Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
7 days ago
9 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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16 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
19 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Oooh! I know a bit about those ones, I like them!
Maybe she'd be able to notice that Steph isn't exactly fully demon either.

Were you wanting Harry to meet up with Ethan somehow?
Dia smiled to Maggie as she smiled to her, before she glanced back to Fae as Maggie turned her attention to her. Dia's eyes widened at the sight of Fae's wrists, and she held back the urge to grab her arms and over question about it; she knew Fae would open up if she was comfortable.

Fae gave out a small sigh as Maggie spoke to her, she rubbed her wrists with her hands as Maggie motioned towards them. She didn't flinch when Maggie reached to dry her eyes.
"Everything that happened with the gang..." She started, holding back a sob that threatened the back of her throat, "How we were just... Split up, Daph wouldn't allow me to try and reach out to you guys." She stared at the floor. "Anything to do with the gang was just... thrown out of our lives, she tried to stop me tinkering because it reminded her too much of the past. She kind of just.. Tried to get rid of anything in our lives regarding the gang."

"And you thought you not being able to contact us caused us to hate you..." Dia said slowly, closing her eyes and leaned over to gently rub Fae's head. "Velma and I tried to do... some sort of investigations once we split but... It didn't have the same umph as it did with all of us." She said with a bit of a half smile, "I caught Velma almost asking for Freddy and Daphne's help before she turned to see me there alone. It hit all of us hun, it's alright."
Fae gave a small nod, slightly moving into Dia's touch before she sighed, her tears breaking through now. "I was... It just felt, so alone. Daph tried to stop me being... me. I... I was in a dark place for... ages. I tried therapy but." She stopped talking to give a bit of a sob, closing her eyes. "Sorry."
Haripho stomped his foot angrily towards Niccia and Michael as they seemed to stand in the way of Eros, he readied himself to step forward for a Headbash before Soul skidded in front of Niccia and Michael and summoned a barrier in front of them and pushed the Bouffant back.
"Back off Hari." he said with a rumble, swaying his tail. "Let the boy enjoy the party."
Haripho rumbled and tried to push against Souls' barrier, but was only pushed back by the Absols' power. "You dare go against your creators orders?" He rumbled loudly, the ground around him cracking slightly.

"Haripho Calm down!" Niccia said, stepping past Soul and his barrier. "Lecrero! Step off your throne and come down and talk to us, Legendary to Legendary!" She turned, challenging the God of Pokemon himself. Her ears were flattened back, focusing away from Hariphos' angered stance.
Eros quivered at everything around them, slowly stepping away from Lytse as he tried to look for a way out of this place. He bounced on his hooves slightly before he ran to hide behind Michael's legs with a shiver.

Frosiien froze as she heard Niccia speak to Arceus in such a way, Memories flooded back of the time where Arceus and Darkrai had their fight that caused him to be pushed out of the Legendary Committee. "Oh Niccia, please don't make this any worse my dear..."
Gavin grabbed Niccia's arm as he got up to her side, "Niccia what are you doing?" He hissed to her, flinching when she pulled her hand away.
"Gavin, I'm not a child anymore. Let me handle this on my own. I'm sick of Arceus' treatment towards descendants." Niccia said before she was suddenly lifted up into the air by some form of psychic attack.

Niccia was suddenly pulled towards Lecrero, who now stood up from his seat, standing taller than what he originally looked like. Shimmering shards floated around him as he pulled Niccia to his eyeline and sneered at her.
"You dare challenge me?" He hissed, tightening his grip on her, causing her to yelp slightly.
Yalgai looked up from cuddling Sparky before handing her off to her partner before she darted towards her brothers. "Boys, Dads angry." She said as she looked up towards Lecrero and Niccia. "Something's going wrong."

Carrish bounced on her feet as Bear left, moving towards the edge of the floating rock. She sighed as she watched him leave before she rolled onto her back and crossed her arms over her chest with a goofy grin on her face.
Manderva seemed to ignore what was happening between Lecrero and Niccia, listening carefully to Mindy. "That sounds like a plan." She said softly, "Looking after family is very important, even myself and my brothers look out for our children."

Luna nodded towards the portal, "Portal." She whispered to Ra, glancing back towards the drama inside with a shudder. "I fear that they are coming." Luna looked over towards Tarian carefully and sighed as she noticed he was still asleep.
The Portal warped again, sparks starting to scatter around before a large black arm suddenly shattered through the portals area. Luna bounced back and gripped onto Lily protectively as she backed into a table.
Sara nodded as Benjamin seemed to stretch. She was ready to get out of this room, it made her feel weird. Like it was some high school cafeteria and she was a bullied child by even the teachers.
"A walk sounds good." She said as she slowly stood from her chair, making sure not to hit the staff member behind her as she did so.

Ray felt Queasy. What the fuck had happened?
Ari, something happened to Ari. She jolted upright and looked around the padded room she was sealed in and gave a growl.
"Yeah yeah, growl all you want princess, not going to save you." The guard said from outside, Ray moved to stand up but stumbled back once she was on her feet. "Don't try to stand yet, your brain is still foggy from the sedative."
Dia, Dia had done something to Ari. She couldn't feel her anymore, what had Dia done to her? Was it because she finally had her own body again that she thought she'd be able to just take out her other spirit?

Anger bubbled through her body, Benjamin had started to defend her too! Dia was taking everything from her!
That fucking bitch, using her body as a Vessel for years and now this is how she repaid her?
Eros almost bounced on the spot as Lytse spoke to him, he went to answer his question before he noticed the Bouffant coming towards them. "Oh no." He whispered and lowered himself to the ground, almost digging his hooves into the dirt as he felt vines coil over his hooves.

Haripho stopped in front of Niccia and Michael as they stood in front of Eros.
"Move so I can get the child back to My Lord." Haripho almost ordered, Niccia glanced back towards the smaller Pokemon and narrowed her eyes.
"Why? Is he not allowed to enjoy being around other Pokemon?" She asked, instinctively putting her hand in front of Michael as Haripho flicked his ears and narrowed his eyes in response.
"You're wanting to defy your Fathers Orders?"
"And you're just going to take him away?" Niccia almost snapped back.

Carrish grinned as Bear wasn't too harmed by her Shadow Ball, and bounced slightly when he rushed at her with Punishment. She lifted her arms up in an X shape as he hit her with the attack, feeling the ground at her feet crumble slightly as she was pushed into the earth. Once his attack finished she pushed her arms out to throw him back into the air with a yell.

Manderva gave a small smile as Mindy seemed to think before she spoke.
"If you ever travel to Sinnoh-" She started before she glanced towards Michael and Niccia as Arceus' guardian seemed to be speaking to them. "-Or if you travel with Niccia while she completes her Trials, then I'm sure you'll see where my brothers and I stay." She said softly, "I would love for you to see it, all three lakes are gorgeous." The two brothers nodded silently, both of them watching Michael and Niccia carefully.

Gavin was looking away for a moment as Nethan nodding, he took another sip of his drink. He glanced to his friend and then followed his eyeline and noticed the Bouffant. He straightened up and stepped towards the group quickly, putting his drink down safely before he made his way to Michael and Niccia, knowing that there was going to be a fight soon.
He let out a whistle for Soul, and the Absol was quickly by his side following. "Hey hey!" He called out as he tried to come to a stop, tripping on a stick and slamming face first into the grass beside Michael and Niccia.

Lecrero watched his Guardian carefully, sitting on his tall chair- Darkrai always called it his 'throne' but he never saw it as such. He almost verbally cursed at himself for thinking about his bastard of a child, he moved his attention back to his guardian and straightened up as he watched Niccia seem to be defending the brat of a hybrid.

Frosiien looked to Andy as he spoke of Ho-oh, "I can take you to-" She paused as she heard Gavin, looking over to the Bouffant and frowned at the expression on his face. She noticed the Pokemon Niccia stood in front of and glanced towards Lecrero as he watched carefully from his chair.
"Shit." She said out loud, "This isn't going to go well." She said as she grabbed Andy's arm gently to pull him along. "It was nice talking to you Dera!" She called as she darted towards the group as well.

Luna looked up from her drink towards the portal for a moment, a strong wave of worry flooded through her body. Instinctively she held Lily close to her as she looked around for Ra and their son. "Stay quiet Lily dear." She said as she slowly stood from her chair, where was that Steel Lion bastard? Whatever commotion the Humans were causing wasn't her priority, and if Arceus wanted to get into it, he was more than welcome.
"Ra!" She called out as she fanned her wings, which had hidden as her dress, out to gain a bit of air to get a better look for her husband and child.
Tarian slept in Ra's arms quietly, he squirmed as he heard his mother call for his father, but he stayed asleep.

The now closed portal seemed to spark again, starting to warp as if it was about to open. Everyone was here, why was it opening again?
Ahah, fair enough. I usually go back and see what they can learn in a few gens if theyre not able to be obtained in the current gen.
Bad idea though, galar could have triumphed having some monkeys.
She should be fine though, her body just needs to adjust to everything uwu
Gaia smiled at Lily's words and gave a nod, at the mention of a child she tilted her head. Why would they keep a child here? This wouldn't be-
"Oh a kid?" Rose said as she poked her head up from around the weights, "Oh I love children! I hope he likes us." She said as Lily left, she moved back to the weights and continued to push more weights onto the weight bar and moved to lift it with her hands. "Damn it, still too light." She grumbled before she moved to add more weight to the bar.

Steph blinked, A child? Here? She shuddered at the thought about the yelling and screaming a child could do. She glanced towards Gaia, "You're... Not going to hunt me, are you?" She felt her cheeks brighten in red at the idea. She let out a squeak as Gaia moved quickly, pressing her hand over the side of Steph's waist, almost blocking her in the spot she was in.
"As long as this place keeps me fed." She said, opening her mouth slightly to show off her sharp teeth, "Then I won't need to hunt. But that's not what I'm really worried about."
Steph felt her heart race, what was Gaia planning?? She knew she had Benjamin, and Gaia had Ethan! "What are yo-" Steph started as Gaia snarled towards her to silence her.
"I'm keeping you sane." She whispered, leaning closer to Steph's ear, "Your kind need this type of stimulation so you don't try and hunt. And I don't think Benjamin would enjoy finding out if you went after one of the guards."

Stephs eyes widened and she felt her entire body tense and almost squirm at Gaia's words. Why was she helping her? How was this even working?

Harriet felt herself sway where she stood, slowly dropping to her knees as the shadows pulled at her.
She felt sick, her stomach churned. She held back the feeling before-
She vomited into the ground in front of her, pulling her hand to wipe away the black inky substance from her mouth. She felt her body shudder as another wave flooded through her body, causing her to vomit up again.

"No. I'm okay." She said to herself as she slowly pulled herself up once more. Did she hear footsteps or was she going crazy? She spun around and narrowed her eyes. She couldn't figure where she was, she was woozy, lost and felt... Strange. What happened to her?
Harry is probably around the outskirts of the town, her powers are warped a bit so the Agency wouldn't pick it up properly. If you're thinking of having Ethan run into her, absolutely go for it. She's a bit... Off at the moment.

It's what happens when you die, come back to life and have your memopath powers properly unlocked C:
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