Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
5 days ago
7 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
1 like
14 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
17 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Sara watched Marc be with Benjamin, but could see his expression wasn't one of happiness. She tossed up the idea of interacting them but she wasn't sure she really wanted to right now.
Her body felt heavy and her head hurt. She walked over to get a glass of water to herself, they wouldn't give her painkillers if she asked; they would be afraid she'd give them to someone else that would have abused them in the past, or they'd interact incorrectly with her system.

Sara was sure they laced the water with something, it always tasted gross to her. It never tasted clean, or at least not in the common room. It was less flakey in the staff rooms, but no one really wanted her there.

There was a moment where she looked back to Marc and Benjamin, she sighed and hung her head as she moved to take a seat on a chair nearby, but she didn't feel like interrupting anything.
That and if Marc wanted to talk to her, after what she did, he'd come to see her rather than her ruining things more.
Steph looked back towards Gaia's room as Chiyoko explained it was a goat, she frowned as she offered to hear how a man screams and shook her head. "No thank you." She said with another sigh. "Are we allowed to enter other rooms...?" She asked before she looked towards Gaia's door.
"Fuck it. I need to know if she's okay."

Steph moved over to Gaia's room and pushed the door open slowly, the scent of blood hitting her nose as she held her breath to not vomit from it. The darkness was hard for her to see through, even when aided with demon-sight. The Darkness almost felt... Alive?
"Gaia?" Steph spoke, choking on the smell of blood. "Are you okay?"

A frantic knock came on the door to Lily's room.
"Ms Lily!" A voice came from the other side of the door, "There's a bit of a problem! The Siren boy, I... I don't know what happened, we fed him his breakfast and he just went... wild." They sounded scared as they knocked again to try and get Lily's attention. "He bit two of the workers and the wounds are looking a bit... Blue in colour. Do we know much about them to find out whats happened?"

Freya pulled herself from the bathtub tiredly, her wound ached but she couldn't go to the sea without her son. Without Sammy, she wouldn't leave him behind.

She slipped on her clothes quietly, she was wounded and should stay hidden, but she wanted to get out... She craved some fried food.
Surely there was a nice place to get something around here, sure she probably couldn't afford anything, but she might be able to charm someone to get some free food.

Stepping out into the fresh air felt strange to Freya at the moment, her frilled ears pricked as she looked around. Things seemed safe, at least for now. Soon the boys and Harriet would go and take the compound where their friends and her son was hidden within.
She would get her boy back, even if it would kill her.
Valid! I'll definitely bring the siren in for Lily ahhah.
I have a terrible terrible no good amazing idea.
Does Ethan actively have feelings for Gaia currently? Like if someone commented on how they think she's good looking, would he get angery?

Also, I had an idea that possibly the Siren child could become potentially problematic and they might need to get Mamma Siren in to keep him calm? 😊
I feel like Lily would enjoy having a female Siren in the house ahaha.
April watched Benjamin for a moment before she shook his hand before shaking Mikes with a soft smile. "I'm more than happy to help you guys out." She started softly, "You two are good people, and I'm glad you're wanting to help the inhumans as well as the humans."
Jack offered to shake their hands as well, but April shot him down as he wasn't really part of it.

"Please don't hesitate to contact me." April said to them both, momentarily looking over to Benjamin, as if she knew that he had questions but she watched the boys leave.

Steph shivered before she looked over to Chiyoko, wincing at the very mention of the blood smell.
"I hate the smell of blood." Steph admitted, crossing her arms and shaking her head, "I don't need to share. I don't feed on humans. I already have a boyfriend and I will not feed on him either." She said with a grumble, "I just want to know what happened to Gaia, that blood isn't human or animal. It smells of Dragon, so it's Gaia's."

The fabric ties that she had made started to snap as Gaia slowly pulled herself up onto her limbs, she didn't really notice the extra pair of arms that pressed against the ground as she pulled herself from her old scales and out of the bloodied mess that she had cacooned in.
The goat finally noticed the movement and gave a bleat, Gaia took that moment to strike at the goat and dug into it almost immediately.
The goat gave a final scream as Gaia struck, before a horrible silence followed afterwards.

Steph winced at the scream before she looked around slowly, she shivered slightly. "Was that... Human?" She asked quietly.
"Oh right." Frosiien said with a wide smile before she looked to Andy as he, in a way, high fived Benny. "God you two are cute together." She said with a laugh before she looked over towards Netherlu with a soft smile. "It'll be a nice change to have you around." She said before she looked to Nygari. "Will you be joining us, mother?"
Nygari looked over to Frosiien and shook her head softly, she stayed silent as Netherlu explained what was happening to Arceus.

Arceus looked to the Ho-oh with a soft smile, "Of course." He said with a small smile, "Please be careful not to scorch him because he is a grass type." He laughed before he turned to Michael, "I wish you the safest of travels. Although with Niccia that might be interesting journey." He chuckled before he reached out to gently rub Niccia's head. "She's a good kid, she does have a pretty big journey ahead of her."
Dia narrowed her eyes towards Marc, she breathed out slightly and took a moment to access the situation. She had a feeling like she could pull the fact he took Sara on a date against him but she didn't want to. She gave Benjamin a pat on his shoulder before slipping off the couch and walking over to Marc.

"You know." She said, whispering in his ear that only he could hear, "You might not be a fool for seeing through this, but you are blind to see that the people here are not all insane. You humans need to open your eyes, Sara will be saddened to know someone she might like more than a simple like, is too focused on causing trouble." She stepped away from Marc and looked to Benjamin, there was a moment of hesitation before she headed out of the room.

She picked her pace up as she headed back to Rays' room, sliding through the door before closing it and collapsed onto the bed with a sigh.
"Gods be damned." She spoke out loud, Ari leaning against the wall as she watched her companion come in silently.

Sara sighed, pulling herself out of her bed before she stood and walked through the door to the hallway.
"Fuck my life." She grumbled slightly and rubbed her eyes, they stung from the tears, before she headed towards the common room. She doubted she'd be allowed to eat from the staff room in this state, but her stomach grumbled; she didn't notice how hungry she was until now.
She walked into the common room and blinked towards Marc and Benjamin lying on the couch.
April and Jack seemed to stop bickering by the time everyone finished their plates and drinks, April sighed softly and gripped the bridge of her nose momentarily before she looked to the boys and smiled.
"Thank you for meeting with us." April spoke gently, "Benjamin has my number I believe if you guys need me for anything specific, or to update me on anything." She continued, "I don't think there's anything for us to discuss unless you have questions for either of us?"

Jack leaned in his chair with a grin on his face, his eyes closed as he breathed out slowly.

Steph snapped herself out of her anger and stepped away from the man, letting him go as she felt her body tremble before looking towards the speaker, her tail swayed at the idea of a man but she gave a bit of a snarl.
"I don't need a man. I'm not what you think I am!" She called back angrily, although the pang flooded her body again and she almost crumbled over.

The goat seemed to bleat in confusion as it sniffed at the ground and slowly moved to the unsoaked bits of fabric and chewed on them quietly.
The three pairs of eyes focused on the goat carefully, the pupils narrowing slowly as the mound that was Gaia started to move slightly. Her wings slowly pulled away from her body; the sound of sinew moving and snapping as they fanned out, droplets of blood slowly falling to the ground, partially startling the goat, but it seemed for the most part unphased.
Dia flinched for a moment as Marc spoke, her mind slowly remembering where she was, she looked up to Marc with a small smile.
"He was with Steph when I signed in." She lied, "He was the first patient I met. Sara said he's a close friend."
She hoped that Marc hadn't heard what Benjamin had specifically said before Marc spoke.

She looked back to Marc and smiled slightly, "He's a good kid." She said with a glance towards Benjamin again, "I'm glad you're okay." She whispered to him.
April nodded at Mike's words, "I would like if you could." She said, "If he'd like to meet with me first before anything, please give him my number. I'm open to most calls, I don't sleep a lot these days; fielding calls from all three realms."
"Plus dealing with Grymm when they come to see us for things, so technically all four realms." Jack added, April gripped the bridge of her nose in response.

"I can ask Luci...fer-" She hesitated on the idea of calling her 'Lucy', "-And Adam to be on stand-by. Lucifer would be happy to hear that we know where she is, even if theoretically, and Adam... I'll pull some strings and probably get him some more 'followers'."
"You'll get him another Harem of men?" Jack replied without a pause, causing April to swallow heavily and hit Jacks' arm. "What?! I'm just stating what would be happening."

As soon as Gaia's door was open, the stench of blood flooded the air in the doorway, and almost immediately flooded the entire hallway.
As soon as the door was closed, there was no movement from Gaia from under her structure, only the very small movement of her breathing.

After about three minutes of nothing from Gaia, three pairs of deep red eyes opened in the darkness and slowly stared over towards the goat.

Steph yawned as she exited her room and was hit by the blood smell and gagged heavily, closing her eyes for a moment as she tried not to properly vomit.
She slowly made the connection to where it came from and saw the underling moving away from Gaia's room and felt her tail flick angerily.
Steph moved her hand quickly, pulling the underling towards her with shadows and gripped them in front of her.
"What did you do to her?!"
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