Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
7 days ago
9 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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15 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
19 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Chiyokos' words didn't get heard as Rose started to go into a full blown panic attack. Her breathing hitched quickly and her brain started to spiral, her head felt like it was spinning as she pulled her knees to her chest as she felt her stomach in her throat. She clenched her eyes closed as her body started to quiver, she wanted to be home, she wanted to go back to the farm she grew up on; she should have listened to her dad, the city wasn't for someone like her, but of course her curiousity obviously got the best of her.

As Chiyoko stepped towards her to try and help her up, she could see she was physically trembling with her head tucked into her knees and her spider legs curled up around her carefully and protectively.
"I'm gonna die." Rose uttered under her breathe, breathing heavily between sobs, "They're wanting to kill me. If they just wanted to study me they would have just done it at the agency." She hiccuped, her voice keeping low as she continued to panic.

Harriet scrunched her nose as Ethan took a cigarette but she didn't properly comment on it. She gave him a small smile as Ethan replied to her saying about her things being gone.
"It's alright." She waved her hand slightly. "Sadly worldly possessions disappear, I can easily replace what I've lost. I carry the rest with me at all times." She gave a soft grin before looking to Morison about the bases, "Either one really." She said, "I'd like to look and see if I can find things that I couldn't see; of course if that is okay with you." She smiled as she felt something bubble under her skin on her back, it was unsettling but she ignored it for now.
"Josh... Might help." Sara started, looking away from Dia's look as she smiled towards Benjamin, as if reading his mind, "He's... A weirdo, but I think... Someone on his level might be able to convince him."
"On his level in terms of his gender." Dia said with a nod, "It's... Not that he's misogynistic, he's..."
"Afraid of females." Sara said with a bit of a laugh, "It might be something about his species, but he sees us as a threat to him." Dia nodded in agreement before she glanced to Benjamin.

"Take Sara with you." Ari offered, "Ray has always had a soft spot for Sara, plus the staff know her."
"We'll... Stay here and try to hide if anyone comes in." Dia said with a smile, "Unless Sara wants to give us the go ahead for her room, people don't check there."
"I... Could do that." Sara said hesitantly before nodding once, "If Benjamin wants me to come along."
Niccia's breathing was soft and shallow, but she was still breathing at least. Soul returned quickly with Sparky after the explosion of power, he moved to set her gently beside Niccia, trying to get the small pokemon safely in the lap of Michael before he moved to look at Niccia.
He gave her a once over and paused, moving off quickly back to where the orbs, the shard and the feather was, gently picking up the feather and quickly returned to Michael. Niccia's breathing seemed to stabilize a bit better when Sparky was brought to Michael.

Missy scampered over to climb to Sparky, her tail between her legs. "Sparky! Friend, are you okay? Are you alive??" She barked in fear.
"She should be fine." Yalgai said as she followed Soul over, gently kneeling by Niccia once Andy stood back up. She notioned with her hands to her brothers to check the gate as she stood by Michael and Niccia. "Once the garbage at the gate with Necrozoma is finished, I'll get someone to heal her a bit better." She started before Soul gave a small chuckle.
"Or if we have any healing items, we could see if they work on her since she's still a Pokemon." He chuckled before Yalgai moved to gently pick Sparky up from Michaels' grip. "I wish this was as easy for me to do to Niccia, but I can at least help with Sparky."
She lifted her hand, runes slowly shaping down her arms and some sparks echoed through the air. The sparkles crackled for a moment before Sparky's chest seemed to take a large intake of air as she coughed loudly. "It's alright." Yalgai cooed, "You're alive, you're okay." She said to her softly, to anyone looking in, this would be out of character for such a 'harsh' legendary, "Mamma's got you, mamma's got you baby." She rubbed her head softly, watching Sparky shudder in her arms as she started to twitch and breathe.

Kyio quickly followed her brother, looking over towards Yalgai as she went to the aid of their shared child. She looked to her brother with a weak smile, "Definitely the most... Interesting StarFall we've had in a while." She joked as they neared where Arceus had landed.
Lecrero had landed twice, bouncing the first time and slamming into the dirt on his back in a small crater. His chest rose and fell shakily, but his head was off to the side and a bit of blood had pooled around his head.
What seemed to be a black inky mess seemed to have splattered around the impact area.

Necrozoma was hit by the Bug Buzz and shook it off as he let out a growl, he looked up to Nethan as he watched both the Mewtwo's suddenly pull psychic energy around their hands.
"Am I not a legendary?" He asked as he pulled himself up, if he was in his humanoid form he would have had a coy grin on his face, "Am I not one of your own? Brother? Sister?" He looked between the two he was related to, glancing to the kids before he turned his attention back towards Nethan, "Hah! You'd really expect me to come alone?" He chuckled as he lifted his hands slowly, wormholes started to twist around him, before he was slammed in the chest by another attack from Luna, despite the injuries that Necrozoma had caused her.
"You say you're here." She started, her breathing partially heavy as she felt the tingling run through her body more, "As family, and yet. You try to attack us? What do you really want?" She hissed as she limped slightly closer to Necrozoma, she wanted to keep her kids safe, she wanted to keep her husband safe and more importantly, there were humans here, they needed to stay safe too.

Necrozoma winced at his own wounds before he sneered towards Luna, "Fine!" He hissed, "I want power, I want either you or Ra to fuse with me so I can achieve my final form. I need the power to do something."
Luna dropped her hands as she limped towards Necrozoma, stopping barely feet away from him. "Will this thing you need power for injure anyone innocent?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. Her guardian stepped forward before Luna lifted a wing to call her off.
Necrozoma watched Luna get closer to him, his glanced towards Ra, knowing how protective he was over his wife and kids. He glanced to everyone who was around him, even if he managed to summon a few of his Ultra Beasts to fight, he'd risk being pushed back through the portal without a step closer to his plan. He mulled over the words as Luna seemed to stare daggers at him, "Answer me brother, or I will blast you through this portal." She growled, the colour of her galaxy patterned parts flooded red slightly.
Missy relaxed at Michaels touch, she still wanted to run and save her friend, but her trainer knew better than her. Her sparking fur slowly settled down before she watched on what was happening between the two Legendaries and the two Pokemon below them.
Eros leaned into Michaels' touch, keeping his eyes on his father with worried eyes. He had seen him get angry several times, but this was something new, something more terrifying to what he had seen before. What had gotten into his father? Why was he acting so strangely?

Sparky looked at the Orb as Soul told her to absorb it, she felt a shiver flood over her body before she nodded. She moved before she threw the orb into the air and headbutted it into her gem before she landed on all fours. Soul stepped back from Sparky as he felt the energy swell through her. "Save Niccia." Soul yelled out to Sparky.
Sparky's eyes were clenched closed, energy sparked off the ground around her as her fur darkened from yellow to a burnt orange to a deep red, similar to the red on Giratina. Sparky let out a grumble of pain, moving to crouch on the ground as she held her eyes closed; she focused on staying upright as she looked to Lecrero as he held Niccia in place. His grip had tightened on Niccia and she was no longer able to fight back properly, struggling with kicking her feet but couldn't do much more.

Sparky felt her feet pull her back, her paw pads pressing and flexing in the dirt as her now deep Palkia Pink eyes stared up towards the God of Pokemon. "UNHAND HER." Sparky barked before she leapt from her spot, a spark and explosion of energy rippling down her tail in the colour of the lunar feather, before she slammed her tail into Lecrero and sent him flying back.
Niccia was released from this Psychic grip and fell to the ground, Soul quickly moving to grab her with his own psychic before she could come into contact with the ground. "I got you." He said to his legendary, who by now, was passed out.
Soul carried her over to Michael and placed her on the ground slowly, turning his head back to Sparky as she landed and collapsed; Soul moved quickly to be by her side as the energy suddenly exploded outwards and the two orbs, the shard and the feather exited her body.

Necrozoma almost laughed as the Primeape tried to strike him, he moved to pull his free hand away from Luna before she managed to kick him in the chest to push him upwards, almost as if she knew what Ra was planning. Necrozoma was about to strike back down on Luna as the Flash Cannon slammed into his body, the Ultra Beast Leader let out a pained roar and stepped away from Luna and covered his body with his hands as he absorbed most of the light once he recovered from the attack.

Luna shakily stood up, she felt where Necrozoma had injected her with the fluid he uses to combine with either Ra or herself. The arm that was pinned down was weakened and tingled, she glanced back to their children for a moment before she turned to Ra, giving a small nod before she shook off the woozy feeling that quickly flooded her body before she flapped her wings, taking to the air and closed her eyes.
Luna focused on the energy in front of her, a spark appeared in the middle of her before she shot a sudden blue beam of energy at Necrozoma as she blasted the bastard with Moongeist Beam.
Rose stood still as Chiyoko spoke to her, she blinked slowly and looked towards her friends momentarily before she realized her cup was now empty.
"Oh." She said as she looked to the splatter on the ground with a small frown, "Damn they're not going to like that mess.." She trailed off before she tried to pull her head back to what she was originally thinking.
"But, we're apparently their enemy now. I... I don't think there is a way for me to go back to being human." She seemed to have slowly clicked, "Gaia was never human! She came to the group as how she was now."
Gaia glanced over to Rose as she heard her name, before her ears flicked and she moved to carry Sam off away from Steph and sat down with him in her lap.

Rose's mind slowly seemed to overload and she noticed her breathing had picked up. She stepped away from Chiyoko for a moment, feeling the hard wall almost slam into her back as she hit it wit her pack. "I... I don't think they'd even want us? I heard whispers of Gaia being dangerous and Steph... Steph is a demon too! They'll try and kill her, won't they?" Her panic started to rise as she slid down the wall.

"Compromised?" She repeated, before she nodded to Ethan. "I think I can walk, thank you." She said. Harriet's mind tried to reach out and find someone she knew, but nothing was connecting. Was whatever happened to her severed her connections? She glanced to Ethan for a second and tried to link to his mind, a small spark of pain bounced through her head and gave a bit of a grumble.
"Yeah," She started softly, "I think my... Things might still be there?" Harriet said before she moved her hand to trace a bit of a circle in the sky before a small inky portal appeared where she drew.

To the boys, the portal was completely inky black; but to Harriet she could see the inside of her room with ease. She looked it over with narrowed eyes before she popped the portal and shook her head. "My things are gone." She said almost solemnly. Where had it disappeared to? She asked herself before sighing. "Are we... able to go to the base anyway?" She asked Morison, before she glanced towards Barrow and winced slightly at his cigarette.
Ari nodded at Benjamins' words, still unsure if it wasn't her fault or not. "She hasn't been without us in her mind for... years." She started, "Maybe she... Maybe all that anger to her family? To the world? Since it's treated her so... Badly?" She started, trying to figure out what was happening.
Dia stayed in Benjamins' arms, but she had stopped hiccuping before she sniffled and kept hugging Benjamin. She started to breathe more calmly, she moved her head away from him and moved to wipe away the tears before she looked over to Ari before looking to Sara.

Sara stayed quietly by the door, she had closed it but she kind of idly stood there. She listened in carefully as Ari seemed to lift her head at Benjamin asking who attacked her.
"I... He was weird. I'd seen him a few times before, he might be new?" Ari started, Both Sara and Dia seemed to pause and glanced towards each other, as if they both knew what, or who she was talking about. "He had inky black tendrils and he had pure black eyes and-"
"Josh." Dia said, Sara blinked in surprise but she nodded once.
"I knew he was weird." Sara said softly.
"He's a... memopath, feeds of memories and emotions. Of course he got a hold of you." Dia said with a frown.
Rose's eyes widened at Chiyoko's words about being disposed after her helpfulness. Something seemed to twist in her head, was the agency not as... Good as she had thought of? Sure, they were helping humans but even humanoid creatures needed to feed right? And surely they could find a way to...
Rose hadn't realized that she dropped her paper cup of water she had gotten herself, she kind of stood there in confusion before she blinked.
"They're going to kill us." She uttered under her breath, "They're going to study us and then they'll kill us."

Steph was no longer focused on the fact everyone could be watching her, especially since she couldn't see Lily watching her either. She kept herself up and did a few more swings on the pole, hanging outwards with her arms and wrapped her legs around the pole before she hopped off and blinked when her feet hit the ground properly.
"Wow!" Sammy said as he looked up at Steph, who jumped and puffed her wings out slightly before she looked towards the child. "You're really good at moving!" He said, Steph glanced up as Gaia came to scoop up the child in her arms.
"He means excersizing." She said, Steph gave a small nod. She felt her face deepen in red, her horns flooding with the same soft pink colour.

Harriet used Ethans hand to pull herself up, to Ethan, she felt unnaturally light in terms of her weight, but maybe that was just her alien genetics?
"Evacuated?" She asked, confused. She glanced over to the other agent but looked back to Ethan. "Why... What happened? Is everyone okay?" Her breathing hitched, she realized she couldn't contact Gaia, how far away was she? Was she safe? Were the boys safe?
Sara let out a bit of a squeak as Benjamin moved away from her, but she felt the air in the room shift into something more saddening. She watched as Benjamin touched Ari's shoulder and spoke to her, she watched as the 'angry' spirit seemed to calm a little.

Dia didn't even say anything as Benjamin moved over to them, as soon as he was beside her, she pulled him into a hug and cried silently, apart from the odd hiccup or sob, into his chest.
Ari kind of just stared at the ground after Benjamin spoke to her, could they even see her? Dia obviously was seen as staff, but... her?
She looked up to Sara for a moment before she moved to lean against the wall, sliding down it to sit against the ground with her knees to her chest.
"D...Did we... do something bad?" She started slowly, Sara stayed on the other side of the room, but shook her head slightly. "I... I didn't think the connection would be... severed. I didn't... I didn't ask to be solid, I... I was attacked." Ari kind of babbled, mainly to herself.

Ray glared towards the guard as he spoke about Dia.
"Are you all fucking delusional? That bitch wasn't- Isn't staff!" She sneered with a a bit of her teeth bared. She stepped back and moved to slammed into the door with what force she could give; stumbling back and fell onto her ass with a growl. "Let me out of here you twat." She hissed.
Eros put his hooves over his face as he laid on the ground near Michael, he didn't want to see what was happening between the two legendaries. He knew the wrath his father was able to dish out, and he was worried for the Mew he now held onto. Missy nodded at Michaels' words, snuggling closer into his arm before her eyes looked over to the Legendaries, her eyes slowly drifting to Soul as he seemed to make his way over to the fight with something on his head. "Soul?" She asked before she noticed the yellow Speck that was near the fight as well, Missy's fur prickled with electricity as she realized who it was. "Sparky!"

Yalgai wanted to rush after Soul to grab Sparky from the fray, but something about Soul told her he knew what he was doing. She glanced to her brothers before she breathed in slowly, she didn't know who to ask for help. She, herself, a legendary, would pray to Arceus to help in times like this... But as Arceus was something she was praying against, she didn't want to even try it.
Soul continued his movement forward, he shot a glance towards Michael before glancing to the Gate; things seemed dire, he knew he had to get this right.
He skidded to a halt beside Sparky and moved to lift her up with telekenesis before he offered her the item. "Absorb this." He ordered the small beast, who looked at him with widened eyes as her paws pressed against the orb. "Now."

Gavin noticed Nethan had headed to the gate, he didn't want to leave Niccia's side, but in this form he couldn't do anything helpful. He felt his own anger bubble before he watched as the Mewtwo replacement followed after Nethan quietly, still holding that damn egg as if it was her own. He looked back to Niccia and to Michael, moving to dart off towards the Gate before he grabbed the egg from his replacement.
"Go." He said to her, who looked at him with widened eyes before she nodded and shifted her form quickly, cracking a gem from around her neck and clasping her hand around it, quickly mega evolving into Mega Mewtwo Y. Gavin watched her as she changed and head towards the gate once more, how come... he didn't get that?

Necrozoma only grinned at Ra, he knew Ra would be ready to leap if he dared move, and then he knew that Luna would easily follow suit; Ra would be a fun target, but Luna would be safer for him...
"Oh brother," He started slowly, "I came because it's a reunion, remember?" He spoke before moving towards Ra, which caused Luna to dart towards him before Necrozoma moved and grabbed the bat legendaries neck and slammed her into the ground. "Ahh, I can't believe that was that easy." He grinned as he felt power flood down his arm slowly, white light coursing down like veins towards Luna's body, who kicked and tried to knock off her attacker.
Ari paused at Benjamin pulling her away from him, she blinked as he spoke to her before she turned to Dia, who stayed on the bed, refusing to look towards Ari at the moment.
"Is... This why you wouldn't tell me about Ray?" She asked, Dia flinched at the words and kind of just hid into herself. "Dia, don't do this." Ari said as she turned from Benjamin and walked to her, crossing her arms and standing by the older spirit. "Don't lock down like this, I'm not going to- I'm not-" She breathed in as she felt her voice raise before she dropped her arms and closed her eyes, returning her voice back to normal. "I promise I'm not angry, I'm not going to hurt you."
Dia looked up towards Ari and hiccupped a sob, rubbing her eyes with her forearm before she looked away again. "She... Tried to attack me; I saw it in her. It's the same look you have when you're about to try and kill someone."

Ari stepped back at Dia's words, looking to Benjamin and Sara with her mouth open, but she didn't speak.
Sara flinched as Ari turned to them, moving to hide behind Benjamin, despite being a bit taller than him. "We... Didn't do anything." She mumbled softly.

Ray focused as the tranquillizer left her body, she moved to stand up shakily, stepping towards the door and pressed her head against the bars.
"Let me out." She started, knowing she'd have to argue about why she should be let out. "I'm sorry I yelled at your 'coworker'." She would have air quoted if her hands weren't fucking tied up, "I've learnt my lesson, I won't be violent. I want to draw in my room."
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