Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
7 days ago
9 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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16 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
19 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Saveri grinned to Michael as he asked about his Guardian, he moved a hand quickly before a Tall leavanny stepped over to him carefully.
"Do you need help sir?" The Bug pokemon asked, looking him over. "have you damaged your suit?" He looked to Michael and froze up.
"Michael, this is Doral." Saveri said with a grin, "He's my guardian and he's a great sewer." He looked to the pokemon and motioned to Michael. "This is Niccia's partner. Michael."
Doral looked Michael up and down before stepping forward, moving to circle around him before stopping at the other side of his legendary and twitched his antennae. "He is... fashionable." He mumbled to himself under his breath.
Saveri grinned to Michael, "I often have time to myself. Doral has a small family he cares for, not all his. But he's often unable to always be around me."

Bia smiled towards Bear as he was overacting the idea of dying.
"If you wish to spar, I'm sure some of the guardians wouldn't mind." She said softly, looking over the group of Guardian's running around before she smiled. "Latias' guardian Ent might like to brawl. If you're up for a challenge, Rayquaza's guardian Arealla would be up for a fight." She looked over to Bear again with a bow of her head.
Bia looked back towards Lytse as he explained things, "If you wish." She started, "I can introduce you to Ho-Oh himself. You can ask if you'd like a proper answer?"
A Crogunk walked up behind Bia and moved to lift her up suddenly, chuckling.
"Carrish put me down!" Bia squeaked, her cheeks sparking slightly as the Poison/Fighting Pokemon laughed and set her back down.

Nygari listened to Netherlu with a bow of her head.
"I fully agree." She said before she watched him stand, "Enjoy the food. I'll... probably be here for most of the time." She looked back to the table.

Gavin gave a shrug. "I honestly have no fucking clue." He said with a furrow of his eyebrows. "I intend to follow Niccia until I feel like she can look after herself. As for myself... I don't know, I just enjoy not being stuck in a fucking cave." He sighed and moved to rub his temples. "I'm just... surprised? Aggravated? That he would dare do that to both Niccia and I."

Xapher smiled to Mindy as she spoke. He looked around the group before he noticed a taller, green haired woman walk over to the food table.
"Storm!" Xapher said with a bigger smile. The Rayquaza looked down to the shorter Legendary and gave a soft smile. She looked over towards Mindy and bowed her head.
"My name is Storm, you may know me as Rayquaza." She said, her voice soft like a whispering breeze.

Frosiien frowned and gave a small nod at his words.
"I guess that's true." She said as she smiled to Ilias. "Hello my friend, how are you?"
Ilias turned to face Fro and Andy with a bigger smile. "Hello! Are we having fun? I wish there were more streamers, I should have been invited for the set up!" She said with a glance around.

The small figure made a run for it, running out from under the table and closed his eyes. He slammed into the back of Michael's knees before stumbling back with a grumble.
Nessa's ears flattened slightly at the question, she looked away from Jessica.
"A mix of my own overconfidence and it seemed that they had planned this for a long time." She admitted, "They broke the ship I was travelling in on my... Last escape from the council." Nessa shook her head slightly, "They put the bag over my head, stopping me from using my powers, as they are sight related."

She pushed her way into the room, almost spinning around as she floated over the desk. She pushed herself along before she got to the second door.
"Gimme a second." She started before she backed herself up, moving to press her feet against the desk, which seemed to be bolted to the ground; slightly destroyed, but enough for her to get movement for the door.

She slammed into the door and felt it splintered before she moved to grab the handle from the otherside.
"The one you're looking for should be a black bag with a grey ribbon." Nessa said with a smile, floating in to grab her orange sidebag, pulling it over her head with a bigger smile.

"I can normally take care of myself." She continued the conversation with a bit of a huff, "I've been on the run successfully from the council for so long. And now I get trapped by some bloody slavers. I had a feeling they were going to take me in anyway, but.. I couldn't save myself before they tossed me into that fucking freezer."
Dante gave a weak smile at Mitch's question, "The spores will usually do nothing, but if you're unlucky- Not you, the one covered in the moss- then there's a chance that they get into your skin and blood stream and then corrupt you into Trevillians." He frowned slightly, "The spores are most likely to be from the Darklands, which means they'll be Fungus Trevillians. Which... If they do, Just shoot them." He shuddered before he looked to Mitch with a small smile.

"As we said, it's still in the works." Dante started before he looked Mitch over before he pulled out a smaller handgun. "There's this too. Something I've been working on from one of dads old blueprints. Unlike Lydral I'm not a fucking idiot and followed shit to the letter." He gave an almost creepy grin.
"This handgun, runs off a couple of different elemental gems. These don't run out of energy for a while." He said with a proud glimpse in his eye. "Focused energy," He started, "Can freeze someones blood, or some boil someones blood depending on the button."

Sam poked his head out of the top and dove back down before shooting himself out of the water. He landed perfectly and shook himself off towards the guard. "Is it big?" He asked with a grin, "How big is the water part? I think I'm getting a growth spurt coming."

Gaia gave a loud rumble at the voice echoing through the air as she had finished the second goat. She dropped the horns to the ground in a clatter before she dropped to the ground and watched the other goats from the shadows. She fanned out her wings before taking to the air again to slam into the nearest goat before pulling the head directly off the goat and started to devour the body with a sway of her tail.
She didn't care much for chocolate cake, especially when she had the fresh goats around her.

Rose stepped towards her door slowly, moving to open it as she looked around. "Hello?" She called out as she stepped out into the hallway. She looked around before she headed over towards the elevator to head up. She knew she said it was in ten minutes, but she didn't want to be late for cake, and she wanted to check out the room.

Steph lifted her head at the mention of chocolate cake. Her stomach let out an agreeing rumble as she sat up, 10 minutes... what should she do while she waited? She shuddered slightly as she moved towards a sink to wash her face. Her body felt weird, what had happened to her earlier? What did she feel before?
She yawned a bit before she moved to look at herself in the mirror again, narrowing her eyes at herself before she gave another yawn.
"What did I do to myself?" She said, looking over her face as she turned her head with a bit of a grumble.

A couple of figures waited in the shadows around the theater that the boys went to.
The larger of the two, a large hyena, looked to the smaller fox beside them. The fox looked up with a small nod, swaying their tail before they darted off into the city.
The fox bounced along the shadows, stopping in front of the large casino-esque building before they slipped through the doors.
Ray frowned as Benjamin spoke, "I fully understand that." She sighed slightly before she smiled a bit, "What did you dream about?" She asked with a tilt of her head. It was usually her go to for small small talk... Not that she really got to be in a lot of small talk. Most of the staff tended to ignore her.

Another Staff member stepped towards Dia with a quizzing look.
"May I help you?" Dia asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I am just wondering why you're here with two patients instead of helping out." The other staff member said, almost condescendingly.
"Well I was placed on looking after Ray after her run in with the Med Lab." Dia replied carefully, narrowing her eyes slightly as her eyes glimmered. The other staff member hesitated before shaking their head before walking off without another word.
"Bitch." Dia hissed under her breath.
Saveri gave a happy smile, he wasn't too surprised that a young human would have heard about him, many of them had once in their life time.
"The pleasure is all mine!" He said as he bowed his head, he lifted it with a smile as he mentioned about the children of Ho-Oh as the ones he sees the most. "Indeed, they come to me when they need to, Dera occasionally comes to just hang out with me." He said with a small sigh, "They're good kids, a bit odd. But not the worst. I tend to see others as well, sometimes the Latis will fly over to meet me; Mainly Ilias."

"Not being able to evolve sounds interesting, definitely." Bia said as she watched Lytse quietly, looking up towards Bear as he sat beside the Cyndaquil and interrupted. "We're mainly here to keep away from the massive crowd actually." She said, her voice still calm. "You're more than welcome to join us, I don't mind." She bowed her head before she looked towards Lytse again.
"I know of other Pokemon unable to evolve, be it due to mutations, gifts or something else." She looked Lytse over gently, "I am guessing yours is a gift and mutation. I remember hearing something about a rainbow cyndaquil?"

"I would like to think they'd be able to have children." Nygari spoke, following his eyes to Andy and Frosiien with a small smile. "I am unsure about the special abilities though, They may be half and half. They may be full Pokemon depending on the mother of the being, if it is the human or the Legendary." She looked back to her partner with a wistful smile, "They would inherit the ability to understand Pokemon, and they definitely wouldn't be classed as 'human' even if they looked like it. I fear that they'd be hunted down by other humans if they looked different."

Gavin's cheeky smile faded as he gave a shrug, "Mindy is her own person, I'm not in control of her at all." He said, before his eyes narrowed at the mention of the woman beside Arceus. He shot a glance towards her and watched her cradle the egg in her arms carefully.
"My replacement." He almost hissed, "And that egg is Niccia's replacement. She's the new Mewtwo since Arceus thinks I'm going to be a human for an unspecified amount of time. So he wants to have someone look after my spot."

Xanpher nodded at her explanation, thinking quietly before he looked up as she asked a question.
"We are created." He nodded in agreement, "Unless you're a Cosmog or a Phione." He paused and smiled to her, "We do have our 'families', I have the other Swords of Justice, others have their siblings. The Creation trio are all siblings, Storm- er, Rayquaza- being the eldest sister. And the birds are all related, the Galarian ones being Cousins but they're siblings among themselves."

Frosiien gave a chuckle at Andy's words about meeting the best one, "I'm sure they'll answer a researched based question if you asked them." She smiled slightly before she linked arms with Andy and looked to find the first one for them to talk to. She grinned as she spotted Ilias, "Perfect!" She gently pulled him towards the Latias, who was finally on her own as she sipped a drink.

The snout poked back out and the head slowly followed, a Pair of green and red eyes looked around before the goat-like pokemon slunk out, his leaves shaking in his movements, the dark green contrasting against his almost stark white skin colour.
Nessa relaxed as Jessica smiled to her, she took the communicator from Jess as she handed it over. She looked at it before she followed suit of what Jessica did. She took a moment to pull Ra from her shoulder and placed him to the ground.
"You stay here." She told him, "I won't be long. I promise you." Ra gave a small nod and moved to sit on a juttered out part of the wall of the escape pod before Nessa breathed in.

Her freckles glistened as she breathed in, getting all of the oxygen she would need before she hopped towards the door to the ship. Nessa looked back towards the other woman with a bigger smile, "Shall we?" She asked before she pulled the door to exit into the floatlessness of the ship.
As soon as she was in the floatlessness of space she moved to fix her hair before she fanned her wings out. The wings were helpful in flight, but they acted like rudders in space. With a strong sway of her tail she was pushed along the broken cryopods, she looked to them with a small frown on her face before she got to the end of the hall. She glanced back to see if Jessica was following closely, she didn't want to already lose the other woman.

The light that flickered through the broken parts of the ship, the light from the nearest stars washing over her as she felt her body tremble in the warmth. She would have let out a sigh if it didn't waste the oxygen in her lungs; as soon as Jess got to her side she moved to lead her down a small hallway.
To many, this would be a worrying thing, being led by a former slave and especially potential council criminal down a small corridor.

Nessa moved to grab the door handle and tugged at it, feeling the hinges keep hold before she pulled a bit stronger, the door ripping off immediately with, if there was air, would have been a crunch. The slinters from the door floated around Nessa, slightly lit up from the light now coming off her body.
"This way." She spoke to Jessica, "They keep everything in here, but the important stuff is stored secretly."
Dante looked up from the couch as Mitch walked in, "Welcome back." The Shifter said, moving to stand up slowly, he moved his hand into his pocket and offered the flash drive. "Dunc's charging. The poor kids worn himself out." He said with a small frown, he looked Mitch over hesitantly.
"And this is from me." He said as he pulled his hand from out behind his back, revealing a rifle-looking firearm that was painted mostly black with some small navy blue dots over it. "This is the weapon you requested. Just... Please don't make me regret this." He said as he offered it over to Mitch.

"It has a safety, the small switch on the side." He said, motioning to a small button just off to the side from the trigger. "It's semi-automatic, it fires maybe 3 rounds each time you click the trigger down." He moved to pull out a small box from his pocket, "These are the rounds. They contain a very special compound within them, I wouldn't advice you to open them up and get any of it on your skin. It's a compound that is sort of like an acidic moss." He continued, pulling out one of the cartridges' and lifted it to the light to reveal it was made out of tinted glass, and an almost liquid substance moved inside.
"Now my half-brother is an idiot. This doesn't eat away at organic matter. It just covers them in the moss, and then they eventually die depending on how long they're stuck under the moss." He put the cartridge away before he looked up to Mitch, "If they're really unlucky, there's spores of Trevillians in them, sentient plant people." He paused, waiting for Mitch's input, knowing he just gave him a lot of information.

The autopsy didn't bring up anything helpful to the team. Severe burns through most parts of his body tissue, his bones had fractures along each part and the marrow had become liquid that started to bubble through some of the cracks. His brain was half-liquid, half slush.
His heart had turned black, but surprisingly unscarred or injured. His lungs were filled with blood, and much the same, so was his stomach.

Runes were on his skin, not too deep. Colour would have pulsed through them but nothing was left inside him.

Steph paused as someone came and dropped off a small box of books before closing the door quickly. She looked over towards the books as she pulled herself up off the bed, moving to grab the box and carried it to the bookcase to start putting them away.
She was rather meticulous on putting the books away; making sure they were ordered in a way she would understand. She looked at the titles and furrowed her brow at the couple of romance books put in the mix, she knew the titles, she had heard of the raunchy books before. She broke down the box and placed it on the coffee table for someone to take when they came back to drop off food.

Her stomach gave a rumble at the thought of food, Steph was never really one for eating meals, but knowing that she usually snacked during the day, made her understand why she was hungry.
She wondered if she was able to ask if she could have a snack, or if she had to wait for when they brought food.
She let out a sigh as she leaned back onto her bed, feeling her body hit the blankets and mattress with a small grunt.

Rose woke up within the three hours of being left alone, looking around with narrowed eyes before she slipped out from her cocoon.
She let out a large yawn, her fangs flexing slowly as she looked around a bit more. Rose walked to the wall before she strung a web from her palms, moving to loop them around the metal spokes and started to weave the web through a couple of them.
"Surely we can use the web to make some stuff." Rose spoke to herself, moving to twist her wrists as the web came out. "Maybe the web can be used for the agency?" She asked herself out loud. Despite going through the change and being manhandled away from the company, she was still focused on trying to help them.

Gaia's ears flicked as she heard the goats bleat. She folded up her wings in the shadows of her room and moved to climb on the ceiling, she watched down to the beasts below, she wrapped her tail around another metal pole before slowly lowering herself to grab one of the goats, moving to quickly bite its head before it could let out a noise to alert the other goats.

Anyone watching would know she's a skilled hunter, versed in the ability to hunt a whole group of animals. She fanned her wings out and used the hooded tips to make a shelter for herself to eat safely and without getting blood near the other goats.
A loud crunch echoed over the room as Gaia bit into the goats skull, moving to throw the head aside before chowing down on the body she had caught.

A black rock structure slammed into the mountains away from the city. On contact it splintered and cracked, shattering outwards as the rocks hit the ground like shards.
An inky black hand lifted out of the rubble and moved to grab the side of the structure, the black liquid slowly dripping from them.

Harriet pulled herself from the structure, dripping with an inky black liquid. She stumbled forward and shook herself before she collapsed to her knees, coughing up more black gunk.
"Fuck.." She spoke just above a whisper, her body hurt. Everything hurt, her head was thumping. What happened? What did she do?
Ray looked to Benjamin as he spoke, she hesitated before she nodded once. "Later." She said to herself.
She glanced up towards Dia, watching her slowly with a small quiver as she bit down on her sandwich again.
Dia turned her attention away from Ray as she watched the staff, trying to see if any of them were watching them.

Ari waited outside the messhall with a sigh, looking around before she paused. She headed towards where she was getting a strange feeling.
She stepped towards the shadowed hallway she could see before she was grabbed and pulled into the shadows; pinned to the wall as Josh looked over her with narrowed eyes and bared sharpened teeth.
"Back off!" Ari growled, swinging her legs out to try and hit him.
Nessa watched as the other pirate pointed out the problem, her eyes looking over to where she was pointing as she focused her eyes on the corpse. "I remember hearing him rambling." She said, "I could never really understand what he was saying." She looked to Ra quietly before she looked back to Jessica.
"It may not be any help," She started, "But I think I know where they kept the belongings." She continued, Ra nodding in agreement to her words.

Nessa moved to stand up, her legs quivering before she stabilized herself. "Nessa." She started, "Nessa Nova." She had hesitated on giving her full name, she was a known name across many different circles. Being hunted by one of the most dangerous people within a special council where she used to work as a Bodyguard.
She looked out of the escape pod and narrowed her eyes, "They kept my stuff hidden from the other stuff, maybe they did the same for the other man?" She rubbed her temples quietly, Ra watching Jessica carefully. "And I would prefer to get my stuff, losing some of the things inside would be... Hard for me."

"Scout bots." Ra squeaked quietly, Nessa giving a small nod before she looked to Ra and shushed him. Ra's ears drooped before he moved behind her head so she couldn't see his face properly.
"Is there a way for you to follow me though safely?" She asked, her kind were able to breath without Oxygen for a while; and Nessa reckoned she'd be able to get to where her things were kept in time.
Comet gave a grumble at the mention of staying behind in the trees. She did this too much already, she glanced to Noble as he rubbed her neck.
"We'll be okay Comet." Noble said as he slipped off her back, moving to grab his bag and slipped his dagger into his pocket before he looked towards Comet again. "I'll call for you if I need you, blend into the trees." He moved to press his head against hers, getting a low rumble from his dragon before they pulled away.

Comet stepped into the trees hesitantly, watching Noble as he walked to join the others. She fluffed her wings before she leapt into the trees with ease, her midnight scales helping her blend in with the dark leaves in the shadows.

Noble walked towards Trevor and Gnol, taking a last glance towards the trees before he breathed in.
"Right." He breathed out, "Ready."

Mercury gave a tired grumble in response of being okay.
"Your paw hurts." Ricki said quietly as she knelt down to pull his injured leg out from underneath him. "It's alright buddy." She said to him, moving to put her bag down before she moved to rummage through it. "I think I have something to at least numb the pain."

Ark watched the humanoids and the smaller dragons quietly, looking to Meria as she spoke about the water.
"It is underneath." Ark spoke gently, "The water flows in rivers underneath the rocks below the meadow." She watched Rai as she hopped from her back and landed easily, heading over to Mercury and moved to kneel by his paw.

"Bear trap?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "Some sort of trap for trapping large beasts, probably some spraining." She sighed. "It'll heal up perfectly fine, Walking on it won't be too hard. We could make him a splint if Linda can't find any Dragonfruit."

Damien and the Female stepped away from each other before Damien turned to the rest of his group.
"My friends, this is Kela." He said with a grin, "She's one of the oldest members of the Order. As you can see, she's not exactly human."
Kela punched Damien in his side gently with a small smile, she moved and bowed to the group. "As Damien said, I am Kela. My dragon is over there, his name is Ram."

Ram lifted his head proudly as he was introduced, Orian used the time to smack at his face and ran away, causing the barreled dragon to chase after him.
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