Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
6 days ago
8 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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15 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
18 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Harriet seemed to wait until the other two were there before taking a step back from the base, the area she was 'cutting out' simply disappearing into darkness. "Here we are." She said as she looked back to Morrison and smiled before she looked to Ethan with a gleam of protection in her eyes. "Come." She said as she headed inside, looking down the halls in the darkness.

Harriet paused before she pulled her arms up, closing her eyes to focus on her power before the shadows seemed to crackle and suddenly lit into light.
"There." She said as she brushed her hands together, her horns warping into view briefly once more but it didn't last a second. "Now we'll be able to see, and save our torchlights." Harriet glanced back towards the boys with a soft smile, "My room isn't too far away. Did you guys need to get anything here?" She asked, while she knew she was in charge, she didn't want to order the boys around.

Gaia fanned her wings out and moved to climb down from her caccoon, still holding the bundled blankets in her arms; using her wings to balance herself before standing up straight.
As soon as Lily spoke, Gaia's anger seemed to disappear and her sneer softened, her ears pricked back up and her spines relaxed back down to their hidden positions.
"Letter?" She asked, surprisingly unbothered by asking if she could read. "I can read, yes." She said with a nod, waiting for the letter to be put up onto the screen.

When the letter was put up Gaia's wings fanned to their full length before arching around in a defensive manner, she bared her teeth as her eyes immediately when to the signature.
"No." She rumbled, holding back the urge to roar and escape, "Do not allow them to take me." She almost pleaded, "I do not wish to go back there. I don't need to be sliced open while conscious again!"
Dia smiled as Benjamin said he was okay, only for it to fade at the sound of Ray being unhappy. "Oh." She started with a small frown as she looked over towards Ari; knowing she'd be worried.
Ari frowned, moving her eyes away from Sara and Benjamin and moving to sit down on the chair she was sitting down. Dia watched her with a small sigh and moved over to her companion and gently placed her hand on her shoulder. "Hey, It'll be okay." She said quietly.

"Is it... my fault?" Ari asked quietly, not looking up before Dia moved to hug her gently.
"It's not you." Dia replied in the same, soft tone. She pulled away and gently kissed Ari on the forehead before she moved to sit by Benjamin on the bed, moving to put her hand against his. "She'll be fine, We kept back some bad memories."

Sara leaned against the wall as the other three spoke together. She closed her eyes with a small sigh, trying to focus on the good things that were happening. Strangely, she couldn't feel the bubbling darkness that her spirit would normally give her.

A cold chill trembled up Benjamins' spine as Dia spoke to him, a low, echoing laugh seemed to drift through his mind.
Niccia jolted when she heard Lytse squeal, turning almost on her heels before she saw Netherlu and relaxed a little bit. "You spooked me Netherlu." Niccia said before she looked to Michael and to Lyste before she felt Harry trot over to her, as if he sensed her worry. "Hello little one." She said to him.
"I will stay with Lytse, he'll feel better with someone familiar around him." Harry said before he looked over towards Netherlu and bowed his head, "If that is okay with Ho-Oh of course."
Niccia nodded to Harry, rubbing his head gently before she moved to walk with Michael again.

Frosiien looked up to Benny with a gentle smile, "I haven't tried Mead yet myself, but I have tried what you humans call Hot Chocolate, and that's very nice." She said with a glance around. Everything seemed to be okay at the moment, Rorsh caught her eyes again as she ran around the area quickly, before the portal crackled to life again as an unfamiliar face walked through.
Frosiien narrowed her eyes before she shook her head and turned her attention back to Benny and Andy. "Headaches are never good, Strangely enough I get headaches if it gets too cold. Only in this form, strangely enough."

Lecrero closed his eyes and shook his head slightly, he was about to speak before his Guardian walked over to him quietly.
"I believe it's a smart idea." The Bouffant said quietly, "If this has happened while I have been around; I do not know if I can solely watch you." The Deified Pokemon hesitated before closing his eyes again.
"Fine." He said, in a way that was more defeated than angry. "If you believe it will help me, then I will allow you to give me more guardians."
"We were thinking some of our children." Kyio added with a small smile, "Watcher said he has a few, and I'm sure Harcu and I can offer a couple of our own."
"You're offering your.... Children?" Lecrero asked with a raised eyebrow, "Do you not think that will be more dangerous than me just having my guardian?" Watcher shook his head.
"Not everyone of us has young Children like you, Father. Mine are strong." Watcher said carefully.

Vatier nodded at Tanters words, he was about to speak before he watched the woman carefully. He almost shuddered before he heard footsteps behind him and a familiar feeling flooded over him before he looked back to see Michael and Niccia heading towards them. "Ah, Nethan must had talked to them." He said as he turned his back to the new woman.

Belle caught Tanter looking at her and gave a soft smile, waving her hand as she stepped down from the portal steps. Slowly making her way over to where the Duujin trio stood together.
"Brothers~" Belle said with wide arms and a cheeky smile, "It has been a while, I've missed you."
Oh yeah I was thinking that too, theres a whole set of memes online about Asexual pirates not getting entranced by sirens and i think its great ahah.
Harriet listened to Morrisons words, partially surprised that he was so happy to help but ignored the weirdness and just thought he was being kind.
"Wait here until the other two get here and then join me inside?" Harriet offered to him with a small smile, "That way everyone is together if anything, stars forbid, happens." Her attention was drawn to the building again.
Something was in there, was it hers or something else? She thought to herself before she moved towards the wall, black lightning crackling around her hands as she gently moved to trace an area over the wall as the energy sparked and crackled around.

Gaia winced at the sound of the call coming through, and the light shone through her wings as she slowly dropped her head from her cacoon and looked over towards the screen with a rumbled snarl.
"What?" She sneered, moving to blink her eyes at the sudden light from the screen, giving a rumble from her chest as she was rudely awoken.
Gaia didn't dream often but she had started to have what she believed was a dream, but she was seeing what Ethan was doing frm a presence in the trees. It felt nice to see him, even if she thought it was a dream, it made her happy he was relatively safe. She had felt Harriet around him as well, he was safer than she expected him to be.

The little Siren wandered around his new room, staring with large eyes and a massive smile at the sight of everything.
"All for me!" He said before he moved to climb up the ladder to the little pool and dove in, feeling his gills split and take in the water easily.
He swam around below the surface, feeling his body morph into that more of a siren. A tail slowly appeared on the base of his tailbone; fin-like ears took the place of his human ears and a small collapsable frill fin appeared on his head, fanning itself up as little spines grew down his spine as well as a large rudder fin. "Ahah, I'm a fish!" He said under the water before he popped his head up and breathed in a large gulp of air instinctively, even though he didn't need it.
"Mm. This is nice~" He said before he leaned against the edge of the pool and closed his eyes, humming softly as he rested there comfortably.
I have no specific preference no not really; I was thinking they could act like normal Siren song but instead of make someone completely smitten with them it just makes them really susceptible to commands?
Kinda like light hypnosis but if someones willpower is strong enough they can resist it or snap out of it like halfway through.
What ideas did you have?
Sara nodded at Benjamins' words, "You're also not a fan of him, huh?" She asked with a small smile as they headed towards Ray's room. "I'm not sure what it is but it feels weird to be around him." She shuddered slightly before she looked around as they finally got to the room.
She knocked three times, hearing quick scrambles from inside before she paused and knocked twice more before opening the door.
"It's just us." Sara started as she stepped inside.

Dia straightened up as she saw Sara walk in with Benjamin following behind, "Ari put the chair down." She said as the other former-spirit slowly moved to place the chair that was in the room, back on the floor.
"How is she?" Ari asked, "Is she okay?"
"Ari calm down, they've just gotten back." Dia said quietly as she placed a hand on the shoulder of Ari and gave a small smile. Dia looked over towards Benjamin and her eyes seemed to light up at the sight of him. "Benjamin how are you?"

The demon rumbled, moving quickly before suddenly disappearing into the shadows; causing the dark aura in the room slowly dissipated.
The Demon bubbled through the shadows and hesitated at the isolation area; feeling the draw of something darker for a moment. "Whatss thiss?" They hissed quietly as they watched over Ray as the darkness bubbled around them.
"This is my body. Leave." A larger, more rumbly voice echoed from the shadows, the shadows twisting and revealing a large set of three red eyes.
The Demon winced at the sight of the other beast before backing away and heading back towards where Benjamin was.
Harriets ears twitched at every move that the little animals created; "I do not know too much about Vampires." She continued quietly, "My brother has a small book of symptoms of transformation of many species." She finished as she paused and looked up to the base.
She closed her eyes slightly as she felt the shadows from the base whipped around in the wind. She felt everything from these shadows, pulling away with a bit of a startle and glanced towards Morrison.
She shook off the anger and worry she felt before she quickly moved to follow Morrison. "My room should be around here somewhere." She said quietly, "Am I okay to just... Break the wall?" She asked with a glance towards the other agent.

The intern nodded and scrambled away quickly after handing everything over.
The paperwork held a little list of tests to check on the male siren; mostly what Lily had already written down but also mentions testing the singing prowess of a male siren.
The letter's envelope was made out of good, strong cardboard-like paper. It opened easily from where the wax stamp of a large splotch of red wax and a stamp of a large bat.

I have come into knowledge you are holding one of my creations, one of my greatest creations.
And this is a formal letter to hand her back over to her rightful owners; as we have more need to continue the tests within our guidelines in order to ensure she is working as intended and will listen to commands given to her by my generals.

Failure to return her will cause aggression between our two agencies and I do not recommend starting a negative repour with our business.
A return address has been given on a separate paper, as well as contact information if you cannot transport the Beast to us; contact us and we'll come and take her off your hands.

The letter was signed by someone illegibly. It was obvious the note is about Gaia, and they seemed angry that this place held her in their business.

Steph laid on her bed with her eyes closed, her mind drifted to the outside world.
She worried about Mike, Ethan and more importantly Benjamin. Was he safe? Was Harriet with him?
Please be in her protection. Steph thought to herself and shivered, rolling onto her side and curling up and stared at the wall quietly. Why was she experiencing this just because she looked like a Demon?
So what that she was of demon blood? Why was that such a bad thing? She felt anger bubble through her body as she thought about it, feeling her body heat up and her skin seemed to bubble and crackle into scales in small places.
The little Mew gave a cooing sound as Kim mentioned berries, "B..Bwerries." He mumbled quietly before he glanced back over to Niccia and watched her with Michael for a moment before turning his attention back to Kim again. "Taste!" He gently said with a bigger smile.

Niccia smiled happily as Michael mentioned that the little one was in good hands. "I'm glad." She smiled to him as she noticed he looked at her. "Kim makes a good motherly figure." She laughed and leaned against Michael with a happy sigh, closing her eyes for a moment as the craziness died down and the air turned back to the feeling of happiness.
Her eyes opened as he mentioned about seeing Necrozoma, "Oh!" She said as she pulled her head from Michael's side with a small blush. "Of course, let's see how we can help him. It's been a while since I could talk to him," She looked over to where he and Tanter stood, "It seems in a good mood, despite the stuff that happened earlier."

Frosiien gave a chuckle as Andy spoke about her father, "He is odd, I apologize." She said before she leaned against his shoulder with a small sigh. "Necrozoma arrived and he was a bit... frantic." She explained softly, "Things have settled, Tanter is talking with him now; something about his children from what I overheard." She closed her eyes with a small smile, "I was busy keeping Rorsh calm, she loves when someone plays with her hair so I decided to braid it for her. She seems to be feeling better." She moved to intertwine her arm with Andys' with a smile. "We know how to keep our festivities interesting; there will always be quarrels between some legendaries- It causes some interesting StarFalls."

Watcher nodded and started over to their father.
"Father." He called out, Lecrero looked over to Watcher as the Aura trio started to walk over to him. "We have something important to discuss with you before you disappear back to your seat again."
Lecrero smirked towards Watcher before he bowed his head. "I have some time, the little one seemed to be picked up by one of the humans pokemon." He said with a soft smile, "Now how can I help you?" He looked over towards Harcu and Kyio as they now stood on either side of Watcher.

Vatier glanced to where the Dujiin boys were before he looked back towards Tanter with a weak smile. "I've only heard... Some things about her. And I feel like as the Legendary of Love and Hate just seems a bit... Much?" He asked with a bit of a sigh, dropping his shoulders. "She sounds terrifying and I'm afraid of even asking the boys about her."
The portal seemed to crackle back to life, causing Vatier to look up and over at it. A feeling of dread flooded over him as the figure who walked through came into view.

She straightened herself up and adjusted her long snake-like scarf before she moved her hands through her long white hair. A small yawn escaped her mouth as she surveyed everyone around and spotted her brothers before anything. Her white dress flooded down their body with a small side-leg slip. "Mm." She said with narrowing eyes. "Fashionably late as usual." She sounded angered and a bit disgusted.
Belle narrowed her eyes as she stood at the portal; as if she expected a massive explosion of welcoming.
I woke up to you spoiling me <3
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