Avatar of SporkoBug


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7 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
7 days ago
9 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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16 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
19 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Niccia stopped by Seth and Saveri, grinning towards the two of them.
"My apologies if I am interrupting anything." She said as she linked arms with Michael. "I was wanting to introduce my Boyfriend to my friends."
Seth looked towards Niccia and Michael and bowed his head to Saveri before he went to go talk to someone else. Saveri turned to face Niccia and Michael before he floated to the ground with a bow of his head.
"A pleasure." He said as he held out his hand to Michael, "My name is Saveri. Or as you would know me, Celebi. Keeper of the Forest. Wanderer of time."

Bia looked to Lytse and offered him another berry with a small smile. "It's not much of a story." She started quietly, looking up to the stars again and watched them sparkle. "I was hatched by a young couple who were expecting a child. They had their child, a young girl; I grew up with her as a Pichu before I evolved into a Pikachu. She... wasn't a good trainer, she didn't understand how to battle properly and focused on... dressing us up and feeding us way too many berries."
Bia looked back to Lytse with a small smile, "We went to Alola when she heard about the food there, I was... Overweight to say the most, she never let me explore or exercise. And when we got to Alola I... almost couldn't take it." Bia closed her eyes and looked to the plate of berries. "Then she learnt about the difference in Raichu's between Kanto and Alola, how the Alolan ones are said to be like Pancakes, so she just found a thunderstone and just kind of, smacked it into my tail and... I guess she just fell out of love with me."

Nygari smiled to Netherlu as he spoke to her, moving to look at him properly as he asked about a human being with a legendary/mythical pokemon. She looked towards Frosiien for a moment before she looked back towards her partner.
"'One of us' meaning my children?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "Or are you meaning, myself and you?" She moved to take a sip of her drink. "I'm... unsure, If it was one of my kids I would just hope that the humans are kind to the Legendary. If it was you however, I wouldn't be too happy because you know how possessive I am with you." She said with a happy sigh, looking into Netherlu's eyes.

Gavin looked over to Nethan as he spoke to him, he lifted his head and a small smile spread across his face. "You can thank Niccia really." He said with a bit of a chuckle, "Did you bring anyone?" He looked around before he looked back to the taller Legendary with a bit of a smirk. "I'm kidding Neth, you still caught up with Xander?" He had a bit of a smirk, "If you're avoiding him because of some bottled feelings~" He gave a cheeky wink towards the Kyurem as he pulled himself off the tree.

Xapher looked to Andy as he and Mindy spoke, he moved to hold out his hand before he watched the man move away.
"Ah." He said with a bit of a smile before he looked to Mindy again, "Is he family?" He asked as he looked to Mindy with a big smile. "Although, your words seem more of talking to a master of some sorts."

Frosiien looked to Andy with a bigger smile as he returned, moving to take the glass from him and gently sipped from the glass.
"Are there any Legendaries you wish to meet?" She asked as she looked back to him with a raised eyebrow.

The table shuddered slightly as something bumped into it. A small figure moved a hoof to their head before grumbling, slipping his snout out of the tablecloth, suddenly pulling it in as the large Buffalo Pokemon walked past the table, presumably looking for him.
As her horns glowed, Steph's skin seemed to flare up with blue runes; specifically angelic runes. Steph kept her eyes closed as she felt the runes burn her skin as she mumbled silent incantations under her breath before she lowered her chin to her chest and the runes seemed to fade out of existence. Steph opened her eyes as a flash of power shuddered through her body, causing her to fall forward onto the bed as she moved to grab her horns, feeling only heat and pain before she relaxed, her legs trembling before dropping them to the bed.

"By the stars." She swore in angelic, pausing as she heard her own voice, "What the- What am I speaking?" She asked as she looked down to herself, her skin was still its normal, partially scaled mess it always was. She sighed and moved to tie up her hair, hesitating as she saw a flash of colour in the mirror.
She stood slowly, stepping towards the mirror, her legs still shaking. What had happened to her body? Why was it suddenly so weak and warm?

She stopped at the mirror, looking at her hair; which was a deep black in colour for the most part, but suddenly had flicks of pink all through it.
"Pink?" She asked in confusion, moving to spread her wings out to look if they changed. Nothing, still the same Demon wings she had seen before. She sighed and checked her horns, still a glistening pair of twisted horns; nothing off or odd about them, well... Apart from being horns.
"Augh, why do I feel like this?" She spoke to herself, it had felt like her body had a top up of... something. What did she manage to do with those incarnations she had read in a book previously? Her tail swayed, her originally pointed tip had unfurled to a small feathered fan.

Daz swayed where he sat, he had fallen silent and he stared off into the distance.
The blood continued to drip and slowly start to become a proper flow from his mouth. A bubbling sound echoed from his chest and neck, his eyes started to glass over before the doctor could even start to try to take him towards the surgery room.
He opened his mouth to speak, only a strained, dying croak came from him before his head dropped to hang on his neck, his body falling forward to fall from the bed.
Sorry for the late reply! It apparently didn't ping me when you tagged me.
I found it off your profile ahah, it's cool now though! :D
Star-Born, Ms. Nova, Nessa, Ness. And more frequently; Star Hopper. The woman had been called many things in her life....

Nessa didn't remember how she got captured, she was just glad to have Ra with her the entire time. She used to ponder how she was captured before they shoved her and Ra into a tube together and everything went black; was she careless to not hide her identity? A starborn, on its' own was a rare find, but one that was seen as a war criminal to a crucial part of one of the councils made her worth higher than it already as.

She remembered fighting the chill that flooded through her body, but when they transferred her from her cage to the cryotube they had a spacial band around her eyes to stop her from seeing starlight, meaning she had no power left on her.
She felt weight suddenly hit her body again as she breathed in a gasp of air.
Her eyes were blurry, there were figures with her. She went to move her hands, only to be reminded they were tied up behind her for the Slavers safety.

She opened her mouth as her vision slowly came to, her ears slowing their ringing as she heard a females voice speak to her.
"R...Ra." She uttered weakly, her voice croaking at first before she looked around. She tried to struggle against her restraints again, to no avail. "Where is he?" She asked in a cold voice, struggling a bit more. "What have you done with him!"

Just out of view, Ra uncurled from the tube. He had climbed into Nessa's hood to stay safe, but as she thawed, he fell out onto the glass.
At first he didn't seem to be breathing, a casualty like the rest of the ship. But the small dusty orange creature's ears started to flick, lifting himself up from the ground with a bit of a stretch.
He moved sluggishly to leap up to his humanoid companions shoulder and gently pressed his head against her head.

Nessa's fear washed from from her face as she looked to Ra and leaned her head into him.
"You're safe." She croaked quietly before she looked back to the Pirate carefully. "Lemme guess, 'large price, high liability'?" She asked almost disgusted, she hadn't really come to senses of where she was, to her she was given to a new 'Owner'.
Ray shuddered at the idea of talking to that witch again. She looked to her sandwich she made and started to eat in silence. She looked to Benjamin as he mentioned it was Dia. "But she's in a staff uniform?" She asked quietly, she looked around to find Ari as if she suddenly remembered her lack of voice. "Where is Ari? What did you do to her?" Ray asked Dia, her voice raising a bit in volume before Dia lifted her fingers to her lips.
"Ari is okay, she's watching the door. Please don't raise your voice at me. I'm in a staff uniform to keep you two safe." Dia said quietly, "I don't want you to look like you're violent towards Staff."
Niccia lead Michael along with ease, darting in and out from all of the legendaries while keeping track of where Xapher was. She noticed that he was with Mindy for now and hesitated, "Maybe not Xapher first, he seems to have his hooves full at the moment." She chuckled before she looked around to find someone else, grinning at the sight of Saverii talking to Seth. "Let's go meet Celebi!" She gently redirected Michael towards where the small green human was floating in the air by Seth, who now had a small drink in his hand.

Bia nodded at Lytse as he spoke, leading him to a small corner out of the way of everyone else. She settled herself down and patted the floor for Lytse to sit close to her.
"You know, you can allow him to worry about you." She said gently, "I understand wanting to make sure that your humans aren't too worried, but you don't have to hide your feelings." Bia sighed and looked to the stars above them, "I used to have a trainer once." She admitted.

Nygari looked to Netherlu as he accepted her apology and apologized himself.
"No don't apologize, you have nothing to apologize about!" She said quickly, "I was too far into my head, I should have just said something. I shouldn't have just snapped at you, I could have broken one of your wings!" She said as she moved to grip his hand gently, squeezing it tightly. "When I came to, I... I was devastated at what I did, I was terrified."

Xapher swallowed hard at Nethan as Mindy just talked to him casually. "Sor sorry." He squeaked as he hid behind Mindy, he knew that Starfall wasn't a place to fight or argue, but the Ice Dragon still terrified the littler Legendary. "She's made friends with Penny and Anylia too!" He said as he peaked over Mindy's shoulder.
Gavin stayed away from everyone, leaning against a tree with his eyes watching the area. He looked up and locked eyes with Nethan when he felt himself being stared at, giving a weak smile in response.

"Ooh, maybe a danish?" Frosiien said with a bigger smile, "And a small glass of juice is there's any left." She said with a laugh.
Rorsh looked to Dialla with a grin, watching the Galarian Articuno leave quietly. Rorsh looked to Frosiien and leapt into her arms for a hug.
"It's so good to see you again!" Rorsh said happily, "Ori told me about the Trainer battle you watched! It sounded amazing!"
Dante decided he'd stay with Duncan until they found Harriet, for Duncans sake.
Duncan headed up to the bathroom to check on Freya, unsurprisingly she had fully changed form.
Her fingers had become webbed and scales pattered over her entire body. Her ears were fin-like, and her mouth- as it hung slightly open- showed rows of sharp teeth much like a sharks. A long, shark-like tail draped out the side of the bathtub as Freya stretched out as much as she could.

"We'll get your kid." Duncan whispered to the Siren, "We'll get you somewhere safe. I promise." He stood before heading off towards the door to return back to Dante and offered to make him tea.

Sam swam in the tank he was put in, popping his head out of the water, revealing a young childs face; no older than 8 years old.
"Will I get my own room?" He called out to the guards in the room, "I would like to have a room." He said as he used his legs to keep himself above the water, his tail swaying quietly.
Rose snoozed in her cocoon, keeping her head slightly above the webbing to get fresh air. Her mouth twitched, her mandibles twitching under her lips before she gave a yawn, showing the large fans and mandibles.
Steph had gotten herself as comfortable as possible, moving to the bed to take off her pants, shoes and shirt; leaving her only in her bra and underpants. Her wings relaxed from their place on her back, drooping halfway out as her tail settled by her hips.
She breathed in slowly, crossing her legs into a meditation pose before she put her hands on her knees.

"Focus." She whispered to herself, "Focus on the Stars you can see, no clouds. Clear sky." She told herself. "If any Angels can hear me, please come tell me I will be in a safe place. Please show me a sign it will be all right for myself, Rose and Gaia. Please make sure the boys are okay, and for the love of the stars, Please keep Benjamin safe and sound. Out of the hands of this place."
Her voice was just above the sound of a whisper, keeping her eyes closed and her horns glistened a deep blue.

"She is otherworldly." Daz mumbled, his words becoming slurred as blood started to drip from his mouth, "How are we to know that her planet isn't the embodiment of heaven? Her mortal form has been shattered, you can thank me for that. I've risked everything to show the world the terror and majesty that she is."
Comet ruffled her wings, travelling at horse speed made her impatient. Noble felt her impatience as he moved to put his hand on her neck, feeling a spark of energy rupture between the two. Noble pulled his hand back and looked to his palm, the rune of fire on his hand glistened slightly; he hesitated as he looked to Comet. Comet gave him a nod as she stayed facing away from him and folded her wings back slowly.

"When we bunker down for the night." The dragon started, her voice sounding more regal than it did before, "I will need to flex my wings, I will have to take to the sky for a bit. I promise you I will not bring unwanted attention, my scale pattern allows me to be essentially invisible against night sky."

"Dragonfruit?" Ricki replied to Linda as she squeaked before she disappeared. "Oh, okay." She looked to Mikhal hesitantly, "She will be able to find us when we settle in the meadow, yes?"
"We're already there." Rai said wit a bigger grin, she stood on Ark's hackles. Ark walked to the middle of the meadow before lowering her wings for the humans on her to hop off.

Rai hopped from the hackles of her beast and landed with ease, her feet looked to barely touch the ground as she sprung around excitedly.
"Merc, come here." Rai said, "Lemme have a look at that paw, Ark have we got any spare leathers?" She asked her Dragon, Ark waited for the humans to hop off her before she slipped her snout into some of the sidebags.

Mercury walked to where Rai was and suddenly collapsed onto his stomach, causing Ricki to leap off and offer her hand to Alan.
"Are you okay Mercury?" She asked as she put her other hand onto Mercury's side.

Orian walked up to the cave entrance before the Statue let out a loud snarl, suddenly fanning out his broad wings as he stood. Stones and rubble fell from his figure as he pulled himself away from where he rested.
Orian lowered himself to the ground and let out a rumble back before he paused, "Ram?" He chirped, watching the larger dragon hesitate as he looked over Orian. "Ram!"

Damien almost danced with the figure in the trees, both dodging each others blows before the figure kicked Damien's leg, causing him to slip to the ground with a loud grunt.
The figure in the tree paused at the sound and hopped down the branches to Damien to help him up.
"Well shave my horns, I thought you died!" A female voice said before Damien was hugged tightly, "Ram, Stand down! We have friends!"

Ram fanned his wings out as he climbed down from his spot as rubble fell off his body. The large black and brown dragon was not like the others the humans had seen; he was a lot broader and heavy set. He didn't seem incapable of flight, but it would seem he was more adapted to running on the ground. Thick muscled legs covered in plant matter and vines from however long he was sitting up as sentry.
His horns coiled much like a Rams, an Ode to his name maybe. His head was broad and his muzzle, while long, ended more like a crocodiles than the other dragons.
The beast lifted his head before he gave a large grin to Orian. "It's been a while Starface!" He said to his dragon friend before he lowered his head to head bump him slightly.

Seb watched everything from the back of Redclaws, he could feel the energy that was talking to him around here.
He slipped off Redclaws back and gave him a small pat on the side. "Where are you?" He whispered again, walking towards the cave entrance before he froze, shuddering. "Of course, staying safe are you?" He asked in a foreign language."
"Neither." Dia replied, narrowing her eyes as she could feel Josh's energy around but she couldn't see him. Where was he? She thought to herself as she looked to Ray, who had made a sandwich but hadn't started eating yet.
"You need to eat Ray." Dia said, Ray flinched as her name was spoken, she had zoned out before she looked to Dia. She looked over Dia's body, noticing the uniform before she pulled herself away from Dia a little bit, shuffling her chair to Benjamin.

Josh hid in the darkness of a hallway, he felt his stomach sink as hunger suddenly started to shake his body. He opened his mouth as rows of sharp teeth slowly slinking from his gums.
"Why now?" He groaned as he leaned against the room, he watched the patients and Nurses walk past him. His stomach rumbled, he wanted to slink forward and grab one of them and just pull them silently into the shadows to feast, but he knew it was too risky to do it here.
Niccia gently took Michaels hand as he returned from checking up on Lytse. Her ears pricked up and twitched as Lytse talk before she frowned, she was the reason he was here... Surely she could make him feel a bit more comfortable?
She looked back to Michael again before she started to head towards Xapher. "I'll introduce you to the mythicals first." She said with a bigger smile, "They're the ones I tend to hang out with the most."

Bia frowned slightly, "You're overwhelmed?" She asked before she stood up, picking the plate up with her tail and offering her hands to Lytse. "Come, I know a much quieter place." She continued with a small smile. "It has the most lush grass."

Nygari's ears perked up at his words, he didn't say that he wasn't angry at her; but at least they were talking.
Their argument up on the Bell Tower hopefully didn't cause them to split, although Nygari knew it was her fault; The humans had awoken her from her watery slumber by disturbing her bird children, which caused her to rocket across the land to try to save them.
Her mind was heavy then, she had an argument with Netherlu; who would have probably just wanted a nice talk but Nygari was aggravated and snappy.
"Hey Neth...?" She started after a while, she would mention it to Frosiien about the human he had saved later. "I'm... Sorry." She started as she looked away again.

Xapher smiled towards Mindy as he stood up, Koriga stepped towards them.
"I can get it for you! You relax, you're at a party." She said, Xapher smiled towards his guardian and moved to gently pet her head.
"Go off and play with the other Guardians. You don't need to baby me." He said before he turned to follow Mindy.
He looked around, being as short as he was made it hard to keep track of everyone, and as he was looking sideways he slammed into the side of Nethan, the Humanoid Kyreum.
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to-" He froze as he looked to who it was and froze in place.

Frosiien gave a big smile to Andy's words, "That sounds amazing!" She said as she looked to Dialla, "Doesn't Galar have different forms of other pokemon? I know theres a Galar Weezling, and I think the slowpoke line?"
Dialla furrowed her brow as she listened to Andy's words, she looked towards Frosiien before Rorsh suddenly ran over to her sister and hopped up onto her shoulders happily, almost knocking her over.
"You're right!" Rorsh said quickly, "We have SO MANY, the Galarian Meowth even has a new Evolution! Being in Kanto is amazing, it's so different from home!"
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