Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
7 days ago
9 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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16 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
19 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Ray furrowed her brow at the logic to why her idea wouldn't work. She looked up as Benjamin asked about the other female.
"I... Don't really remember." She admitted, "A lot of yesterday was... woozy." She glanced over towards Dia as she walked over to them.
"Dia!" Ray said happily, moving to grab her arm as Dia stepped back with a shake of her head.

"Not now." She started, "It'll be suspicious." She continued as she looked over the room. "But you're right Benjamin." She said quietly, watching the staff closely.

Sara lied in bed with the pillow over her head, she could still hear the voice. It still whispered evil and bad thoughts into her head.
She hated it, she hated all of it.
Duncan nodded at Mitch's words before he looked towards Benjamin and Mike.
"Feel free not to knock, the three of you." Duncan said as they were leaving, extending the invitation to Mitch despite his gut feeling.
Once the boys left he swung around to Lydral and Dante. "Lydral, out." He ordered, The Nuric raised his eyebrow.
"I'm not a Vampire, you can't just Order-" He started before Duncans hand crackled with lightning. "Alright, alright. Jesus." He said as he turned to walk to the kitchen and disappear.

Duncan pinched the bridge of his nose and collapsed onto the couch as lightning crackled around him. He moved his hands over his eyes as he started to cry silently.
"We'll find her kiddo." Dante said as he sat on the edge of the couch, "Harry's a strong bastard. She's not easily taken down, especially not because of that bastard Daz. She's killed him before, she can theoretically kill him again." The Shifter said with a small sigh. "I get it though, losing someone, even for a small amount of time is terrible."

Steph looked around the room and suddenly felt all the energy flood out of her body. She stepped towards the bed and face planted with a tired groan.

Gaia watched the room carefully, before she flinched and flared her wings, spines and teeth towards Lily as she spooked her.
"Do not spook." She said in a rumbled tone, "Room seems good. Thank you." She said before she walked into the middle of the room and looked up to the bars on the roof.
She flattened her wings out before she leapt up to the roof, gripping onto the bars with all four limbs, showing her feet to be as flexible as her hands.

She moved to tie her tail around the sturdiest bean and dropped to hang upside down, her wings fanning all the way out before folding halfway in to coil up around her.
"natural rest time." She mumbled to Lily, "Please close door." She tucked her head under her wings before pulling her tail up to form what seemed to be an airtight cocoon.

Daz kind of plonked down on the medical bed when moved to do so, he looked off into the distance and didn't respond to the IV or the doctors words.
A faint smile was on his lips, an almost dreamy look in his eyes if they weren't slightly starting to drip with black blood.
"She's otherworldly." He mumbled, "Shedding her mortal form to show us what power she really holds." He continued, starting to sway a little bit. "The... Information she can give... you. It's... brilliant." His voice slowly trailed off as he just stared at the wall.
Ricki nodded towards Jill as she said her thanks, her tail swayed softly as she looked as Jill walked off.
She shook herself and headed off towards one of the other rooms, wriggling herself through the halls as she bounded through on all fours.

As Jill opened and entered Ash's room, Ash looked up groggily from the seat he was sat in.
"Master Ash is awake." Fer'a clicked, looking to the slightly Dazed Mystic. "He is very sore still, but he's made an exceptional recovery."

Ash gave a sloppy smile as he saw Jill.
"Heeeeey Captain." He said, his voice cracking and weak. "Howsssssss everyone else? Iii'mmmmm feellllling.." He paused as he zoned out slightly, his eyes unfocusing.
"Ash thinks he feels fine, but I do not believe that to be the truth." Fer'a replied, watching Ash quietly. "He should rest a bit more, he was suppose to sleep through the night but something has woken him up more."
"Iiii wassss worried about my Jilll." Ash slurred his words tiredly, almost falling off his chair as Fer'a caught him with an annoyed sigh.

Avia listened to the males bicker, smiling softly as she watched Gnol. Alice grinned and nodded at Gnols words, "Okay!" She said as she headed off towards Treghors room.
She hesitated before she knocked on the door, "Treghor, sir. May I come in?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

Ricki barged into the dining room area and perked her ears up.
"That's where the smell is coming from!" She declared before she darted up to Avia and sniffed around her; causing the large snake lady to blush.
"May I help you darling?" Avia asked before Ricki darted towards the room where Alice was staying. Avia followed after her slowly. "Ricki, are you oka-" She paused before she saw the plant within the room and hesitated.

"This plant." Ricki started, circling it slightly, "I've seen it before. Relaxing properties in the scent to specific organisms, mainly reptilians." She rattled off as she stopped to sit down by it, much like a search dog. "Often found offland in some marshy planets; not poisonous or dangerous if ingested or inhaled; only the scent properties."
"Yeah I know this plant." Avia said as she walked towards it slowly, "We know it as the Terrifor Emotion Plant, or Tep." She continued as she crossed both pairs of arms and closed her eyes. "Of course Alice would find it and buy it if she could."
Echo smiled towards marigold as she spoke, "It's okay." She started, looking to Gaia quietly, "You'll learn. Everything takes time, Hunter was a woos when he was a young pup." She said with a laugh, "Well, so I've been told. Mia remembers most of it."
Gaia fluttered over to Marigold and gently landed on her shoulder. "We all take steps differently, We don't regret choosing you." She said before she pressed her head against Marigolds.

A small burning sensation echoed through Marigolds' skin, near just behind her ear.
"A gift from the forest to you." Gaia whispered, "A small, invisible sign. Myself and my brother will always be able to reach you." She said.

Hunter nodded at Marigolds' words, lowering himself to the ground.
"Hop on, I'll run you back." He said with a small nod, "We'll be safe. The Ki'rin has got things sorted." He said as he gently gave her a nudge.

April placed the moon water jug on the table beside them, moving to pull up her sleeve and held the knife to Hazel with a small smile.
"If you wish to help." She said calmly, "I will need your help anyway, Harpy dander is not something I can get easily." She said with a laugh.

She held her wrist over the water jar with a small smile, "I'm ready when you are." April said as she breathed in.
"The curse is persistent, We're not entirely sure why the curse is so strong. Apparently the Witch really didn't like Fay."
Fay watched April, her eyes showing worry as she looked towards Hazel.
"Please don't harm." She uttered to Hazel, watching April again carefully.
Niccia smiled at Michaels words saying he okay. She moved to gently pressed her head against his before she sighed, closing her eyes as he asked the question.
"I..." She hesitated before she sighed slightly, "It'll sound weird but.. I don't mind." She lifted her head away from Michaels and gave him a small smile, "It means I'm allowed to spend as much time as I wish with you." She grabbed his hands gently, "And it means I can go where ever I wish to." Niccia gave a happy sigh, her tail swaying happily.

"Which one would you prefer?" Bia asked gently, "I have heard many trainers do such thing, especially if they cannot understand us, which is quite a lot of them." She continued before she took a bite of a berry with a small smile. "It will be hard for him to change his ways to call you Ruma if you'd prefer, but he seems like a nice human."
Bia watched Lytse softly, tilting her head as she awaited his reply.

"Its good to see you too." Kyio said gently, smiling towards Ezzar, "I have been good. Sleeping a lot, but doing pretty good." She gave a bit of a yawn and pulled Sparky closer to her.
Yalgai grinned towards Ezzar, "I can't complain, Been tricking a couple of humans; playing around. Annoying my brothers, nothing different really~" She said with a bigger smile.

Nygari looked up to Netherlu, "A..Angry? I would never. I don't mind that you were late at all!" She babbled, "I was worried you would be angry at me. I was worried you wouldn't even talk to me at all, let alone look at me."

"The food is free to pick." Koriga said, "Would you like me to get you anything?"
"Some berries please," Xapher said with a bigger smile, "Mindy, would you like some pastries or something?"

Dialla rolled her eyes at Andy's words, "I'm not too surprised that you take ordinary pokemon and decide to lord over them." She said, about to speak before Frosiien interrupted.
"I think it's nice." The Ice Bird said with a grin, "Allowing the general consensus of Pokemon being seen as 'legendary', rather than our standing which is seen as 'legend'." She smiled, "You Rorians are very kind, I have noticed." She said with a bigger smile, noticing how annoyed Dialla was getting at her agreeing with Andy.
"N..No thank you." Ray replied, her voice raspy again. She felt her hands quiver over her own food, waiting for the nurse to leave. She kept her head down until she left and moved to take a small bite of her now made sandwich.

She watched as the pills were placed on their table, looking towards them with narrowed eyes before she continued to eat her sandwich silently.
"We... could stick them under the table." She whispered to Benjamin, "We have sticky spreads, although it might be a bit... messy."

Sara opened her eyes groggily, her body ached from her tossing from her bad dreams. She cursed herself as she sat up, hearing a heavy laugh inside her head as she moved to slam her pillow into her head.
"Shut it." She hissed before she moved to stand up, her small spider plush falling onto her lap.
Sara paused and looked at it, moving to pick it up and hug it close to her chest.
"You're nothing." She heard a voice, looking down to her plush as it seemed to stare up at her evilly, "He will never love you." The spider plush said.
Sara grabbed the plush and slammed it into the wall across the room before she shuddered. "Shut up, you're not real. Shut up, you're not in control. Fuck you." She mumbled, "Stop ruining everything I love."
Bless Michael. I love him.
Yeah that sounds pretty good!
I don't know is Arceus would request it but Eros would want to go with Michael.
Duncan gave a nod to Mitch's words, "Easily done, I can get it sent within the next three hours." He said. "Would you rather a flash drive or an email?" He asked, it was in no way it was patronizing.
Duncan looked over towards Mike and Benjamin as they spoke, he hesitated and moved to pull up the panel on his arm again and typed some stuff down.

Dante gave a nod, "Alright, If you think so." He said before he looked to Benjamin, "Do you have a time and place you need to meet this succubus?" He asked with a tilt of his head, Lydral laughed slightly at the words.
"Gotta watch out for those harlets." Lydral said, not hiding his laughter.

Steph took her keycard gently, nodding to Lily's words.
"Alright, thank you." She said, she looked towards the bland food on the table with a bit of a frown on her face before she listened to where she could go. "That sounds pretty decent." She said as she smiled to Lily, "Thank you. Just... try to keep Krys away from me."
Gaia followed the agents as she looked towards the elevator with a sway of her tail.
"Deer, preferably." She spoke rather calmly, "Goat will be enough for now, but deer will make sure I won't get hungry."
She stepped into the elevator and stared the guards down as the doors moved to close.

As the Elevator moved, she waited. The door opened and she looked down the hallway, stepping towards her room with a ruffle of her wings.
"A human room." She rumbled as she looked at the door, "It's going to be crowded." She was talking to herself, moving to open her door.

Daz stumbled after the Agent, his eyes still glazed over as he mumbled things in a different language.
"The beast has returned to the clouds." He mumbled, "She will be back, and she will be angry. May the gods make sure she may spare us."
His skin flaked off in several places, falling like ash, revealing deep red skin underneath that bubbled with heat.
"She will be angry, may the gods spare us." He repeated, before returning back to mumbling.
"I've made you uncomfortable." She said, as she moved her hand up to his as he cupped her face. "StarFall is suppose to be a time of happiness, and I've just... dragged you into a whole lot." She sighed, "I... knew something like this would have probably popped up. Lecrero likes... to 'keep balance' per say."
She crossed her arms as she hugged herself. "I get that it's not exactly the most conventional idea in human standards, but... he has his reasons. It's confusing, but, it's there."

An Alolan Raichu walked over to Lyste and offered a small plate of assorted berries.
"I noticed you hadn't eaten." She said softly, moving to sit in front of Lytse with a small smile, "I understand if you're overwhelmed and confused. I was when it was my first Starfall." She smiled before she offered her paw to Lytse, "My name is Biaphar, please just call me Bia."

Dera grinned at her fathers words, looking to Tanter with a bit of a smirk before she nudged his arm with hers slightly.
Cloud bowed his head at his fathers words, grinning as he patted his back as he watched him head over towards Nygari.
Nygari smiled towards Ezzar as she left before she looked towards Netherlu as he stepped towards her.
"It's a pleasure to see you again, Mr Netherlu." She said as she looked away from him, hiding her frown with her hand. She was being incredibly formal, she didn't want to be too casual when she believed their relationship was strained.

Kyio took Sparky from Yalgai, turning to face Ezzar moved to speak to them.
"Hello Ezzar." Yalgai grinned happily, "It's a pleasure to see you again." She moved to gently grab Ezzar's hand and gave it a small kiss.
"This is Sparky, she is my daughter." Yalgai grinned happily; Kyio moved to gently stroke Sparky's head, watching as the small creature fall asleep in her arms.

"Oh, My guardian?" Xapher grinned before he moved to whistle. "Everyone has a guardian, yeah!"
The sound of scuttling echoed from in the crowds before a Kingler made her way towards Xapher.
"Are you okay Xaph? The human isn't causing distress?" She asked, Xapher shook his head.
"No, this is Mindy! She's a friend, Mindy, this is Koriga." He introduced the two females happily.

Saveri had essentially locked himself in a place where he couldn't get away from Penalopy, spinning in place before she touched him. As soon as they touched, Saveri moved to pull her into a massive hug with a spin.

Dialla hesitated at Andy's words, she went to speak but paused.
"I haven't bought anyone with me ever to StarFall." She said, her tone still cold, "I haven't saved or helped anyone either, Galar tends to be a place where humans know their place in terms of their standing with Legendaries."
Varina looked up to Andy with a small smile, "I like the story of how it happened." She said happily, "It shows your real colours."

While everyone was talking and already distracted, a small figure stepped out from the shadows from Lecrero's chair. They looked around slowly as they slunk along under the table, slowly making sure his horns don't slam into the table.
Father never let him out like this before, but father said he could come to StarFall. Sure he mentioned he had to stay under the chair, but when did he ever listen to his father?
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