Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
6 days ago
8 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
1 like
15 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
18 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Fae Royalty

Fae King

Name: King Argrean T'or.
Species: Full Blooded Southern Fae.
Gender: Male.

Height: Tall. Like, 8 foot? Usually a foot above the taller human.
Argrean is a tall, slender Fae. More Humanoid than his wife and son, Long white hair that trails down half his back. Usually tied in a rough ponytail to keep it out of his face.
Glowing Dark Blue eyes.

Cruel, Cold, Unemotional, Bastard.
Pretends he cares about the others under his control or under the ability of him to control. Cares mainly for Glory, Respect and wealth.

Fae Queen; The Queen of the Hunt.

Name: Emerdale T'or.
Species: Full Blooded Wild-North Fae.
Gender: Female.

Height: Stands around 7 feet tall, not including her antlers.
Stunningly Gorgeous. (Not bias)
Soft black hair that's done in braids and then tied in a ball. Copper eyes. Mocha skin tone.
Humanoid but slightly Animalistic; Branching Deer horns from her temples(Able to be changed the shape and size depending on whats needed), soft Doe-like fuzz over her body. Deer ears and a Fox-like deer tail. Has the ability to have Talons instead of fingernails and has Unnaturally sharp teeth when angered or needed. Fawn-like feet, fluffy ankle cuffs included C:

Excitable, Loving, Caring. Very Motherly, even to people she's not related to.
Gay as hell.
Flighty, very likely to suddenly change topics if she gets bored of one or if the topic gets too dark. Adores nature and flowers, is obsessed with Gardening and Animal Husbandry. She's a friend.
Argrean doesn't deserve her.

Fae Princess

Name: Vianna T'or-Megallon.
Species: Full Blooded Fae (Half Southern, Half Wild-North)
Gender: Female.

Height: Around 6'.
Takes a lot after her father, Gorgeous white hair and stunning emerald eyes. Mocha skin like her mother. Fully Humanoid like her father. She's slender; unbelievable that she's had 4 children.
Married off to a fellow Prince of another Kingdom across from her own, happily settled down with her husband and children. Rarely visits her family, Avoids her Father.

Rational, Tactical, Calm, Collected, Friendly, Warm.
A mix of both of her parents really. Very level headed but also very caring.

Fae Prince; The Prince of Wild, The Star-Born Prince.

Name: Fenn Orian T'or.
Species: Full Blooded Fae, (Half Wild-North, Half Star-Blessed)
Gender: Male.

Height: 5'7". He's pretty short.
Gorgeous Amber eyes that glow in starlight. Jet black hair that glistens like Bird feathers. His hair is short and scruffy, he cuts it himself with anything sharp.
Much like his mother he is beastial, due to the Wild-North blood in him. He has a pair of medium sized, Jet black, Raven wings. His ears are covered in feathers, making them point out longer than they need to be.
Mottled tan skin with freckles that are paler than his actual skin colour; looks a bit like Stars across his body.
Slender, medium length Prehensile tail that ends in a small patch of fluffy feathers and fur.

Wild by nature, prefers not to be caged or controlled; only wishes to be a free man.
Stubborn but caring, Calm yet anxious and always ready to strike out if needed. Stealthy and silver tongued.
Heart too big for his body. He's just a friend.
Enjoys to be with Lyre, his FaeRaven companion.

Fenn doesn't know he's not half Southern Fae like his father, he has no knowledge of being Star-Blessed, this will eventually be brought up in Roleplay)
Please don't post here if you're not myself(SporkoBug) or lotusthevoid, thank you!

I was just wondering because I was interested in the idea, especially if I can play the fantasy creature ahah.
Would you like me to PM you?
Apologies if I'm not suppose to ask about it here; but with the Fantasy creature/Human marriage roleplay- are you more interested in playing the human or the creature?
Dia fell silent at the mention of Ray being locked up, she looked at the floor and didn't look to Ari.
Ari frowned and moved to rub the back of her head, "Define.... before." Ari said softly, trying to dance around the question.

"An entire month has been her longest stay." Sara suddenly said, "At least if you don't count her trips back directly after getting out in the past. If we're counting those possibly Three months." Sara sighed and closed her eyes, gripping the bridge of her nose.
"Ari doesn't like talking about it, admittedly, but that was one of the first times she was in there." Sara explained as Ari flinched and almost curled up where she sat.
"Those were dark times." Dia said quietly, "She's never been the best patient here. With what she's been through, not with just us but her birth family... I don't blame her."
Nygari hummed softly at his words as she listened to him speak, her eyes darting towards Michael and Niccia. "They are only young." She commented gently, "Expecting them to even think about little ones in a time of uncertainty is a bit harsh but I understand the curiosity." The Lugia said softly, giving a soft sigh as she moved her hand down to gently stroke Lytse's head with a bit of a yawn.
She took a moment as Netherlu mentioned he wasn't the last to arrive. "It's surprising that you aren't." She said with a soft smile, moving to lift her head up to gently kiss his cheek.
"We weren't expecting Vatier, and for Belle to arrive is always a good sign." She said with a soft sigh, "You were the last of our little family to arrive and I think that's all that matters."

Vatier frowned at Niccia's words, "I would ask Luna and Ra if you really want to learn more about them." He added, "But if you wish to ask around about it please feel free. I just want my little ones to be safe." He had a look of pleading in his eyes.
Niccia nodded softly to Vatiers words before she glanced to Michael, "It might be a better idea after StarFall but we have the ability to fly there at least." She said with a smile, "Your father first, then everything else. I promise." She moved to take his free hand before she looked to Vatier.
"It will be a priority, I promise." Niccia said to him with a grin, Vatier nodded once with a weak smile.

Frosiien smiled as she watched the little one with Kim, leaning slightly on Andy before he suddenly asked about Cresselia. She nodded once with a smile, "Of course." She said as she moved to take his hand again to lead Andy along. She kept an eye out as she watched the crowd with serious eyes.
"I know she is here." She started, focusing on each face she could see. She paused as she heard a small twinkle a bit away from the crowd and smiled. "This way, my love." Frosiien said as she lead him along towards a tree a bit away from the group. A Musharna leaned against the tree quietly before it moved to pull itself into the air.
"Fortoon, it's a pleasure to see you." Frosiien said as she pulled her hands away from Andy as she clutched the small Psychic pokemon in her hands, "I presume Puth is in the tree?"
"You would be correct." A gentle voice rung from one of the branches, the voice seemed to leave a small twinkle in the space where it went silent, "I'm sorry I wasn't in the crowd. It's a bit overwhelming for me to be around everyone. Especially if Father is corrupted still."

Gavin stayed by a tree with his eyes watching the crowd and trying to keep his mind away from the other Mewtwo. He watched Harcu approach as he unfolded his arms and feigned a smile. "The commotion wasn't very enjoyable." He said with a proper smile, offering to shake Harcu's hand. "Not a big fan of having another sibling but Father will do Father does."

Belle nodded once, "Mm." She said quietly, "I'll have to go pester her when she's free. I miss her pink."
She pulled her attention back to Mindy with a bigger smile, "Oh you met Penny, that's good. She's a good kid, a bit of an airhead but I love her." Belle smiled a bit more before her stomach rumbled, "Oof, Being asleep for a while can make you hungry. Is the food good this year?" She asked both Mindy and Chifferi.
Harriet listened to Ethans words and stayed quiet before she flinched at the growl and gunshot.
She gave a bit of a sigh before looking back to Ethan. "Well, Steph looked human when she first came here." She started with a small frown, "And I guess they were testing Gaia, and either my father put in a good enough word or blended in too perfectly for them to really notice." Harriet sighed as she moved to rub her temples slightly.
"I fear that the people hunting Gaia down got in contact with them here." She admitted, making sure Barrow and Morrison wouldn't hear her words, she didn't want to try and speak mentally to Ethan as she knew it would be a rude thing to just enter.

"Ethan." Harriet said as she paused, putting a bit more space between herself and the other agents, "May I ask you a question in.. more privacy?"
Nygari flinched when he looked to her as she put her head on his shoulder, but relaxed as he gave a smile. She kept her head on his shoulder as he spoke to Harry before closing her eyes.
Harry's ears dropped at the joking of Saruya being like Entei before he pricked his ears up again; listening to the words that Ho-Oh was saying. "Something warm and cozy?" He repeated before he nodded and hopped up to his paws, "Right okay, I can work with that!" He said with a shaky voice, he was fully unsure about himself before he headed away from the small group that had gathered.
Nygari opened her eyes slowly and looked over to Netherlu as he asked if she would have grandchildren; she blinked as she thought of the question before she gave a bit of a yawn.
"I'm not sure really." Nygari spoke quietly, "Frosiien seems to have fallen beak over claws for a human, Prezzle is a grumpy bastard and Thunderk is just... An idiot." She said with a small joking grin, "And that's just the Kanto children of mine."

Vatier smiled weakly at Niccia and Michael as they said they'd help. He wasn't expecting to get help at all, but this made him feel more welcome than ever.
"I have five children." He started, Niccia's ears pricked up and looked up to Vatier with surprise and confusion before she gently smiled. "A young Abra boy, Galian. Two Ralts twins; a girl, Ella and a boy, Elliot." He paused for Michael to write it down, "A Rufflet son, Dorian but he was close to evolution so he might be a Braviary at this point, and an Aipom Daughter, Ti'ni."
Niccia nodded as she glanced to Michael, "And you're saying the humans took them for the idea of trying to pull the Ultra Beasts out?" She asked as she looked back to Vatier, "Which sounds like Aether Foundation."

Frosiien gave a small grin to Andy's words before she slowly head him to Kim, watching the little Mew Gently pulling on the cheeks of the Furret. "Definitely got a babysitter." She laughed, giving a small sigh, "It's a shame we can't interact with humans more often. But Fathers rules are sadly rules."
The new Mew's ears twitched as he glanced up to Andy and Frosiien as they got closer to them.

Kyio nodded, "Of course, we'll be here to help if needed." She said in agreement before she looked to Watcher, who had his arms crossed.
"You guys can go mingle, Kyio you need to tend to your wife and child. Harcu can go be a silent watcher. I'll stay with father for the rest of StarFall if needed." Watcher spoke, looking to Kyio and motioned with his hand for her to head off.
"You're stunning." Kyio said, turning to bow to Lecrero before darting over to Yalgai and Sparky carefully.

Belle only grinned as Chifferi reprimanded her for asking too many questions as she gently put Mindy down.
"My apologies, Ms Mindy." She bowed softly, "I got rather excited; It's an absolute pleasure to meet you." She gently cupped Mindys' hands in hers. "I hope you're not too spooked by all of the Legendaries here." She glanced to the little Jirachi with a surprised look on her face.
"Niccia's here??" She asked with a bigger grin, "Oh I haven't seen her in ages!" She turned back to Mindy and tried to drop her excitement level as to not spook her, "Have you been travelling with Niccia?"
"We also need to help Ray." Ari started with a frown, "She deserves to be saved from here too."
Dia looked away from Benjamin towards Ari as she spoke and hesitated with a nod before she looked towards Sara. "Surely we have a way to get out of here?"

Sara shuddered at the idea of people disappearing, closing her eyes as she tried to focus on things around her so she didn't panic. She wrapped her arms around her chest as she breathed in slowly.
"Ray'll be, okay right?" Ari asked after a moment, looking towards Sara, "She'll get out of the isolation rooms?"
Harriet winced as she breathed in and looked to Ethan as he took her arm. "Sorry," She started as Ethan helped her up back to her feet, "We're a team." She agreed before she straightened up as she felt her bones click before moving towards whoever took her trunk and mirror and took it from them before Barrow moved away to door.
Harriet glanced to Ethan as the other two where out of whispering difference, "Somethings happening to me." She said to him quietly, "Nothing... Dangerous to my health. Possibly a version of 'puberty' but for the Memopath species?"

She followed the other men carefully, "You... Mentioned the others were taken away." Harriet started again after a moment, "Do we know why?"

Steph slowly fell asleep on her bed, the halo flickering softly in the darkness as she stayed splayed across the bed above the covers, still in her clothes.
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