Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
7 days ago
9 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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16 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
19 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

I was thinking something like a Dance Pole, I guess they're known as Stripper Poles too but I don't like to think of it like that ahah. Probably something heavy duty, cause I feel like Steph would make good use of it ;)
Small question, would the recreationally room have a pole perchance? uwu
As Marigold thanked her, Gaia took to the air again and fluttered over to Echo and perched on her shoulder gently.
"You take care of her." Echo said jokingly to Hunter. "Be safe Marigold." She bowed her head to the female with a smile.

Hunter gave a huff to Echo's words before he felt Marigold got onto his back. He lifted himself up off the ground as he stepped forward. "Comfy?" He asked as he glanced back slowly. He was ready to go, but he wanted to make sure Marigold was ready as well.

April pressed her wound close as the blood dripped into the water, the blood slowly stopped flowing as the wound started to heal quickly.
The Demonwoman looked over to Hazel as she shook herself, moving to grab some of the dander that landed on the ground.
"Thank you Hazel." She said calmly, putting it into the water as well before she moved to stand up, stepping towards Hazel as she asked about anything else needed.

"All I need." April started, moving her hand to gently press her hand on Hazel's head. "Is for you to calm down, the Witch is gone, she has no children." She spoke softly, and had her eyes looking to Hazels. "I'm proud of your drive to help her, it's amazing."
Fay watched from the bed, before moving over towards the small jug before she tapped at the jug with a small trill.
April pulled away from Hazel and turned to Fay and gave a smile. "My apologies my love." She said as she moved to lift the jug, swishing it to mix the dander in.
"If I need to I will coil around him to the bed." Fer'a said with a click of their mandables, watching as Jill approached Ash.
Ash looked at Jill as she stepped forward, a strange feeling of soberness flooded over their body as Jill started to speak to them.
"I'll be fine captain." They started, their voice croaking, "Did... We win?" They asked as they looked to Fer'a then to Jill.

"They will rest." Fer'a said in almost an ordered tone, "I don't even want you to try and stand Ash."
Ash lowered their head slightly, giving a small smile towards Fer'a before they looked back towards Jill once more. "Can I... get a hug before you go?" They asked, almost embarrassed.

Alice slithered in to Treghor's room, looking around slowly with a soft smile.
"Mamma wanted me to tell you she's making a feast." She started, "And Mr. Gnol wanted me to tell you not to get too engrossed in your work, he wants to you come down and eat." Alice smiled happily, "So what are you working on in here?" She asked as she looked around, she didn't even notice the chair he pulled out as she scanned his room.

"Would you like me to get rid of it?" Ricki asked, Avia shook her head slightly.
"No no, I understand what my daughter is trying." She said as she moved to grab the plant and moved to carry it into the kitchen. "It is a pretty plant and it won't cause anything to her, and it... Doesn't really effect me."
"You do seem more relaxed." Ricki started as she followed, moving to be on two legs as she leaned against the counter as she looked over Avia. "Your heartbeat is relaxed and you're not showing any signs of your species heat traits, so I would say you're fine."

The mention of her potentially being in heat caused Avia's cheek scales to flare in colour as she looked at Ricki. "Let's... Not talk about that please." She said, getting a small nod from the beast-girl. "But if anything... in my Biology does change, please tell me."
The small Pokemon nodded to Michael as he asked if he sneaked in, lifting his head a bit higher as he gained confidence around these humans- er well, the human and the humanoid Mew. He looked to Niccia and stepped towards her slowly, almost wobbly on his legs before he gently pressed his head into her hands as she held them out.
"You're gorgeous..." Niccia uttered to the small Pokemon, "Why does Arceus not want you out here?"
"Father doesn't like anyone to know my existence..." The Pokemons head dropped again as he stomped his foot sadly.

Bia smiled and lead Lytse along, she thought to herself quietly. Which one would be the best to visit first? She glanced to Lytse for a moment, She hummed to herself before she slowly moved along to gently tap the shoulder of a Red Bird Pokemon.
The Oricorio was at least the same type as Lytse, and she knew that Diel was a calm Pokemon and probably someone who would work well for Lytse to meet first.
"Lytse, this is Diella, she goes by Diel. She's Ho-Oh's guardian." Bia started as she looked back to Lytse, "I know you're worried about meeting Ho-Oh, but I thought you'd like to meet someone who is close to your Type."

Volcano hesitated before he looked down to the two Pokemon, anger in his eyes.
"What did you call me?" He said, calmly as his red hair prickled, his arms coursing with lava as he watched them.
Carrish gave a grin as Volcano turned to them, "Fighting rock! Floaty rock!" She ordered, jumping between her two legs happily. "I'm gonna fight this guy! We wanna fight!"
Volcano closed his eyes and gripped the bridge of his nose as he huffed a bit of smoke from his lips. "My apologies Brother, I will be back." He said as he moved to grab both of the fighting-type pokemon and carried them to the back of the meadow and placed them down. "You really want a fight rock?"

Gavin looked to Nethan spoke, he looked down at himself as he listened.
"I..." He started before nodding, "I might have misread the signs." He said as he rubbed the back of his head. "I'm... Afraid to ask her, in case she has feelings and then I have to let her down and I don't... Want to break her heart." He shivered at the idea, looking away from everyone as he sighed. "I'm... not cut out for traveling with humans it seems."

Storm and Xapher both smiled to Mindy, Storm offered her hand.
"Who else would you like to meet?" She asked, "I think you'll love the Lake Trio, and I know they'll absolutely love you." She said before she bowed her head with a smile. "And you've obviously met Frosiien, and possibly her brothers. Have you met their mother? She's a Doll when she's in a good mood."

"We should go tell Father~" Ilias said as she grabbed Ilios' hands and tugged him slightly. "Can we? We gotta go nominate him!"
Frosiien gave a smile to Andy as he said that he wanted to stay around her. "Have you met Suicune yet? She's a close friend of mine, and I'd love for you to meet Dera." She said, looking to scan the area to try and find the Suicune, who was with Harry and Saruya.
Sara seemed to relax a bit as Benjamin sat with her, starting to eat her porridge. She kept her eyes at the table and her food as Benjamin spoke to Dia, she looked up as Dia moved in her vision.
"I'll... Go see if I can find her." She said before she quickly left the messhall and down the halls. She wanted to call out for Ari, but she didn't want to pull attention to herself, at least not anymore than she had with Ray attacking her.

Sara looked up towards Benjamin and smiled softly.
"Thank you." She said in a half croak in her voice. "I... Appreciate you staying with me." She shivered, fear easily shown in her eyes and through her body.
Dia nodded, "Good idea." She glanced and watched the nurses take Ray away. She frowned slightly and tried to contact Ari again to no avail. "She's... Not touchable by the spirit link like she used to be." She said.
Sara stayed silent as everyone rushed past her, moving to shakily grab her drink to sip it as she watched Benjamin and Dia speak. "A...Am I allowed to finish breakfast first?" She asked with a shaky voice.
The first nurse glanced towards Dia carefully before looking back to the second nurse with a nod. "Help would be good." He grunted, "Get me a stretcher would you? She's surprisingly heavy when she's dead weight."

Sara slunk in her chair, closing her eyes and started to fiddle with her shirt as she started to mumble things to herself to keep her calm.
Dia was visibly shivering as Benjamin spoke to her, she watched the two nurses move Ray off as she glanced towards Benjamin.
"I..." She started, her voice quivering, "I don't know. I... Can't feel my connection to Ari." She admitted in fear.
Dante gave Mitch a nod, "I understand not reciprocating, it's fine. I would usually be hesitant too, but you have a specific... Air to you." He admitted before he smiled, "But I should let you on your way, you have a lot to read up on." He motioned to the usb stick in his possession, "It has both Duncan and my numbers on it too, if you ever need to call us for anything. Work or otherwise." He said as he glanced towards the kitchen as he heard a clatter echo from behind the half closed door.

Rose moved to grab the plate happily and started to eat her cake as if she hadn't eaten in days, Steph watched her carefully before she moved to grab her own plate as she looked up to Gaia.
A bit of fear flooded through her body, taking a visible form of a small sparkle of ice blue darting through her horns. Was Gaia in a stable mentality? Was she going to attack? Was she even allowed cake?

Gaia's ears flicked to Lily as she spoke to her, the beast woman didn't look at her immediately, her eyes scouting over everything in the room before they moved to focus on Lily, her pupils flexing and shrinking slightly. Gaia's ears flicked again as she looked to Steph, who had stepped towards the space between Gaia and Lily, in case anything were to happen.
"I'm not going to harm her." Gaia rumbled towards her old team mate, "My eyes are adjusting to the lights. Stand down." She watched as Steph seemed to relax and nod towards her. Gaia's attention returned back to Lily, her ears pointing forward as she looked her over carefully; she wasn't exactly sure what to make of the human yet, her wings relaxed slightly before she nodded.

"Cake would be nice." She started, "I haven't had cake before."

April smiled as Benjamin's text cam through, moving quickly to reply.
9am is correct. Will you be alone or do you need to bring your friends? I don't mind either way. She replied before she turned her attention to a small blip that appeared on one of her monitors.
She narrowed her eyes and brought the screen closer to her face, she clicked a few buttons as she narrowed her eyes with a frown, pulling out a notebook before she started to scribble some things down.
The little Pokemon looked up to Michael as he answered him, his eyes widening at the idea of him understanding what he had said.
"I have heard about Celebi. Father talks about you occasionally." The little Pokemon said, Saveri tilted his head slightly.
"Father? Do you mean Arceus?" He asked, the small Pokemon nodded his head before he flinched as he heard hooves nearby, moving to hide behind Michael again.
"Father says I'm not allowed out. I'm not allowed to meet people." The Pokemon said, Saveri moved to kneel down to look at him, looking him over.
"You're... Part Arceus, aren't you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Carrish was close behind Bear the entire time, bouncing around him as she darted along. She flipped over a few things before she reached Groudon first, landing on his shoulders with a bigger grin.
"Land boy, we require battle area." She said carefully. "Primeape, I, Fight."

"Who would you prefer?" Bia asked as she looked down to Lytse, offering her arms to him. "Would you rather start small and go up the sizes? Any Type preference?" She wanted to ask many questions, but she also didn't want to overload the small creature.
She glanced towards Michael with the strange looking Pokemon before looking back to Lytse. "He still loves you, a Starter will always be a special Pokemon for trainers."

Gavin followed Nethan carefully, as soon as they were out of the earshot of everyone he relaxed slightly. "The Human I brought along... I think she's in love with me." He admitted, rubbing the back of his head, "I don't think... I feel the same."

Xapher smiled back to Mindy, "I'm trying to be good." He admitted, "Voltar and Ezzar told me not to just in case I angered anyone with them." He said as he rubbed his head. Storm gave a soft laugh and moved to rub Xapher's head, she glanced back towards Mindy again.
"Honestly not a lot of us have." She admitted, "The Lake trio have met the least amount of humans, well of course apart from Father."

Ilias grinned to Ilios as he said he agreed, moving to gently headbutt him in the chin as a show of affection.
"We should have gotten Netherlu to decorate, with all of his rainbow abilities~!" She grinned, hearing Rainbow and Ho-Oh in the same sentence. Ilias looked around with a soft sigh, she made eye contact with Niccia as she glanced down towards the new Pokemon Michael was talking to.

Frosiien leaned her head against Andy's shoulder, she glanced to him as he thought to himself. "Would you like another drink?" She asked him quietly, "I can go grab you anything. Or we could move on to see someone else?" She asked with a small smile.
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