Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
5 days ago
7 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
1 like
14 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
17 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Damien glanced over to him with a calm, neutral expression before he nodded. "The marked rooms are my rooms. My office and my room." He said calmly, "If you need to find me, you're free to knock on the doors, or you can ask Vez to fetch me if I don't answer." He said with a small smile. He, himself, seemed to also ignore the door at the end of the hall.

The sound of a small bell dangling echoed around as Damien seemed to look towards the lounge. "Ah, speaking of." Damien said as he moved to kneel down and pick up a small, soft blue creature. The creature in his arms was the size and shape of a domestic cat, but with short blue fur; bright yellow eyes and a pair of small, folded up bird-wings. "This is Vez." He said softly, "She's... Basically my security system in a way, but she's also a friend."

Vez watched Jeremiah gently, her tail swaying softly- giving off the faint sound of a bell again. She moved to groom her front paws quietly. "She will stay out of your way of course, she knows how to act." He finished that sentence before his brain almost tacked on, "around humans."
Damien glanced over towards the car drove up and parked in the driveway, he took a long drag before breathing more of the smoke out- which caused more to linger around him before he moved to wave the smoke away slightly as Jeremiah exited the car. He looked over to his garden as he noticed that Jeremiah seemed to be looking it over too, but he didn't say anything as he spoke to him.

He moved to crush the top of the cigarette with his fingertips before he shook a head with a bit of a smile. "Nah, We'll get you all settled in." He said as he moved to push open the front door. The door opened to a hallway, four doors on the left side- Two of which had large red X's on the door, indicating not to enter; while there were 4 doors on the other side, and at the end of the hallway, a single door with another large X on it.
The door at the end of the hallway, if looked at for too long, had a strange feeling coming from it. An ebbing, living almost breathing aura to it.

"Your rooms the first on the left, the office, if you need it, is the next one along." Damien said calmly as he entered, "There's a bed and a set of draws," He continued, "The office has a desk, a lamp, and everything else you need. Don't worry about needing to get anything, just let me know and I should be able to get any furniture we need." He gave a bit more of a smile before he motioned with his head to the right side, "This side you have lounge, kitchen, bathroom and laundry." He explained.
Harriet sent a thumbs up to Benjamins' text as she walked along, she stretched her arms out slightly before she headed into a small shop she had spotted.
"Hello!" The person behind the counter called out, catching Harriets' attention. "Welcome to my little shop, what are you looking for?" She asked with a smile. "We have things for everyone; spell books, parchment, ward items, potion ingredients."
Harriet raised her eyebrows as she looked to the female speaking to her. "You're a witch." Harriet said calmly, the worker chuckled before she offered her hand out to Harriet.

"Marie." She said gently, "Don't worry, I'm for a Fae." She said with a wink, Harriet smiled and moved to shake Marie's hand.
"Harriet, but you can call me Harry if you need." She replied with a laugh, "I didn't expect to find a witch this far into the city."
Marie waved her hand slightly with a smile, "Better money here, plus I'm not a woods witch anyway. Not exactly a city witch but this place has customers."

A figure followed Benjamin as he left the library and split up from Mike.
>Target moved away from friend. Should engage?
They texted off to Lily, waiting in the shadows carefully.
Gavin walked over to the campfire after a while of standing off on his own before he settled down beside Michael with a bit of a sigh. He flinched when Michael handed him a bowl and gave a soft thank you, but other than that, he stayed silent.
Niccia took her food with a small smile, "Protective of me more than most of the others." She admitted as she moved to take a mouthful of food, wriggling happily at the taste of the warm food. "He's a bit iffy with the other Mythicals, but he made mew as the base of the other pokemon species. So he doesn't want that 'purity', more so power, corrupted."

"It is good. You get all the nutrients needed." Soul added with a small smile, as Eros moved to put the pallet in his mouth as he chewed quietly. He stayed quiet as he swallowed his mouthful before nodding once. Eros stayed quiet as he looked down towards the bowl of food before his tail twitched softly. "You like it, huh?" Soul added with a grin.
Eros nodded and started to eat more pallets excitedly. Soul couldn't help but smile before he looked to Lytse. "Always gets them." He added with a bit of a wink, "I had a feeling he'd end up liking it over the stuff that he would have eaten with his father."

Missy and Sparky immediately put their snouts into their bowl and started to eat quickly, Missy moving to push her head against Sparky's to try and get more food, the other little pokemon pushing back as they playfully growled at each other. Niccia looked over to Saruya with a weak smile, "I'm sorry for them." She said softly, "Sparky will play games with basically everything."
Damien nodded at Jeremiah's question to head off and work out his own stuff. He moved to scribble down the address on a bit of paper before he handed it to Jeremiah. "There's room in the driveway for two cars, so feel free to park up by the Jimny." He said before he looked towards Diane before standing and leaving.

Damien had been home for about two hours by now, he had made sure the house was more presentable than it normally was; not that it was messy, but he wasn't exactly fond of the idea of his scribbled notes on his patron and the magic he was gifted strewn around the place. He popped it all in his office, which was marked with a large X on the door. A few doors in the house had this, but Damien would explain it to Jeremiah when he got there.

Damien headed into the front of the house and into the garden; the different coloured flowers swaying gently in the wind in front of the soft blue painted single story house. The garden, despite it being autumn, was in full bloom; and if anyone was in tune with magic, would know it was a Fae's work- Keeping all of the flowers and trees in their bloomed season.

Damien lit a cigarette as he wandered through the garden, it was a little slice of home for him, almost; a bit of a happy place for the detective. As he breathed the smoke from the cigarette out; the smoke lingered around him, it's pinkish hue glimmering in the light almost like it had glitter within it.
He had tried Human cigarettes before, but the stuff they cut the tobacco with hurt his throat; so he made it a mission to get a good, steady supply of Faewild Cigarettes for himself.
Yeah that's absolutely fine!
No need to apologize!

We can skip if you'd like yeah! When where you thinking to skipping to?
Damien gave a small shrug at Jeremiah's questions, "You're free to wander in your free time, the offer still stands for a bit of a tour." He said before he laughed slightly, "I only have a cat, she's harmless for the most part." Damien chuckled.
Of course he was lying... Well, half lying; she was a cat, and for the most part she was Harmless. But she was a Fae-Wild cat; a small Winged Feline with a small pair of antlers- much like you'd expect from a jackalope. She was his guard animal, and could be dangerous when she needed to be, but she wouldn't attack someone without proper reason to.

Unless of course, it was Damien; Who had many different scratches and bite marks due to her.
Damien raised his eyebrow at the topic change and nodded once. "That's understandable." He said with a rather nonchalant tone, he looked to Diane to see if she had anything to add.
"I'll get you back here tomorrow morning for the first proper mission." Diane said with a small smile, "That way you can get used to the city a bit. Plus we'll need to get your badge and authority stuff for here." She said with a tilt of her head, "Of course we won't drag you too long, I don't know if you have something else to do or not today. So unless there are more questions, you're free to wander off?"
Ooooh I like those!
Steph looked over to Gaia as she stayed on all... Well, she can no longer say all-fours. "Did you want to head up to the common room?" She asked, Gaia didn't reply for a moment, her body staying still as her pupils seemed to flex in size. "Gai?"
Gaia let out a low rumble as she slowly turned towards Steph rather awkwardly around the size of the hallway and the spines down her back prickled slightly.

"Gaia." Steph hissed towards her angrily, trying to remember how Harriet managed to calm Gaia down when she got weird like this. "Don't try any shit, I will hit back if you try anything."
Gaia paced towards her slightly before moving past her with a sway of her tail, hitting Steph gently and pushing her to the wall as a couple guards came from the other elevator.
Is she protecting me? Steph thought to herself before Gaia's tail slowly wrapped around her waist and hoisted her into the air. Shit?!

Harriet had left the house for the first time in a while, she wondered why the agency didn't try and take her away; but she shrugged it off. She looked to her phone, thinking to text Ethan to check up on him, but thought against it, he's probably still resting.
She paused before she sent off a text.
She sent it off to Benjamin, they might as well meet up and go over the game plan now that she had apparently stabilized.
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