Avatar of SporkoBug


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5 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
5 days ago
7 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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14 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
17 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Eros glanced over to his father and gave a small nod at his words. "That is understandable." He said before he looked to Niccia as Sparky wriggled in her arms.
"I can ask!" She said excitedly, slipping from Niccia's grip and landing on her feet with a wide grin, "I wanna go talk to grandpa!" Sparky grinned as she wandered over towards Arceus.
Niccia watched her Pokemon walk over to their literal god, She wasn't sure it was wise for Sparky to go near Arceus so she was ready if anything went wrong.

Nygari gave a soft laugh at Netherlu's words but didn't seem to say much else. She glanced over towards Arceus as she heard Michael speak about talking to him, she was about to offer as she watched Sparky head over towards Arceus. She hesitated, glancing to Niccia and catching her eyes and gave a small smile.

Frosiien looked over to Benny gently as he returned, "That sounds lovely." She said with a smile before she glanced to Arceus as he asked about approaching him. She hadn't spotted Sparky wandering her way up to him. "I don't see why you wouldn't be able to. You're a Pokemon, you're his child; He'll speak to you." She said, Puth nodding softly.
"I'm not sure how he'll react to the little furball heading his way." Puth added with a nod towards Sparky, who was almost at the table where Arceus sat.
Ray hesitated as she took her meds from the nurse before nodding once. She moved to take it with the water quietly and moved to sit a bit better on the bed as she waited for more instructions.
Was she waiting for someone...? Some came to saw her earlier right?

Sara stayed down on the ground after Benjamin was pilled away. She was silent and just sort of stared off into space before Marc moved to kneel beside her.

When he mentioned about helping people, she couldn't help but grit her teeth.
"You wouldn't believe me." She said, almost sourly, "Even if I spoke against it." She moved to stand up slowly, "My Aunt has you all tried around her fingers, no one will even speak to the patients." She turned away from Marc and clenched her hands slightly, "And I'm just a patient too, remember."
April smiled as Benjamin gave his order, giving a nod before she hesitated for a moment.
"Eggs? Did you want them Scrambled, Over Easy? Egg Benedict, Omelets?" She asked, "They basically do anything you'd like here." April smiled happily before she looked over towards Mike, "Any food for you?" She tilted her head slightly.

Jack grinned as he leaned against the counter and got the attention of the waitress, giving their order that they currently had agreed on and ordered himself some Waffles and April some blueberry pancakes.
The Waitress looked to Jack for a moment, hesitant on leaving them alone before she glanced over to April, who gave her a small nod before she left to give the food order to the ones out the back.

"We'll have a private booth at least." Jack said with a small smile. "We can talk without worry at least."
Eros looked to Niccia quietly when Michael mentioned if his father would be okay with it. Niccia glanced to Michael and breathed in, looking over to Arceus, who finally had returned to his 'throne' at the head of the table, watching everyone leave quietly.
"We could go ask?" Niccia asked quietly, "He's calmed down now at least, I think we might have a good chance to catch him in a good mood?"
"He should be in a good mood!" Eros said with a little wag of his tail, "He would have stopped me mingling otherwise."

Nygari leaned into Netherlu's embrace and closed her eyes for a moment. She opened her eyes as Tanter joined them and gave him a small smile as he said his goodbyes. She glanced over towards Harry and Saruya before she closed her eyes again.
"I'm glad you got to see her, I'm sure it means a lot to her." Nygari said softly, "I do wonder what their cubs will be like if they end up having eggs." She said, more to herself, with a chuckle.

Frosiien smiled as she gave Kim a good pet and scratch, "I bet he loved it too." She said with a chuckle, before she glanced to Andy as he spoke and walked off.
"He's an interesting man." Puth added with a soft smile towards Frosiien, "Of course I mean that respectively." She flinched slightly before she glanced towards Gavin once more. "My apologies for being so shaky towards you." She spoke in her natural tongue, "I just haven't seen you in a while. And I know you have bad blood with my current brother."
Gavin waved his hand slightly, "It's fine Puth, I'm not angry towards you at all. You've been an amazing friend to me." He said with a smile before he glanced to Andy, "He is an interesting man." He commented, "Although, I was surprised when he managed to charm Frosiien. To be honest."
Frosiien's hair fluffed slightly before she relaxed and sighed, shaking her head. "I don't need to explain myself to you Gavin."
"Never said you did." Gavin said with a bit of a smile.
April rolled her eyes before she looked to Benjamin before giving a small smile, "I'm glad he's doing okay. If he ever needs help, please let him know I'm here for all of you." She said before she looked over towards Mike, cutting off Jackal before he could speak about it. "The Devil isn't exactly happy about some disappearances and captures from humans." She spoke gently, trying to hold back her anger.

"Oh she's really angry." Jack added with a laugh, "She's not happy that her 'prized possession' is captured." He sighed slightly, he looked towards April for a moment before he straightened up slightly. "Of course she'd be angry her granddaughter has been captured."
April shook her head slightly before she smiled to the boys, "Would you like some food? Coffee? My treat, of course."
Ray took the glass from the nurse quietly, she looked to it as she was told about taking her medication.
Did she want to take her medication? Final stages of treatment sounded good; surely this is what the others would want from her?
"I'll take my medication." Ray said quietly, "You promise it will make me feel better?"

Sara only managed to round the corner as she froze up in shock as she watched the other nurses drag a drugged Benjamin away, and Marc just... standing there.
No no no no no! She thought as she ran towards where Marc was, before Benjamin was dragged off around the corner.

"Benjamin..." Sara let out in a sigh, "No, you-" She glanced over to Marc with worry and fear in her eyes, "Why did you let them do that to him?" Her voice wavered slightly, "I..." Her body shook and she dropped to her knees. "I can't help him. I can't help anyone can it?"
Eros smiled at Michaels' words as his little tail wagged, he watched Michael look through his Pokedex, stomping his front hooves gently on the dirt beneath him as he waited. When Michael moved to show the screen to him, he moved quickly to look at the Gogoat on screen; his eyes widened excitedly as his tail wagged even more.
"Wow!" He said excitedly, "Maybe I'll evolve into one one day! Pappa doesn't talk about me evolving or going anywhere. But I want to travel! The world seems amazing!"
Niccia held Sparky quietly in her arms as she watched the figures around her seem to move and disperse through the portal. Sparky nuzzled into Niccia's neck happily with a wag of her tail.

Nygari looked towards Netherlu as he spoke to her, she moved to lean against him softly, resting her head against his shoulder with a small sigh. She didn't say much, she closed her eyes softly and took a breath inwards.
"I don't expect her to." She said after a moment of silence, "I'm happy to leave when you are, of course. I don't mind waiting." Her voice was quiet.

Gavin gave a small smile to Andy as he complimented him, well... He thinks that was a compliment at least. He glanced to Frosiien for a moment before he looked towards Puth again with a faint smile. "I don't believe there's really much to catch up on." He said softly, "We never really crossed paths unless Darkrai dragged her where I was near, but even then we stuck away from each other."
Puth nodded softly at Gavins' words. "Plus, that was the last Darkrai too." She said with a frown, "But I'm glad to see you're alright. I remember hearing what happened with you after Niccia was changed, but I'm glad to see you're okay."
Gavin waved a hand slightly, "You know me, Following Niccia to the ends of time to keep her safe and sound." He said with a laugh, "What about you? How are the kids?"
Puths' face brightened before she looked away slightly, "They're okay, I don't see many of them as they seem to be in trainers hands."

Frosiien looked down to Kim as she returned to Andy, "You look like you had fun." She said softly to the Furret, "You kept the baby quiet; usually baby legendaries scream a while." She laughed, leaning down to rub the Furrets head gently.
April only smiled at the interaction with the boys, before she nodded gently to Mike as he excused himself to look at his cellphone.
"I'm glad you are all okay." She said gently, "I have word that Harriet has returned as well, with word that Ethan is also doing well." April continued before she hesitated and glanced towards Jackal.

"My apologies." April said as she nudged Jackal slightly, who looked up from his hands and towards the boys before to April before he grinned a bit. He pulled his hood down to reveal a tanned human male with russet red hair, just past his chin and messy to high hell. His yellow eyes had a slight glow to them.
"Where are my manners," The Jackal said softly, offering his hands out to the boys once Mike was back. "My name is Jack. I am Aprils husband." April rolled her eyes at the words he decided to use, "Well, To-Be Husband. Weddings are currently on stand-by in Hell for... the time being."
Eros' ears pricked up at the mention of a Pokedex, "You have a pokedex?" He asked excitedly, "I'd love to see!" He continued with a little wag of his tail, "Pappa says that Mamma was a... Goh..goat? Have you seen one?"
Niccia looked around slowly, she noticed some of the other legendaries were slowly standing up and leaving. Prezzleflame walked over and whispered something to his mother before he bowed his head and walked back towards the portal with his younger sibling following. The Moltres took a pause to look towards Frosiien before heading through the portal and disappearing with the Kantoian Zapdos.
"Ah." Niccia said softly, "People are starting to leave." She commented quietly before she looked down to Eros with a small smile, kneeling down to gently pat his head.

Puth gave a soft smile to Andy as he thanked her, "I hope it helps as much as it's needed to." She said softly. "I'm terribly sorry if it doesn't. I'm not very helpful when it comes to these things." She said as she moved to rub the back of her head with an embarrassed grin.
"Don't talk yourself down." Frosiien said softly, looking to Puth before she glanced over to see her siblings leave. She moved to lift a hand as a wave as Prezzleflame paused to look back at her before she noticed her Cousins were gone as well.

Gavin only smiled at Harcu's words, before he was pat on the back and headed off. Gavin gave a small sigh and headed over towards Andy to stand beside him quietly. "Apologies if I'm intruding." Gavin said softly, "I don't really have many others to stand around."
Puth looked to Gavin and blushed deeply before she smiled happily to him. "It's a pleasure to see you again." She spoke softly, "I think we missed each other last StarFall."

Footsteps echoed from behind Kim before a figure knelt beside her and arms wrapped in cloth gently reached out towards the new Mew. The Female Mewtwo winced at Kim softly before giving a small smile. "My apologies." She said quietly, "May I take him? We need to head off soon and I didn't want to disturb you earlier."
Belle grinned towards the Female Mewtwo, she wanted to ask so many questions but she could tell the Mewtwo was starting to get overwhelmed with everything around them.

Yalgai and Kyio walked over towards Michael and Niccia, Yalgai placing Sparky back into her trainers arms.
"We're heading off." Yalgai said softly, kneeling to Niccia before she ran her hand over her cheek, "If you need our help for anything at all, please get Sparky to call for us." She said, almost motherly, "She should be able to open a portal to call for me and I promise I won't be too far; unless I cannot make it. I will send someone to help, no matter what." She said before she moved to kiss Niccia's forehead and smiled to Michael. "Take care of her." She winked before she straightened up and headed off towards the Portal, Kyio bowing her head and following afterwards after waving to her brother.
Ray looked to the bed silently before giving a small nod, walking over to the bed as she moved to hop up slowly. "Can I have a glass of water?" She asked quietly, she felt a bubble of darkness around her as her shadow seemed to move.

Sara had put her mug into the sink as she left the staffroom, she needed to find Marc. She scoured the main rooms with narrowed eyes.
"What are you doing?" Another nurse asked with a raised eyebrow, causing Sara to flinch and turn around with a small smile.
"I saw Marcs' name on the roster, I was wondering here he was?" She said with a grin.
The other Nurse watched her carefully before narrowing his eyes. "He's looking for Benjamin, he's missing from the head nurses call."

Oh no. Sara thought to herself, before she smiled to the other nurse and headed off towards Benjamins' room in a brisk walk.
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