giving a small whistle as Sparky turned to face them.
"Mamma!" She called before she ran over to her and hopped up into her arms. Kyio moved to gently rub Sparky's head.
Yalgai moved her head to watch more Legendaries arrive, all with their guardians.

"It's... not just for StarFall." Nygari said with a small, weakened smile. "But thank you." She said before she looked towards the final figure that walked through the Portal.
Her heart skipped a beat and almost stopped, she looked towards the table with her face deepening in red.
Cloud glanced over to his father as he arrived. "You're here!" He said with a bigger smile, "It's great to see you too!"
Dera looked over to her father as she tilted her head, she was talking with two of the newest Legendaries, the Galar Protectors. "My apologies, I will be back." She said to them before she headed over towards her father and held her arms out with a bigger smile. "Fashionably late as per usual, and fashionable as well!"

Saveri dodged Penalopy quickly as he continued to speak to Seth, stopping as he looked towards her with a furrowed brow.
"I'm having an important conversation!" He said, almost angrily, "My apologies Seth, our talk of time walking will have to be paused as PENALOPY IS IT!" He quickly darted away.

Frosiien wrapped her arm into Andys' before she looked towards Dialla.
Thundurk stood quickly as soon as the Galar birds came in, running to grab Rorsh from her brother and spun her around as she woke up.
"Oh! Cousin!" She grinned happily, "It's good to see you~"
Dialla stepped towards Frosiien and Andy, stopping in front of them as she lifted her chin slightly.
"It's good to see you actually decided to show up." She said towards Frosiien, before she looked to Andy and saw Varina in his hands. "And you brought a human, and a discarded Guardian. Interesting."
Ray followed Benjamin as he lead her along, she didn't argue about it. Not that she could, her body was still rather weak.
Her eyes watched everyone before she moved to sit down. She looked towards the bread and spreads as she felt her mouth start to water.
"The food is.. safe yeah?" She asked after a moment, looking over to Benjamin with a tilt of her head.
Awesome, sounds great~!
Mmmmmmmmm Lugia and Ho-Oh aren't on good terms by the sounds of things?
Maybe Lugia just misunderstood something?
Mmmmmmmm wholesome moment incoming?
Lecrero watched Andy as he gave him a wink before he gave a small smile.
"I'm sure you will, Varina is a good child." He said before he looked to everyone else and counted the number of legendaries already here. "Hm... Not everyone is here yet but it's probably safe to bring out some food." He said more to himself before he clapped his hand once, a large Bouffaunt appearing beside him and looked up to him.
"The food please, Snacks to start with. Human and Pokemon if you may?" He asked his guardian, who nodded as part of his afro moved; He turned and started to walk off slowly. Lecrero returned his attention back to Andy with a small smile. "Food is on its' way." He said before he looked towards Lytse and Michael before he excused himself from Andy and stood beside Michael. "Food will be coming little one, we have many different kinds for you all, berries, baked goods, puffins, Pokeblocks." He listed off before he gave a small smile to Michael.

Sparky ran over towards Michael and Lytse and slid herself between his legs before she looked up to Lecrero as he walked over. Her eyes widened as she stared at him, her fur standing on end.
Niccia walked over towards Michael as he had walked off, she hesitated for a moment as Lecrero came over to mention food, only relaxing when he turned to walk off towards the head of the table again.

Xapher flushed red in the face again, giving a small laugh before moving to rub his hands through his hair.
"I'm Keldeo!" He grinned, before he looked to Penalopy before returning his attention to Mindy, "Ezzar is Virizon, she's over by Lugia." He moved to point to Anzar and then Voltar. "And those two are Cobalion and Terrakion." He grinned as he looked to Mindy, "They're like my older siblings, I like training with Ezzar, she's a lot kinder and Anzar just pushes me over all the time."

Anylia listened to Penalopy and gave a small yawn, she looked over to her sister before she looked around everyone else.
"I'm not sure if Blind-dates really work in the Human world. Although, you are the more knowledgeable out of us when it comes to Humans." She said calmly and almost tiredly. She lifted her head as she looked towards Latios and gave a small wave with a slight blush.

Yalgai stayed with her arms around Kyio for a moment before they broke away, both of them holding each others hand tightly.
"There are humans?" Kyio asked, her voice still a whisper. Despite her tone being low and soft, Yalgai could hear her as clear as day.
"Yes! Niccia and Frosiien have found partners!" Yalgai said with a bigger smile, moving to pull her partner along, "But there's someone I want you to see."

Nygari looked to the human guests as well, looking back to Ezzar with a small nod.
"I understand that." She started slowly, "Last I really had any proper interaction with humans was when they tried to corrupt my children. But they're not all terrible." She continued with a lowering of her head. "Sadly I cannot properly determines someones purity of heart on my own. And... He's still not here." She held back her fear and worry for a moment.
"I think he's still mad at me." She said quietly, looking at her plate as tears slowly ebbed at the corners of her eyes.

Dausiin looked to Tanter with a small blink as he asked.
"Oh that!" He said with a bigger grin, "I have no idea what he is! He tells me he's human but I don't believe him. He does things, I swear he floats occasionally!" He looked over to Seth, who had paused as Saveri floated around him, happily speaking to him; although it wasn't audible to tell if it was in human or Pokemon.

Prezzleflame watched as Yalgai spoke to Kyio. He gave a bit of a smirk, "Of course." He said as he elbowed Thundurk, who jolted upright and looked over, his mouth dropping before he held his hands over his face to stop himself from laughing.
The portal opened again, Orikin walked into the area with Rorsh in his arms. As they got to the bottom of the steps, Orikin looked over to the portal as Dialla stepped through. The air around her froze up and small sparkles of snow flicked around her before she looked to Orikin and lowered her shades at him with a raised eyebrow.
Rorsh snoozed in Orikins arms quietly, but the noise of everyone talking started to wake her up.
Duncan was fiddling with his hands as everyone else talked; he moved to pull part of his skin off, revealing it to be a panel on his arm, before he started to tap at it to try and do something.
"Benjamin and Mike can stay with me while you do the mission." Duncan started, "I'm not doing anything without Harry."

"Of course you aren't." Lydral said with a roll of his eyes, "You're whipped, you won't do anything without your female."
Dante bit his tongue before he looked to Mike and Benjamin, settling his eyes softly on Mike as he nodded. "Will it be safe for you to go back?" He asked with a tilt of his head, "I don't want to have you go back there if there is any danger."

Rose looked over to the guard as he walked in and talked about food. Her stomach snarled and she crawled over towards the table the food was placed on and didn't even hesitate before she started to eat.
Rose didn't even move until she was finished the full plate before she clicked her mandibles and looked around the room a bit more; her eyes focused and then unfocused. She shook her head and let out a low rumble before she want to the bed and clambered on top of it and pulled up part of the duvet, moving to stick it to the walls and bed parts with her webbing before she moved to settle inside the new half web, half duvet cocoon.

Steph looked to Lily with a small smile at the mention of her getting books. She paused at the mention of food.
"Food would be good," She started before she weakly smiled, "I'll pass on the Tiramisu, but thank you. Coffee doesn't react well to me. I'd be happy with just a plain piece of chocolate cake or something if dessert is allowed, otherwise I will be fine with whatever food you guys can give me."

Gaia lifted her head and looked to the guards, looking directly at the tazer sticks before she slunk out of the door slowly.
"Live." She rumbled, attempting to spook them if she could, but her hunger was just getting the better of her. Her nostrils flared slightly as she took in the smell, focusing on the air around her.

The figure in the tank moved to watch the guards and Gaia, moving to pat his hand against the glass.
He attempted to get their attention before he swum in a circle before swimming back towards the other side of the glass.

Daz gave a laugh at the mention of Harriet.
"She's gone." He said, his voice almost weakening, "Abandoned us like an angered God. You've angered her, I've angered her. May we pray that the clouds take mercy." He almost rambled, his eyes glazed and blood still dripping from his lips.
Lecrero hesitated as he felt Michael watch him, before he looked towards Andy as he spoke. His face nonmoving before he breathed in slowly, letting out a small sigh before he bowed his head.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Bansing." He started, for a moment the stoic sound in his voice wavered. "I have to commend you on taking in a fallen Guardian." He continued, straightening himself up as he looked to Niccia, who wasn't paying attention to him at the moment before he looked back to Andy and Michael, "And to think that two men, of the same bloodline- be it slightly skewed, both pairing with legendaries." He gave a bit of a smile, the first one he had shown towards the human males, before he unfolded his arms and held them out. "I welcome you into the family."

Varina looked to Andy as he spoke in such a way to Arceus, surprised that Arceus didn't seem to even be bothered.
"And... Myself?" She asked, Lecrero looked down to Varina and moved his hands to gently cup the keystone from Andy before he lifted her up to his face.
"Of course, my little Varina." He said, watching the Spiritomb slowly slink out of her keystone, "You are one of my children. I made you to specifically guard him, you could not know he was going to turn out bad. You are with a trainer now, you're doing amazingly. I couldn't be prouder than I am for a fallen Guardian." Varina stayed silent, staring at the godly legendary before she bowed her head to him, and Lecrero placed her back into Andy's hands. He looked to Andy and bowed his head, "You are doing a great thing, taking her in." He said with a bit of a sigh.

Xapher smiled and waved to Mindy before looking towards Frosiien and Niccia, grinning happily.
"Oh bless them!" He said before his face suddenly went red at Penalopy's words. "P...Penny! I c...can't just date someone I've never really met!" He said before he kind of shrunk away from Mindy. "I...I've never really met a human!" He managed to squeak before he looked around to try and find a way out.

Yalgai grinned at her brothers words, "Oh, you're no fun you~" She teased her brother before the portal twisted again as a figure stepped through. Yalgai's eyes widened as she grew giddy at the figure as they fixed up their gorgeous red and black dress.
The figure had her dark grey hair tied in a plait.
"Oh my darling~" Yalgai called out as she stepped over to the Dark/Flying Legendary.
Kyio looked to Yalgai and both of them shared an embrace, their foreheads touching as they stayed for a bit more time before they seperated. "There are many here already." Kyio said, her voice barely higher than a whisper. Yalgai gave a nod and a grin.

Nygari looked to Ezzar with a small smile, "Thank you, you're looking lovely." She replied, giving a small sigh before she looked to the portal. "I'm good. I'm just waiting for someone. How are you? How have you been?"

Seth nodded to Tanters words before slowly walking off to find someone to talk to.
Dausiin grinned towards Tanter as he spoke. "I've been good! Apart from being trapped. But that's okay! Seth saved me!" He said as he spun around, "It has been forever since we've seen each other. What have you been doing? I hear you've got kids!"

Thunderk and Prezzleflame looked up to Gathaar as he walked over, both of them bowing their heads hello.
"Hello old friend." Prezzleflame started, "How have you been? Keeping your sister under wraps?"
Thunderk only laughed at his brothers words, moving to cover his mouth with his hands.
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